The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Barbara Boxer Tries to Makes Points, Doesn't Make Sense
Topic: Politics
After a drought for a week from the weekly DSCC email, we're back in business, coming to you this week from California's own resident lady of insanity, Senator Barbara Boxer. And please note that we hold nothing against the Democratic party, but cannot fucking stand Sen. Boxer. Let's see what idiotic crap is spewed from her nutzoid mouth.
Last week, nonpartisan political analyst Charlie Cook said that Republicans face the threat of "an electoral rout" in this November's midterm elections... Cook is only the latest pundit who sees the Republican machine creaking under the weight of its own incompetence and corruption. - Cook is actually not non-partisan at all. He's been a supporter of the Democratic party for years and has even worked on Sen. Boxer's reelection campaign. Nuff said.
In Republican strongholds like Ohio and Missouri, challengers Sherrod Brown and Claire McCaskill are putting Bush acolytes Mike DeWine and Jim Talent on the defensive. - The GOP is on the defensive because DeWine and Talent have been compared to lapdogs and murderers. Oh, and both are still leading in the polls. Try again, Babs.
Because George Bush is so unpopular, Republicans have been unable to recruit quality candidates to challenge Democratic incumbents. - Dammit. She's right.
With most of our incumbents in strong positions, the DSCC has been able to allocate most of its resources to battleground states like Pennsylvania. That's where Rick Santorum is finding that there is a price to be paid for cultural radicalism and a shameless fealty to corporate special interests. - Santorum is a piece of shit and deserves to lose. He's a crapbag of deceit and corruption and should be tied to a log in the Everglades during feeding time.
In Montana, three-term Republican incumbent Conrad Burns is trailing Democratic challenger and third-generation farmer Jon Tester by seven points. - So a three-term Senator versus a third-generation farmer? Yeah, we'd rather have the farmer too.
So for some reason, Babs actually came off as not quite as insane as she normally does. Perhaps she can mellow out in the future and think before she speaks... yeah, we were just glancing outside looking for flying pigs too.
Posted by James
at 4:27 PM CDT