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Thursday, 27 July 2006
Police DUI Instructor Arrested Second Time for Drunken Driving, This Time Sans Pants
Topic: Embarrassment

A Florida police DUI instructor was arrested for the second time on drunken driving charges.  The kicker this time was that after nearly swerving into an oncoming police car at 90 MPH, she was stopped and found naked from the waist down with two dogs in the back of her car.  She also said that she had no idea of the whereabouts of her pants.

"I asked her, 'Where are your pants?' and I think she answered, 'I don't know,'" Deputy David Alvarado told Plantation investigators. "Kinda shocked me."

Officer Laurie Primeau was on suspension for her previous drunk driving conviction from back in January and had just gotten her driver's license back that day.  Also, Primeau, who had previously been teaching officers how to read a drunk driver successfully, told Internal Affairs that she did not know how to perform the finger to tip of the nose test.

But her embarrassment does not stop there.  Primeau was told at the beginning of her suspension that if she violated the law again, she would be fired.  She gets back to work on August 8, but it does not look good for her future with the department.  She allegedly told investigators that she was wearing a bathing suit bottom and that the Jack Daniels bottle found in her car had been washed out and was used in her classes.  The investigator gave the best retort to this claim ever, saying "you simply may have been too drunk to remember exactly what happened."



Posted by James at 3:52 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 27 July 2006 3:52 PM CDT
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Dammit Floyd! Landis Fails Doping Test, Ruins Tour de France Win
Topic: Sports

We were so proud of American Floyd Landis for stepping out of Lance Armstrong's shadow and winning the Tour de France, repeating America's win streak for eight years.  But Landis's team, Phonak, announced today that Floyd failed a doping test and that he had high amounts of testosterone in his "A" sample, which could either be a result of treatment for his hip injury, another established ailment or the use of steroids or banned substances.

Landis has been suspended as the anti-doping committee tests his "B" sample.  If this one to also fail, Phonak announced that Landis will be fired and his Tour de France win will be revoked.  But Floyd's mother is positive this will never happen.

Arlene Landis said it could take two weeks for the results of the backup test to be made public.

“Of course he wasn’t happy about it, but they’re spoiling everything he’s supposed to be doing right now,” she said. “Why couldn’t they take care of this before they pronounced him the winner? Lance (Armstrong) went through this too. Somebody doesn’t want him to win.”

“Why do they put you through two weeks of misery and spoil your crown? My opinion is when he comes on top of this everyone will think so much more of him. So that’s what valleys are for, right?”

Now it's just a waiting game to see if we can go back to being proud or need to buy a bigger pillow to hide our heads under.



Posted by James at 2:38 PM CDT
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Charles Barkley Might Ruin Alabama by Running for Governor
Topic: Politics

Former NBA star and current NBA talking head Charles Barkley has decided that he might possibly in the future run for the Governorship of Alabama.  But the big switch in his thinking is that he's going to run as a Democrat instead of a Republican, which he has identified himself as since he got into the NBA.  Here's Sir Chuck's reasoning, which in true Charles Barkley fashion, makes barely an iota of sense.

"I was a Republican until they lost their minds."

This doesn't really fit Barkley though, because we don't think he's never even known where his own mind was.  But this development will probably not take place in Alabama's next election cycle, as Barkley has stated his only goal is to get his teenage daughter through high school and into college before turning to politics, where he will most likely be laughed out of the Democratic primary.

Seriously.  Can you imagine having Charles Barkley in some position of power in any government?  He might've been a fantastic basketball player, but he has the speaking ability of a semi-retarded mule, and when he does say something, you have to analyze it deeply.  And not because it's an intricate point.  You must analyze it to figure out what the shit he's talking about.



Posted by James at 2:12 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Guess What? Yeah, We Won't be Around Tomorrow Morning Either
Topic: Housekeeping

These are busy days for us this week, and unfortunately, posting has ground to a halt.  Also, we're having some nagging issues with links, photos and general formatting that need to be addressed, and by someone else who doesn't use the old "the problem will fix itself if I restart the computer" method of solving IT problems.

We should be back Thursday afternoon, but don't hold your breath.  Seriously, all it does is send more carbon monoxide to your lungs, so it's like smoking air, and everybody knows that's the real killer in this country. 

Posted by James at 5:29 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 9:14 PM CDT
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Moronic Inmate Tries to Blackmail FBI, Signs Letters With Full Name and Inmate Number
Topic: Stupidity

Rule number one for attempting to blackmail someone; keep your identity secret.

This is something that New York criminal Donald Ray Bilby did not think of when he attempted to blackmail the FBI into giving him 20 grand for bail money when he threatened them with bombs and an envelope containing white powder, which he claimed was anthrax.

Bilby will now face an additional five years on his current sentence for grand theft auto, which never earns a five year sentence, no matter how many cars you have stolen.  U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie summed it up best in his statement.

"I think it's fair to say we were not dealing with a great criminal mind here."

Indeed Christopher.  Indeed.



Posted by James at 1:36 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 July 2006 9:13 PM CDT
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The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Tom Daschle Continues the Use of One Word Subjects
Topic: Politics

We received the weekly DSCC email earlier today, after not getting one last week, thus throwing off our ability to make fun of politicians to close out a Friday.  So because of our ire that was raised because of this, we're going to look at Senaor Tom Daschle's email today, which was simply titled "Craven," which continues the last email we received and the previous one.  Guess the Senators like to shock you with one word...

Who can forget the 2002 Georgia Senate elections, where the Republican Party shamelessly ran ads attacking the patriotism of Sen. Max Cleland - a man who gave two legs and an arm for his country in Vietnam? - Max Cleland is an idiot.  There's no way you can make us feel bad for someone else making fun of a moron.  At least they weren't making fun of his amputations.

Or the 2004 Presidential election, where similar nonsense was employed against three-time Purple Heart recipient John Kerry? - But wasn't it Kerry making claims about actions he didn't take part in?  Not saying he's not a war hero, because he is.  Just saying that a lot of Nam vets were high on horse the whole time.

In the 2006 Senate midterm elections, Karl Rove has already served notice that we are in for more of the same. - Well sure, it worked for them the last time.  We expect Republicans to attack and Democrats to whine.  You must overcome, folks.  Just like when you get shot down by a hot chick in a bar.  You just wait for her to get drunk and then dive back in.  So wait until America gets drunk, and then you can take her home.

The cruel genius of these scurrilous attacks is that they work - unless they are immediately and unquestionably rebutted. - Wait.  Wait for it...

The one and only way we can fight back is with your help. The DSCC has set an ambitious goal of raising $1 million before Labor Day. - Oh!  There it is.  The only way you can help the Democrats hire a search party to find their balls is by donating money.  Nice try Daschle.  We're pretty easily fooled, but you've gotta promise us rainshowers of beer or clean strippers on every corner dancing for free.  Attack ads ain't gnna sway us dude.  Better luck next time.



Posted by James at 1:06 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Delayed Posting Tomorrow
Topic: Housekeeping
Advanced warning for all eight of you that will be wondering why the hell we haven't posted anything by noon.  We'll be unavailable until mid-afternoon, so as soon as we return home from our mamogram (what? - ed.), posting will resume in its normal, sporadic pace.

Posted by James at 10:56 PM CDT
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Play "The Official Car Pundit Drinking Game" at Your House Tonight!
Topic: Cars/Automotive

Since the good fellas at Jalopnik have decided to sanction our amateur drinking game into a full blown official version, they have let it be known that tonight is your first chance to play along with CNBC's show "On The Money."  So get your beer cans ready (we're using Miller High Life in a bottle, because we're classy/broke like that - ed.) and play along.

Also, you can follow the link below and add your own rules to the growing game.  The best addition gets a nifty prize.  We already have the ultimate prize anyway, as said by Jalop commenter Phil McCarthy, i.e. ThnderBlt Dohrty; we created pop culture.



Posted by James at 5:02 PM CDT
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Bum Who Returned 21k in Savings Bonds Finally Gets Reward, But Not From Stingy Bond Owner
Topic: Embarrassment

The son of a bond owner who gave a homeless man $100 for returning $21,000 in savings bonds must now feel like a total heel, as outpouring from Detroit and the entire country has given the hobo over $4,000 in compensation for his good deed.

After finding the bonds in a trash can while searching for returnable glass bottles, the homeless samaritan took them to a local shelter and asked the workers there to help him find the proper owner, which they promptly did.  After news was released about the man's selfless actions, business leaders and compassionate Americans from across the country turned out support, including large bags of returnable bottles, jars of spare change, thousands of dollars in cash and even a job interview.

The 59-year-old former roofer, Charles Moore, is grateful for the assistance, and should now take a shit on the porch of the bastards who stiffed him for finding their money.  We mean like, a big, land mind-sized dropping that leaves a permanent mark on their doorstep.  If Mr. Moore needs help creating one, we can purchase him some Chinese food, because in our current monetary situation, that's really all we have to offer. 

P.S. - We totally would have kept the bonds.  We're not really very nice guys. 

Posted by James at 4:49 PM CDT
Post Comment | Permalink Earnings Down 58 Percent! We Clear Our Shopping Cart
Topic: Technology

We apologize for reporting so much financial news in the recent days, but the second quarter numbers for some of America's largest companies are astounding.  Yahoo! lost $10.4 billion in a day, shortly before Ford dropped $123 million.  Then McDonald's comes back today with a massive increase, and now Internet sales juggernaut has announced a 58 percent drop in earnings, leading to a 9 percent falloff in trading.

But all is not bad, as the company says this revenue drop was due to an increase in investing in technology and shipping resources, and this is confirmed by a 22 percent increase in sales, meaning that the company is spending money to make money.  We still are a bit pessimistic, as this is a massive drop to incur due to shipping investments, as we all know from the TV commercials that if they were to simply open an account with they could save 15 percent on shipping.  Extra hand gestures not included.



Posted by James at 4:39 PM CDT
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Bond Movie Device to be Implemented by Chinese Scientists
Topic: Technology

The 2003 James Bond film Die Another Day was centered around the idea that a satellite could not only create an artificial sun to promote growth of crops around the year, but also be used to create an intense weaponized beam of heat.  Now the Chinese have taken this far fetched idea and turned it into a reality, that, if successful, would create the first fision reaction and possibly create an artificial sun for use of the first of the two Bond movie devices.

But there will be no chance that the device can be used to down a plane, as was done in the climax of the film.  Five foot walls of reinforced concrete will keep the reaction under control, and any international weapons dealers will of course be barred from attending the test, especially the infamous Goldfinger.



Posted by James at 3:53 PM CDT
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Vengeful Raccoon Takes Out Power to 3,000 Floridians
Topic: Weird Shit

A kamikaze raccoon, angry at humans for putting lids on their trashcans and running over his brethern, decided to strike back on his Florida neighbors, as he chewed through a power cord and took out the electricity to nearly 3,000 residents in the Kissimmee area.

While the coon died in his strike against the human race, his act did take out power to the area for a half hour, showing all other nocturnal animals that if one little cute furball can do such damage, then perhaps the rest can rise up and knock over every trashcan in the state, or destroy the paint on every vehicle on the road, or perhaps clog the highways completely, causing a standstill that would never end.  Smart little bastards.



Posted by James at 3:14 PM CDT
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London Company Offers Inflatable Man for Women Who are Affraid to Drive at Night, Want to Get Laughed at and Then Mugged
Topic: Technology

A new technology has made its way to London, where "Buddy on Demand" has recently been released.  Simply put, finally women can blow a man that will stick with them throughout the night (ha ha!  we're funny - ed.).  The company is offering an inflatable man, who happens to look nothing like a real human man, that is said to help keep female drivers feel safe cruising at night.

There's really nothing much else to say about this product, except that we doubt any potential carjackers would be put off by this rectangular shaped man, and would only be more ready to attack these women, as this blow up doll is obvious proof that she will not fight back.



Posted by James at 12:06 PM CDT
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McDonald's Happy America Back to its Fat Ass Roots, Thanks to Good Coffee
Topic: National News

McDonald's did the happy dance after watching their second quarter profits rise 57 percent on increased breakfast and international sales.  Executives for the company offer the claim that their new premium coffee has helped to increase breakfast sales of such disgusting fare as their 9,000 calorie bagle sandwiches and their McGriddle, a combination of powdered eggs and pancakes which tastes like something that came from the ass end of Satan.

International sales were also bolstered by McDonald's participation in World Cup Soccer sponsorship, because everybody knows that athletes that run constantly for 90 minutes love nothing more after a long, sweaty game than to chow down a sandwich the size of their head that contains over 40 grams of saturated fat.

This is interesting, considering that McDonald's "Go Active" happy meal for adults, which contained such wonderful choices as an iceburg leaf lettuce salad (mmm! lack of nutrition! - ed.) and a pedometer (you can't even eat that) failed miserably.  Guess it proves that what America really wants is to be hated worldwide and fat at the same time.  Go eat some fries, you husky country.



Posted by James at 12:01 PM CDT
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Monday, 24 July 2006
Huzzah! Comments Work Perfectly!
Topic: Housekeeping

After a long time trying to figure out why only one or two people have ever not had their computers crash while attempting to comment here at HoD, we fixed the problem!  And by we, we mean Firefox.

So go ahead and comment away.  There aren't any invitations necessary, since our entire monthly readership equals one hour on Drudge Report, Gawker or Daily Kos (they get 180,000 hits an hour?  Jesus... - ed. it's a joke, dick), we're looking for some extra input.  The link to comment is hidden in the bottom right corner of each post and all yours to use as you see fit.  Or not.

Either way at least we can say every function on this site works.  Except for embedded videos, which believe us, we're working on.

Posted by James at 11:44 PM CDT
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From the Files of Awesome; A Federal Agent and the Late Night Hooker and Car Crashing Party
Topic: National News

This is one of those interesting stories that comes around once every few months that could be included in multiple topic lists.  We chose to label it National News, but it could easily be Embarrassment, Stupidity, Cars/Automotive or Weird Shit.  Either way, it's awesome.

An armed federal agent was caught up in an accident with a taxi cab on Saturday night in NYC after a wild night of partying with three "scantily clad women" in his government-owned Buick Lucerne driving through the streets of Manhattan with his loud speaker on screaming "stay to the right!  stay to the right!" as his lights flashed brightly, all before running through a red light and being broadsided by a cab.

Witnesses at the scene said that the three probably hookers or strippers fled the scene with paper sacks most likely containing booze bottles, and that there was a cooler in the back seat of the car and a case of Heineken in the trunk.  And the best part is, somewhere there is videotape, because the New York Post has seen it.  This leads us to invoke what our mother always told us; share and share alike.  WE MUST SEE THIS TAPE.



Posted by James at 2:54 PM CDT
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New York Cat Loves to Thieve Garden Gloves
Topic: Embarrassment

As the owner of two cats, we are keenly aware of the amount of mischief they can get into.  Which is also why we have our dog act as security in our apartment, making sure that our crazy felines don't break more lamps.  But a New York neighborhood is in turmoil as Willy the cat strikes again and again, stealing from his neighbors whenever he gets the chance.

Does Willy steal socks?  Perhaps toys?  No.  Willy is really into gardening gloves.

"This all started about the time people began working in their gardens, I guess March or April," owner Jennifer Pifer said. "Willy would just show up with a glove, or we'd see them on the front steps. I guess it's better than if he was bringing home dead birds."

Now the Pifers keep their cat's prizes on a rope outside of their own garden, with a sign hanging over them which says simply enough "Our cat is a glove snatcher. Please take these if yours."

Will Willy be rehabilitated?  Quite the opposite, in fact.  The neighborhood are big fans of the crafty kitty, who also has a history of stalking (the mailman - ed.) and assault (he hides in trees and punches people in the head as they walk below).  If you live in the town of Pelham, keep your eyes out for Willy, both high, low and behind you.  He seems to be a born hairy criminal.



Posted by James at 1:32 PM CDT
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The Jalopnik Drinking Game! A Lesson in Self Promotion from HoD
Topic: Housekeeping

We have never been big fans of self promotion (are you kidding? - ed.), and as many of you know, Jalopnik is one of our top favorite blogs to visit throughout the day.  We are also very proud of their editors, namely Ray Wert and Davey G. Johnson, for consistently getting on television, with Ray appearing on the CNBC program On The Money and Davey showing up on the G4 network show Filter this past Friday.

But because of a dare from Davey early last Thursday, we happened to create a drinking game that for some reason On The Money decided they would put in their bonus, and now Jalopnik has thrown the video up online.  So thank you to the fellas at the Jalop and everyone at On The Money for proving that drinking can not only be dangerous to your health, your wallet, your relationship and your arrest record, but it can also be fun.

EDIT: Since it's been requested, we're dropping the link to the Jalopnik story about this massive event in our personal history.  Never before have we, as one of the commentors on the Jalop noted, created pop culture.  Now bring on our inclusion in the next version of Trivial Pursuit!






Posted by James at 12:37 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 July 2006 12:58 AM CDT
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British Sculptor's Inflatable Art Work Filled With Helium; Takes Off and Kills Two
Topic: Weird Shit

English artist and sculptor Maurice Agis has made a name for himself creating giant, walk-in sculptures that attract the old and young with their bright colors and large, inviting spaces that are designed for patrons to walk through.  However brilliant his bounce-house creating abilities are, Agis has absolutely no concept for physics, as his latest creation became free of its moorings and took off 18 feet into the air, spilling out 15 people who were trapped inside and killing two women who fell to their death.

Agis's sculpture could have been an even more massive hit instead of garnering world wide acclaim as being full of idiocy, had he filled it with regular air instead of helium, which as anyone over the age of 5 knows is the cause of your Six Flag's balloon flying into a jet engine at 20,000 feet and also the reason your voice goes all squeaky when you inhale the wonderful gas.



Posted by James at 12:25 PM CDT
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Sunday, 23 July 2006
USA's Floyd Landis Whips Wily Spanish Competition, Wins Tour de France
Topic: Sports

It is now official that the first Lance Armstrong-less Tour de France in seven years ended with the United States retaining the honor of claiming the winner as their own as Floyd Landis, team leader of Phonak, pulled in through the final stage as the overall winner after being down over eight minutes only two days previously.

So congratulations to Landis and the Phonak team, who have kept America at the top of the podium yet again.  Now go eat something greasy Floyd.  And maybe grab yourself a Parisian prostitute or two.  You've definitely earned yourself a vacation from exercise.



Posted by James at 3:01 PM CDT
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