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Monday, 14 August 2006
Speeder Attempts to Attack Police Officer With Tomahawk
Topic: Stupidity

Living in the downtown area of a major city, we are very used to some of the dumbest criminals known to exist.  However, none of them even holds a candle to Jeffrey Moore of Deposit, New York.

After being pulled over for a speeding violation, Mr. Moore instantly got out of his truck and began to swing a tomahawk wildly as he made his way towards the officer who stopped him.  When asked why he had the Native American weapon, Mr. Moore replied that he was having a really bad day and someone else was about to as well.

Turns out not so much.  The officer calmly removed his Taser from his belt and jolted Mr. Moore to the ground, where he was easily subdued.  Now Moore faces multiple charges, including weapons possession, attempted assault on a police officer, and a misdemeanor charge of something called "menacing," which we don't quite understand why this charge even exists.



Posted by James at 11:44 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 14 August 2006 11:46 AM CDT
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Friday, 11 August 2006
Israel/Hizbollah Reach Cease-Fire Agreement, Won't Give Out Details
Topic: World News

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced that they have accepted a cease-fire agreement with Hizbollah.  While no details have been released, this undoubtedly means the return of the captured Israeli soldier.

Although no one has mentioned it and anything that comes close to it is speculation, it looks as if Israel's recent massive offensive is the reason.  Plus, Hizbollah probably realized that they fired off way too many missiles without really doing that much damage.

We also have no word on Mel Gibson's thoughts on this, but we can be sure they're not very good. 



Posted by James at 9:23 PM CDT
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Horny Male Sea Cows Fight Over One Heifer; People Crowd Around to Laugh and Point
Topic: Weird Shit

A group of ten horny manatees entertained a large group of spectators in Longboat Key, Florida, after chasing a female into shallow water and duking it out for her affection, proving once again just how similar manatees are to drunken guys in a bar.

"It's cool and funny at the same time," said Megan Blasberg, 11, who was among the crowd that gathered to watch the spectacle Thursday. "They're all like fighting with each other."

Scientists believe that the group followed the weary female into the shallow water but obviously didn't understand what she meant when she said "no."  Just like drunken guys in a bar.



Posted by James at 2:53 PM CDT
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Former Hollywood Agent Wins World Series of Poker, $12 Million, Probably Guest Appearance on Next Season of Entourage
Topic: National News

Former Hollywood agent Jamie Gold (no relation to Ari of Entourage - ed.) eliminated a 25-year-old restaurant manager earlier this morning to win $12 million in the 2006 World Series of Poker.  Gold, who previously said he wanted no part of the fame that would be doled out to him if he did win, is now the most famous poker player in the world, even though he could spend the rest of his life burning money and not have to worry about going broke.

"I knew that he was weak but he had a hand. And then I knew it was my chance," Gold said. "I went all in and then I just went into my act. I actually talked him into calling with the worst of it and that won the whole tournament."

However, even the first of the final nine contestants to be knocked out of the contest still went home with $1.57 million, we're betting the single and looking Gold to be tossing money around to high class Hollywood tramp tail such as Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton to hang around with him, because hell, he's got the money, fame and allure, so why not?  Every H-town chick needs a sugar daddy.



Posted by James at 1:38 PM CDT
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Thursday, 10 August 2006
No Posting Today
Topic: Housekeeping
Sorry for informing y'all too late, but there are a few personal things we need to deal with today who's severity outweighs this tiny little blip of the Internet.  See you maybe tomorrow.

Posted by James at 12:37 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Don't Fly TAM Airlines Unless You Like Incomplete Planes
Topic: Stupidity

A plane run by Brazilian airline TAM Airlines landed without further excitement after one of its doors fell off during takeoff and smashed in a supermarket parking lot.  The plane was apparently a very old Dutch model that doesn't have the best flight record, including Brazil's worst airline disaster in 1996.

The type of plane, coincidentally, is called a Fokker 100, proving that even a full-sized multi-engine jet can be called a fucker.  This one has been involved in four accidents since 1996, when previously said accident occurred.  TAM airlines announced that they're replacing all the Fuckers, but that they still have 22 still in constant rotation.



Posted by James at 3:36 PM CDT
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Alcoholism All the Rage in Hollywood; Claims Mork from Ork
Topic: Entertainment

After months of reading how every actor and actress in Hollywood is stumbling with alcohol abuse, from Lindsay Hohan's constant partying to Mel Gibson's drunken ant-Jew tirade (thanks for bringing back the phrase "sugar tits" Mel! - ed.), the delicious substance has taken another one of LaLa Land's favorites: Mr. Robin Williams.

Williams struggled with drugs and alcohol early in his career and has since been on the clean streak, but the actor/comedian has checked himself into rehab after hitting another rough patch.

While his publicist says that he's not an alcoholic and has just found himself drinking more lately, he's decided to be proactive and get help early on.  If Williams were not turning out serious fare now, we'd be all for him to continue to drink, as he was a lot funnier in the early 80s when you had no idea what he was doing on stage but it was absolutely uproarious.  But good luck Robin, and get back to making good movies, instead of crap like RV.



Posted by James at 3:09 PM CDT
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Otters Joining Pandas and Snakehead Fish to Take Down Humans!
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

Our animal alert mode has been set off since the Snakehead fish first came into our peripheral.  Then the bass with the human-like teeth was caught shortly before panda bears started to produce offspring like never before.  Now otters, those lovable little water mammals who do the cute human things with their hands, have joined these other three monsters and are going after us as well, taking out our first level of protection; our guard dogs.

A violent otter in West Boca, Florida, recently came out of the water and dragged in a full-grown yellow lab before an attempt to take down the lab's pal, a fox terrier.  Owner Leah Vanon witnessed the entire power struggle.

“This one large otter probably the mother otter came swimming across and before I knew it she ran up the embankment and grabbed Jasmine the lab by the snout and pulled her down into the canal."

“The otter immediately starts going after him and goes after his snout and starts flipping him and dunking him and to drown him like they do to a fish. I started punching the otter in the face which I felt really bad about because it's cute and I didn't want to hurt it but it was killing my dog.”

This shows the otter's plan.  Look at what Ms. Vanon said: "I started punching the otter in the face, which I felt really bad about because it's so cute..." Much like the Chinese pandas, the otters are planning to lure people in by using their cuteness and ability to use their hands like we do, while the Giant Panda, Snakehead fish, and Human-teeth fish move up behind us, surprising the friendly humans and taking them down one by one with a barrage of ankle-biting and face smashing.  Mark our words; this shit is for real.



Posted by James at 12:33 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 2:59 PM CDT
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Brazilian Man Teaches Us How Not to Disarm a Bomb
Topic: Weird Shit

That title is not entirely true, but we did not want to ruin the kicker of one of the funniest stories we have ever heard.

A man in Rio de Janeiro was killed on Tuesday in his workshop when he tried to open up an unexploded RPG (rocket-propelled grenade - ed.) with a special tool.  That tool?  An eight-pound sledge hammer.

The "victim's" entire workshop was destroyed in the ensuing blast and multiple cars that were parked outside were severely damaged.  A friend who was inside the building at the time is currently in the hospital with severe burns.  When police arrived on the scene of the accident, they found multiple RPG's which they reckon had been brought to the workshop to be sold for scrap metal.

This is more proof that despite what you see in cartoons, a hammer is not always the be-all, end-all tool to fix anything from refrigerators to round bombs with burning fuses.



Posted by James at 12:07 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 8 August 2006
Heated Political Debate Choreographed by Bobby Knight
Topic: Media

Politics are only second to religion for starting heated, vile discussions between two people.  And thanks to CBS News Video, we have footage of one such debate in Florida between a left-leaning candidate for local office (who happens to own a string of topless clubs - ed.) and his polar opposite, a Republican radio host.

The aftermath of the argument involves a storm off and a flying chair, for which we must say thank you to CBS News for repeatedly showing the chair hitting the candidate smack in the face.  You guys friggin' rock.



Posted by James at 5:21 PM CDT
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Pandas Spawning Rapidly to Take Down Human Captors!
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

Three different panda births in the past three days have raised alarm in mostly us, worrying that the stupid bears have finally figured out how to reproduce and will soon have armys powerful enough to break free of their human captors and run amok across the globe, destroying croplands and caging humans in some weird Panet of the Bears society.

The worst news regarding these momentous births were that two pandas also gave birth to sets of twins, meaning that the Chinese panda bears are able to reproduce at double the normal rate, bumping up the takeover timeline.  Meanwhile a "boss panda" or "giant panda" as scientists prefer to call them, gave birth to the pink monster you see to the right, causing concern that even if we were to be able to take down the Chinese pandas, or "grunts," we would have to face a breed of super-pandas, like the Brutes out of Halo 2.

So do your civic duty, America, and have your pandas spayed and neutered.  We can't afford to have these and the snakehead fish teaming up to take us down.



Posted by James at 2:39 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 3:00 PM CDT
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Judge Rules Drunken Defense Attorney Too Hammered to Argue Case
Topic: Stupidity

A Las Vegas defense attorney who was supposed to argue a kidnapping case ended up receiving a mistrial for his efforts after showing up to court slurring his words and reaking of tequila.

"I don't think you can tell a straight story because you are intoxicated," Clark County District Judge Michelle Leavitt told defense lawyer Joseph Caramango.

After receiving a breathalyzer test, Caramango was found to have a BAC of .075, which is under the legal limit of .08, but still pretty randy for a day in court.  The courthouse nurse confirmed that Caramango had been drinking tequila shots just hours before he was scheduled to argue his case and the attorney himself said that he had been drinking the night before.

To make things weirder, Caramango showed up 90 minutes late to court with a woman who he identified as an ex and introduced as Christine.  However, the woman said her name was Josephine and that she had met the attorney only 20 minutes beforehand at a local bar and grill.

Caramango was not found in contempt of court, and it is doubtful that he will be disbarred for his actions, as hilariously fucking stupid as they were.



Posted by James at 1:11 PM CDT
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Parallel Parking Kills!
Topic: Weird Shit

A 15-year-old girl in New Jersey slammed into her mother with the family car during a driving lesson while she was attempting to learn how to parallel park, causing massive internal injuries and pinning her under the Suburban.  She later died on the scene after being trapped beneath the massive SUV for hours.

Police said no criminal charges would be filed since the accident was on private propoerty, and that what most likely happened was that the daughter hit the gas instead of the brake.  This is a lesson to other parents in America who are attempting to teach their children how to drive.


They have low paid professionals and companies that can do this for you, thus alleviating the risk of death for you or your spouse.  While this is of course a tragic accident, we can only say that this poor girl will undoubtedly be taking the bus everywhere for quite sometime.



Posted by James at 12:28 PM CDT
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Monday, 7 August 2006
Venezuelan Comedian Kicks Off Campaign Against Hugo Chavez, Offers Free Beer for Everyone
Topic: Politics

A Venezuelan stand up comedian by the name of Benjamin Rausseo has launched his campaign for the Presidency of the embattled country and is swearing that his candidacy is for real and he hopes to oust the internationally unpopular current President, one Hugo Chavez.

While many have said that Rausseo's plight for the position is a joke, the comedian and extremely successful businessman has said that he is 100 percent serious, and that he aims to knock down Chavez's corrupt regime and begin to work with the international community.  Also, he promises free beer for everyone if he wins, something that we can fully get behind.

His one man political party, the Independent Party for Advanced Answers, or PIEDRA, has created its slogan as "Vote Piedra," a phrase meaning "vote for the party" and "get angry."

And even though Chavez is great fodder for news and jokes, we believe that he is also a negative in the world leader category, and because of our love of comedy, we're throwing our hat in the ring for Benjamin Rausseo for Venezuelan President.  Now we only have until December 3 to get full Venezuelan citizenship.  Anyone out there know how to expedite that?



Posted by James at 4:39 PM CDT
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Greatest Innovation in Bar History Ever; The Chinese Beating Bar
Topic: World News

A bar in Beijing, China, has just opened up a new idea that we consider to be one of the most innovative and genius ways of getting more females into your establishment ever.  Since April 2006, the bar has hired twenty young muscular men to stand still while patrons pay as low as $6.25 to wail on them, brutalize, punch and smash things on their bodies and heads.

"Customers can specify how they want the models to appear -- they can even appear as women -- and then they are free to give them a sound beating," the China Daily said.

But if this perhaps does not allow the patrons to work out their anger, the bar has also hired counselors from the local university to listen to their problems and dispense advice.  And if that doesn't work, then the place is a goddamn bar and they can just get obliterated.



Posted by James at 3:51 PM CDT
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Possessed Pennsylvania Road Claims Two Brothers in Two Separate Motorcycle Accidents
Topic: National News

A long stretch of Pennsylvania road has claimed two brothers in two separate motorcycle accidents two hours apart from each other.  Jeremy Kerr was headed to the scene of his brothers fatal accident on Route 38 when he failed to pay attention and smashed into the back of a car stopped in traffic caused by his older brother's wreck.

Steven Kerr was killed in a bit of irony when he slammed into a speed limit sign while apparently speeding, which would foreshadow his brother's own accident, who also crashed because he was speeding.

So this note is for all motorcycle riders in the Pittsburgh area (we have biker readers? - ed.); stay the hell off of Route 38.  That road is evil and hates you like you hate hippies.



Posted by James at 11:46 AM CDT
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Frozen Dead Dog; It's What's for Dinner in Germany
Topic: Weird Shit

When we moved into our latest apartment three years ago, the complex tried to start our stay here on an epic level, by loading up our fridge with a quart of milk, a frozen pizza, and two slices of bread.  A woman in Germany who moved into her new apartment found an equally packed refrigerator, except she had better unpack her pots and pans, because she received a dead, frozen canine in her freezer.

The popsi-dog belonged to the previous tenant, who claimed that the greyhound had died of natural causes and that he had simply not had time to give it a proper burial and promptly forgot about the body.  This would make sense, if the man was a cracked out druggie who somehow forgot that he had placed a dead animal inside his freezer.

"Sweetheart, could you get me some sherbert?"

"Sure honey.  Where is it?"

"Look behind the dog in the freezer.  You should see it."



Posted by James at 11:26 AM CDT
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Saturday, 5 August 2006
Oh Crap. Our Hometown College Wants Ousted OU Quarterback to Transfer
Topic: Sports

After moving from Wisconsin and South Dakota to Texas at age 4, we lived in the town of Commerce, home at the time to East Texas State University, where our father was teaching.  A few years passed and our dad moved on to better things.  So did ETSU.  They became Texas A&M-Commerce, and we took college classes there during the summers and our senior year of high school, almost earning enough college hours to be a sophomore when we went to the real Texas A&M in College Station.

And A&M-Commerce has flourished since we left, especially when it comes to sports.  Their football team won multiple Division II NCAA championships, and now, it appears that they're looking to win more.  Reps from the school have confirmed that they are in talks with the NCAA to offer recently released OU quarterback Rhett Bomar, he of the $4,000 fake job from an OU booster, a position at their school as a transfer athlete.

The school should be proud, as this is the most they've ever been in the news, even getting themselves on ESPN.  Maybe instead of losing residents of the town (it dropped from a population of over 8,000 to 6,500 after we left - ed.), they'll keep their population up, and maybe even get a bar.  Because there isn't one, which leads us to our next question.  How in the holy name of shit can you have a town with a college of 12,000+ and not have a single actual bar?  Idiotic.



Posted by James at 5:52 PM CDT
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Floyd Landis, You Suck
Topic: Sports

2006 Tour de France winner Floyd Landis failed his "B" sample this morning, confirmed reports that he did in fact take testosterone during his massive comeback to win this year's crown of all cycling races.

Following the announcment, he was fired by his team, Phonak, and notified that unless there is a major immediate change, his Tour de France title will be stripped and given to runner up, Spaniard Oscar Pereiro.

Landis will of course appeal, but even if he wins, he will no doubt always be thought of as a cheater.  Pereiro was very forgiving of Landis, and even said he considered him his friend.  Now it's up to time and probably another batch of tests, which could take up to six months, before any concrete finale is met.  But we can finally say that Floyd Landis has let us down, as well as the entire cycling community.

This is the first time in the 103 year history of the race that a champion will ever be stripped of his title.



Posted by James at 1:14 PM CDT
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Friday, 4 August 2006
The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; The Return of Eyebrows McSmilesalot! John Edwards in the House!
Topic: Politics

This week's DSCC email comes to us from the smile of one Senator John Edwards, who still remains the only person to have their headshot grace the email's contents, reminding us of his smile and who exactly he is.  The subject?  Callous Disregard.  This should be a good one.

With the anniversary of Katrina approaching, I'm reminded of the pictures of thousands of vulnerable people stranded in the New Orleans Superdome. - And out comes the Democrat's version of 9/11, straight out of the box like a race horse in its prime.

It's a pretty safe bet that George Bush and his Republican allies in Congress don't spend much time thinking about it.  They are too busy grandstanding about flag burning and passing even more tax cuts for the most fortunate Americans. - Good point, but there is this whole situation in Lebanon and Israel right now that might be slightly more important.  And we wonder if Sen. Edwards will give his massive tax cut back to the government or just go buy another house.  We're betting on number two.

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan demonized poor people as lazy and undeserving with the term "welfare queens."  Today, the G.O.P. is using the same mean-spirited and polarizing tactics.  Just weeks ago, U.S. Representative John Culberson, a Houston Republican, said he wanted "deadbeat" Katrina evacuees out of his city. - You're a fucking retard, John Edwards, and we refuse to call you Senator anymore.  Since Katrina, the murder rate has risen 33% in Houston, and violent crimes are up almost 50%.  Three quarters of the criminals caught in these crimes are Katrina evacuees.  If we were the mayor of Houston, we'd want these people out too.  And notice how Culberson also said he wanted "deadbeat" evacuees out, not evacuees.  Who wouldn't want transplanted crminals out of their city?  We're done with you Edwards, and angered enough by your stupid comments that we're deleting your email.  Go pluck your eyebrows.



Posted by James at 3:25 PM CDT
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