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Friday, 4 August 2006 Takes Wagers on Castros Life or Death; We're Putting all Our Money on Black, Because Black Always Wins
Topic: Weird Shit

Internet gambling site has begun to take bets on whether Cuban dictator Fidel Castro will die from complications fromthe surgery he underwent earlier this week.  Over 3,000 bets have been placed, with the stakes depending on whether the dictator will die in September or October.

"We don't want to profit on someone's death. But Castro is unique," said Christopher Bennett, media relations director for  "I personally wrestled with it. But ... this could have a huge effect on economics, foreign policy, trade. It's more than just someone passing away."

This is the same company that has taken bets on whether or not Britney Spears was with child and if Jimmy Hoffa's body will be found or not.  Apparently, was started by a bunch of dudes sitting around playing Xbox on a Saturday night.  We did this stuff in college, so we can officially say that we're going to this site to place a bet right now.




Posted by James at 2:02 PM CDT
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When Text Messaging Rages Out of Control...
Topic: Technology

A 21-year-old sales assistant (i.e. cashier - ed.) in England was fired by text message while she rested at home with a migraine.  While the company calls itself "youth-oriented"and claimed they were merely trying to keep with the times and pop culture, the message that they sent was very Old Money boring, stating itself way to clearly for the texting crowd.

"We will not require your services anymore...Thank you for your time with us."

First, whoever had this idea is a genius, especially since the employee, Katy Tanner, had not answered multiple calls.  We've learned that girls are fighting the use of a cell phone for anything other than a portable emailer, so we're happy that someone finally struck back.

However, we understand why she was angered by this.   When we were fired, it happened to our face, which might not have been such a good idea by our boss if we had not still been drunk and unable to hit one of the three of him that kept moving back and forth in front of us.  Not that that really happened.  It just sounded funny.



Posted by James at 1:38 PM CDT
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Houston, We Have Technical Problems
Topic: Housekeeping

It's getting out of hand over here with the technical problems, which are all trying to get through the door at the same time like the Three Stooges.  Woop woop woop woop woop woop woop!

We've got it fixed, but if you're seeing an error message at the top of the page or it's taking five minutes to load the page, let us know, because we'll beat our IT howler monkey until he poops on the right harddrive and gets us fixed.

Posted by James at 1:31 PM CDT
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Thursday, 3 August 2006
Stop Taking Vitamins Right Now or Face Possible Sickness and Death!
Topic: Technology

A team of British scientists have hit out against vitamin tablets, especially C and E caplets, claiming that they will harm you more than help you, possibly creating extra illnesses.  Also, the amounts that people take have been proven to offer no extra help in real life and only work on much smaller cultures in test tubes and lab tests.

"You name it, if it's an anti-oxidant, we'll swallow it by the bucket-load. We have become anti-oxidant devotees. But are they doing us any good?  Evidence gathered over the last few years shows that, at best, antioxidant supplements do little or nothing to benefit our health," noted New Science magazine.

Apparently an American team of scientists have also warned that multi-vitamins, such as Centrum Silver and the Wal-Mart off brand we use (anything to save 46 cents - ed.), can be very harmful if taken too much, as one could easily overdose on them, creating a higher possibility of organ failure.

This just goes to show you that George Burns was right; three dry martinis and cigars a day and you'll live to be 100. 



Posted by James at 6:48 PM CDT
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Vienna Becomes Kingdom of the Spiders!
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

The ancient glorious city of Vienna, Austria, is reeling after a massive attack from the dangerous Yellow Sac Spider, which have overrun the city and sent mass panic into its residents.

Nearly 200 people were admitted to area hospitals Wednesday to receive treatment for spider bites by the Yellow Sac, which have the ability to transmit a horrible flesh-eating disease.  Now, Vienna authorities have put a bounty on every spider that its citizens kill, with as much as a $250 reward for bringing in the evil little shits, which enjoy attacking people while they sleep.

While the spider is not deadly, it can create a terribly painful rash in many cases, which sometimes can leave a scar.  And god help us if the Yellow Sac Spiders in America, which are some of the most common variety, get the message to go after humans, because then we could all be in a mess of trouble.  Our idea is for everybody to get a cat, because ours eat any bug-like critter that comes into our apartment, keeping us safe from bed bugs at night.  You don't know the killing power of a cat until you see one jump four feet in the air and take out a moth.  That's just badass.



Posted by James at 2:02 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 3:01 PM CDT
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Doberman Guard Dog Hates Teddy Bears, Especially Elvis's
Topic: Embarrassment

A doberman guard dog that was supposed to have been protecting a plethora of rare teddy bears went on a massive killing spree in London, destroying multiple stuffed bears, including a $75,000 1909 Steif bear named Mabel that had been previously owned and prized by Elvis Presley.

The dog ended up mauling $900,000 worth of bears before his handler, Greg West, was able to wrestle the miscreant pooch to the ground after minutes of chasing him around and attempting to stop the utter destruction.  As you can see from the photo to the right, the devastation was horrible, with stuffing and fur flung about.

This is more proof that if you leave a dog in the vicinity of anything that's stuffed for too long, their natural instincts will kick in soon enough and wonton killing will begin.



Posted by James at 1:54 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 2 August 2006
British Theme Park's "National Muslim Fun Day" Sounds Horrible, Not Fun and is Canceled
Topic: Stupidity

The worst kind of prejudice in our minds is the stupid kind, and British theme park Alton Towers has just canceled their horribly prejudiced, sexist and retarded "National Muslim Fun Day."  During this magical afternoon, the park would ban alcohol sales, music and gambling, and all of their popular rides and attractions would be segregated by sex.

Not surprisingly, interest in going with all the guys and no chance to get a little chippy on the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ride was quite low.  Ticket sales dwindled, causing the cancellation, but it also appears that non-Muslims, including a couple that was getting married in the park that day, we extremely offended by the planned day of racist, sexual and fanatical "fun."

Any normal person should be.



Posted by James at 4:30 PM CDT
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Alligators Invade Montana! Most Likely Looking for Place to Relax
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

For those of you that live in Montana, far away from the hustle, bustle and danger of the big cities and coasts, you now have something to fear besides an errant cow in the middle of your (dirt) road; alligators.

Two young boys caught a 60 lb. alligator while fishing in their family's pond this past weekend.  This is the first known finding of the sizable reptile in the state, meaning that many more could be in hiding.

“This thing was very aggressive,” Bryant, one of the young fisherman, said.

“It was snapping at us kids and adults,” his brother Josh noted.

The adults, being cool and always calm, freaked the fuck out, and ended up trying to kill it like bronze age warriors attempting to bring down a mammoth.  After first shooting it with a bow, one of the boy's fathers decided the smartest thing to do was to go after the wounded creature with a stick by jumping into the pond and beating it before tossing it up onto the bank, where a group of men were ready to tie the bastard down.

After doing so, one of the group remembered his action movie training and attempted to slit the gator's throat with a pocket knife, which of course didn't really work.  After calling the police, someone finally realized that gunpowder had been invented and shot it, thus ending its life.  The gator is currently on ice at the local vets, who will attempt to figure out how the hell it got to Montana.

This is a lesson for everybody out there in Montana; if you see an alligator, you do not shoot it with a bow, hit it with a stick, or attempt to slit its throat.  Guns, vehicles and hand grenades work better, you back-water jackasses.



Posted by James at 12:45 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 3:01 PM CDT
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If You Drive a Jeep Liberty, PRAY
Topic: Cars/Automotive

Chrysler/Jeep has issued a massive recall to all owners of a 2002-2006 Jeep Liberty, fearing that the 800,000+ vehicles on the road could have catastrophic steering failure, resulting in their small SUV flipping off the road and exploding in a ball of fire that would give hack-tastic director Brett Ratner an erection.

The problem resides in the front ball joint, which is a part of the suspension that keeps control to the front wheels at all times.  A ball joint can range in price from $150-$300 and takes no time to replace, but Chrysler and Jeep seem to think the problem is a tad bigger, issuing a recall on the 832,000 vehicles that have been affected by this ball joint failure.

And yes, we're fully aware of the absolute hilarity of the term "ball joint" but sometimes you people are just sick.  There have already been 111 complaints about this component failing and you're making testicle jokes!  Geez!



Posted by James at 11:45 AM CDT
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40 Percent of Fat Americans Pigs Lying to Selves, Telephone Surveyors
Topic: National News

A phone survey of 1,100 Americans showed that the majority of those called claimed that they had healthy eating habits, proving that fat people do indeed lie to not only themselves, but others as well.  Plus, 40 percent of obese people interviewed in the study claimed to "vigorously exercise" three times a week.  Yeah right.

The study also confirmed that over 2/3's of Americans are overweight, and yet don't admit to it or realize it.  Respondants were not required to let the surveyors know that they eat, but our guess is that the 40 percent of fat people who claimed to work out probably had a diet somewhere near the old food pyramid that recognized the major food groups.  The bacon group, sugar group, soda group and pizza group.

Sigh.  At least we're not fat anymore, so we now have the right to feel bad for these denial-munching chunk-monsters.



Posted by James at 9:03 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 1 August 2006
Myspace for Senior Citizens Alerts Your Friends When You Die... Creepy
Topic: Technology

Thanks to the epic popularity of, founder Jeff Taylor has launched, a Myspace of sorts for the 50+ crowd, which tracks your friends and even alerts you when they've died.

"Many people no longer live where they grew up so the idea of a rich story about someone's life in a local newspaper is often lost," said Taylor.

This lesson in creepyness should earn Taylor some fame as a Grim Reaper of the Internet, and might also be interesting to watch to see how takes off or ends up in its own grave.  We wonder who will receive an email if that happens.



Posted by James at 4:45 PM CDT
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Mel Gibson Might be Suicidal, Stupidly Asks Help From Jewish Community
Topic: Entertainment

In the aftermath of his drunken driving, Jew-bashing weekend in Malibu, Mel Gibson has already tried to correct his behavior in the midst of reports of his suicidal thoughts and anti-Semitic past.  Now, Mad Mel has decided it's time to reach out to the Jewish community, but this time without reaching with a rope or flaming torch and instead with compassion.

“There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark,” Gibson said in the statement.  "Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith.”

Wait a second.  Isn't Mel a Catholic?  Isn't that one of their founding doctrines?

Mel has now checked himself into rehab and is looking for help from the Jewish community during his time of need, most likely so he won't get blacklisted and have to make Lethal Weapon 5 to pay the bills.  Because that would suck, and nobody wants to see that.



Posted by James at 11:03 AM CDT
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Woman Old Enough to Drink Arrested for Identity Theft After Being Carded by Real ID Owner
Topic: Embarrassment

We can understand the reasoning behind a minor wanting to use a stolen identification card; you can drink legally.  But whenever you are over the age of 21 and pretending to be someone else, either everything is not quite right up there or you've got some serious criminal problems going on with your real self.

Such was the case with 23-year-old Maria Bergan of Westlake, Ohio, who was arrested for identity theft and receiving stolen property after being carded at the bar where she stole the ID and a credit card from the waitress who was carding her.

Ms. Bergan soon realized that something was afoot when the waitress did not immediately return with her identification card after calling it in to the police, so she took off.  However, she has shitty friends, who ratted her out instantly to the fuzz.  This is another case of proving that sometimes people are stupid, and sometimes people are retarded.  This case is firmly grounding in the latter.



Posted by James at 10:25 AM CDT
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Monday, 31 July 2006
Six-Year-Old Does 10,000 Pushups in Three Hours. Just... Holy F*$#
Topic: World News

Six-year-old Lu Di of China performed 10,000 pushups in a row in three hours and twenty minutes, earning himself a 10-year scholarship to his kung fu school.

Just check out the picture to the right.  It's... it's... it's embarrassing that we're 26 and pass out after doing 100 pushups, waking up hours later in a pool of vomit and urine.  And he has a six pack.  We work every other day and only have a six pack of fat.  We hate this kid.

But we're scared of him.  Seriously, it would suck to get beaten up by a six-year-old, and we're pretty sure he could do it.



Posted by James at 3:50 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 31 July 2006 3:55 PM CDT
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Ninny Woman Refuses to Properly Stow Gucci Bag on Airplane, Gets Arrested
Topic: Stupidity

A woman flying from Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific Airlines was removed from the plane and promptly arrested after a heated argument during which she refused to stow her Gucci handbag either under the seat in front of her or in the overhead compartment.

While she and her friends were put on a later flight without incident after she apologized and calmed down to authorities, we have learned one important thing regarding this idiotic chick: she's only trying to pretend that she's wealthy.  If she were truly loaded, she would've stowed the bag without fear, since she would rich enough to purchase another one if this one was damaged.

That just goes to show you chicks that you need to stop pretending to be something you're not, because now you're going to start getting arrested for doing so.  God how we wish that actually worked...



Posted by James at 1:23 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 31 July 2006 1:24 PM CDT
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25-Year-Old Buys New York Observer; Hey Man! Look Over Here! Look at Us! We're Fun and Inciteful!
Topic: Media

Jared Kushner, the 25-year-old son of a recently jailed New Jersey developer, has just announced his $10 million takeover of the New York Observer.  Even though this gives him majority control, Kushner did not mention exactly how much of the influential rag he purchased.

Kushner said the company expects to continue to lose about $2 million this year, even though he has a plan to turn that around.  What's the strategy?  We have no idea, unless Kushner would like to hire someone just a hair older than him who has the ability to write, drink and toss in tons of expletives and vagina jokes into a single paragraph.

Remember Jared, we can throw a kegger with the best of them.  What do you say, huh?  Come on...



P.S. - We know the title can be taken two ways.  In fact, we confirmed earlier with an avid reader that we did mean to use "inciteful" as the definition of "one who likes to incite trouble."  But the play on words also allows us to say that we can mean it in the giving a certain insiders opinion that we sometimes have.  Just to clear that up.

P.P.S. - That's not clear?  Shut up.  What do you know? 

Posted by James at 11:33 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 August 2006 12:54 AM CDT
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Irishman Accidentally Starts First Ever World Strip Poker Championship
Topic: Weird Shit

The Irish have always had the ability to shock and astound us with the measures of insane thinking that they have always reached.  When Paddy Power (seriously, that's the guys goddamn name, not an Irish joke - ed.) was thinking of possible April Fools Day jokes, he thought of creating a fake tournament to get people excited and then simultaneously crush their spirits.

And the World Strip Poker Championship was born.  However, Power did not think about the type of rabid excitement that a large group of his fellow drunken countrymen would show for a chance to see possibly one woman naked among 199 men.

So now, the official tournament kicks off on August 19 in London, with the winner receiving a golden fig leaf trophy and over 18 grand in cash.  Somehow we doubt this will be shown on ESPN 8: The Ocho.



Posted by James at 10:59 AM CDT
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Friday, 28 July 2006
Friday Afternoon at the Heart of Darko
Topic: Housekeeping

Because we were unable to post this afternoon, we feel a need to explain this inaction.  So get ready for this story and to hate the City of Dallas.

Last night, we took a field trip with a friend to a local watering hole that has quickly become our favorite bar in Dallas.  After staying for roughly an hour and a half, we returned home, and soon realized that we were unable to get through our gate since we had forgotten our pass key.  So after parking our car outside on the street in a well lit area and making our way into our apartment, we discovered that one of our two interns (cats - ed.) had stolen the gate card.

The search took us a half hour until the key was found underneath our sofa.  Our junctular explosion of happiness was muted when we returned to where our car had been left and discovered that instead of a white Volvo sitting next to the curb, a police cruiser was in its place.

We had been towed.

The officer bluntly and in an asshole tone told us that our vehicle had been towed because we were within 25 feet of a fire hydrant.  Texas law states a car must be within 15 feet, and when we brought this up, he told us that the law had changed.  Angered, we went inside and went to sleep.

At 1:30PM today, we took a $20 cab ride to the Dallas impound, where our car was currently residing amidst the hunks of crap that had been left on the side of the road.  At 5:00, we finally got in our car and left the impound.  This was after standing in two lines multiple times because the women who worked behind the counter did not tell you the documentation you needed, and that when we took a trip out to our car to obtain our proof of insurance, we were required to to the back of the line.

Three and a half hours later, we were out $376 in towing and storage fees and were so enraged at our illegal towing and vehicle incarceration that we had no other recourse than to take a nap.  So we apologize for the lack of posting and will let you know what happens when we go to court on August 16 to dispute the illegal charge.

Because getting your car stolen sucks, but it blows even more when the people that stole it are the city where you live.


Posted by James at 9:51 PM CDT
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Republicans Find Another Way to Screw Over the Broke
Topic: Politics

Congress is looking at approving a bill increasing minimum wage from the current $5.15 to $7.25 over the next two years, but only if tax breaks for heirs of millionaires are approved as well.

The combo package would give the Democrats the exact minimum wage increase they are looking for, but the possibly paperclipped tax cut bill could stop them from achieving this, proving once again exactly why the GOP hates people that aren't rich.

"Its political blackmail to say the only way that minimum wage workers can get a raise is to give a tax giveaways to the wealthiest Americans," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. "Members of Congress raised their own pay — no strings attached. Surely, common decency suggests that minimum wage workers deserve the same respect."

Something is seriously wrong with our country when we agree with Teddy Kennedy on something.  God help us all...



Posted by James at 12:41 PM CDT
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Thursday, 27 July 2006
Texas Strip Club Hosting New Braunfels Tubing Trip as Subtle Dig to Crackdown on River Debauchery
Topic: Texas News

The Houston Chronicle reports today that San Antonio strip club Palace Men's Club is planning a trip to the popular river innertubing destination New Braunfels this Sunday as the city initiates a massive sweep of the normal drunken debauchery that usually occurs during trips down the river.

Even though the manager of the club says that the dancers will be dressed as they should be and that they aren't "hookers, dope dealers or Mafia thugs," this appears to be a not too subtle poke at the new ordinance, which has created a lot of new rules since we first attended one of these mass gatherings of drunken idiocy, where the only rule was no glass bottles on the water.

New Braunfels City Councilman Ken Valentine had this to say about the stripper trip, which men can accompany for $25, proving that no matter where you go with an exotic dancer, you always have to pay cover: "I'm really disappointed that this is going to occur on Sunday when people should be in church,.  I hope they behave themselves and keep their clothes on, but I'm not sure they will because strippers are trained to take off their clothes."

Perhaps Councilman Valentine doesn't understand the purpose of people making these trips.  They're so you don't have to behave responsibly.  When you go on a tubing trip with six guys, four girls, five cases of beer and a handle of whiskey (not that we did or anything - ed.), responsibility goes out the window.  Just make sure that you have a religious zealot on the river with you to laugh at and then drive you home, as we did.  Or didn't.  We have to vague.  Our mother reads this.



Posted by James at 4:55 PM CDT
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