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Wednesday, 30 August 2006
Australian Hookers Taking the "Suck" Out of Gas Prices
Topic: Weird Shit

Are you a horny Australian man whom has just spent way too much money filling up your Ute or similar vehicle?  Well then take your receipt to either The Site of Madame Kerry's brothel for a 20 percent discount on their wide (no pun intended - ed.) selection of prime chippy.

"If you come in and spend time with one of our lovely ladies, we'll give you a discount of 20 cents a liter," Kerry, manager of Sydney brothel The Site, told Reuters Wednesday.

With sessions starting at $150AU for 30 minutes, the discount can come (again, no pun intended) to $30.  Now, The Site has taken out ads in newspapers and magazines offering the discount, which, according to Kerry, has increased not only more johns, but media exposure.  Once again, Australia trumps all with its legal, and now discounted, hookers.



Posted by James at 3:45 PM CDT
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Monday, 28 August 2006
Colbert Report Lands Two Words on TV's Most Popular Buzzwords of '06 List
Topic: Entertainment

Congratulations go out to Comedy Central's brilliant The Colbert Report, for adding another notch on their belt of creating satire.  Both "truthiness" and Wikiality" have been added to TV's most popular buzzwords by the Global Language Monitor, which also added "Dr. McDreamy" and "Katie" to their list this year.  Because we're all about pop culture (until it gets annoying - ed.), definitions are as follows:

Truthiness - Truth unencumbered by the facts

Wikiality - From Wikipedia, meaning reality as determined by majority vote

Dr. McDreamy - A "dreamboat" physician, originally used in Grey's Anatomy

Katie - Leaving what made you popular for more money and publicity, i.e. Katie Couric going to CBS

So there you are, dear readers.  Use at your leisure, and remember that these words will get annoying over time.  We're off again, so until we know when we'll be back, keeping checking up, because your hits keep us alive!



Posted by James at 4:55 PM CDT
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From the Files of the Judiciary; Don't Trust Creepy Dudes Who Want to Escape Thailand
Topic: National News

Our planned hiatus has taken a break, allowing us a moment or two to post some stupidity from our own judiciary system, once again focusing on professed JonBenet Ramsey Killer John Mark Karr, who was extradited from Bangkok, Thailand, earlier last week to face possible murder charges in the decades-old case.  Turns out he just wanted to get the hell out of Thailand before child indecency charges were brought against him there. 

Attorneys in Boulder, Colorado, have announced that the case against Karr has been dropped, as his DNA doesn't even come close to matching that of the sample found by JonBenet's murderer.

"The warrant on Mr. Karr has been dropped by the district attorney," public defender Seth Temin said outside the jail. "They are not proceeding with the case.  "We're deeply distressed by the fact that they took this man and dragged him here from Bangkok, Thailand, with no forensic evidence confirming the allegations against him and no independent factors leading to a presumption that he did anything wrong."

While we semi-agree with Mr. Temin, we have to ask him a simple question; what the hell were they supposed to do?  The Thai wouldn't DNA test him and offered an extradition treaty for a dude who's a convicted pedaphile who had just admitted to raping and killing another child.  Was our government supposed to sit on its hands and wait for a cheek swab?  We understand that Mr. Temin is a crimindal defender, and part of his job is acting outraged, but damn man.  Common sense?


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 4:47 PM CDT
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Sunday, 27 August 2006
Heart of Darko Reaches Planned Time of Extended Hiatus
Topic: Housekeeping

Unfortunately, it is time for us to announce that we at the Heart of Darko will be entering an extended hiatus on Monday, August 28.  During this period, there will be possible chances that we will be able to post, but they will come sporadically at best.

Our apologies to our readers (all eight of you - ed.), and we remind you that we're not dead and gone by any means.  Just on a break.  It's like saying we love you, but we're not in love with you.



Heart of Darko Mgmt.

Posted by James at 1:29 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 August 2006
The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Robert Byrd KNOWS Bush Hates the Constitution
Topic: Politics

Welcome to Heart of Darko's weekly dissection of the email sent to us by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, an organization determined to get more left-leaning power in Congress, usually through the art of shit talking.  Today's email comes from Senator Robert Byrd, who usually doesn't have much to say about anything, unless it's on CSPAN.

Without further ado, let's get to it:

Since ascending to power in 2001, the Bush administration has waged an unrelenting assault on the Constitution of the United States while being aided and abetted every step of the way by a supine Republican congress. - We always find it funny when someone claims the Bush administration hates the Constitution.  Do they really believe that?  If they do, they're idiots.  You hear me Sen. Byrd?  You're an idiot.

Republican legislators have made it clear that they have no intention of reining in this runaway White House. The only way to confront the Bush administration's egregious abuse of power is to elect a Democratic Senate. - Or to stand like you a have a backbone.  They're not gonna take you out back and shoot you for Christ's sake.  Just stand up and speak your peace without devolving into this type of angry name-calling and finger pointing.

We cannot continue to claim that we are a nation of laws and not of men, if our laws may be summarily breached because the President says, "trust me." - He learned that from Clinton.  Hell, Clinton's the one who instructed us that it was okay to lie.

Democrats must regain control of the Senate to restore the checks and balances that are the foundation of this country. But we cannot carry on the fight for the Constitution without your help. - When the President uses one veto in six years, you've done a pretty good job of checks and balances, Sen. Byrd.  Oh yeah, and you also supported the NSA wiretaps.  Oops, were we not supposed to mention that?

And then Senator Byrd turns into a hobo asking for a quarter, which is when we delete the email.  We're actually getting a bit tired of this.  Sure, we've received more "Vote Democrat" stickers, buttons and t-shirts than ever before, but all of this unabashed stupidity and bile coming from our leaders is really cheesing us off.  We think we'll take the rest of the afternoon off and sit on our porch with some cold beer. 

Posted by James at 12:58 PM CDT
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No More Late Night Drunken Weddings in Vegas!
Topic: National News

The Las Vegas marriage bureau has announced that starting August 31, there will be no more late night weddings in the city, meaning that all drunken celebrities who wish to get married to hookers or childhood friends will either have to obtain a marriage license before midnight or just get drunk when it's light out.

"Let's face it, man, this is Las Vegas. This is the marriage capital of the world," Charlotte Richards, owner of the 24-Hour Little White Wedding Chapel, said. "People just automatically think, `Let's go to Las Vegas! They're open all night!'"

"All the stars come out at night," Richards said. "People that are high profile, when they come down to Las Vegas to get married, they don't want to come in the middle of the day when people are around. They like the privacy."

What?  Is this woman high?  They don't give a shit about the privacy.  They're all jacked up on cocaine and booze and aren't thinking straight, much less about how much privacy their late night nuptuals will have.  Maybe this woman is high...


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 12:08 PM CDT
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Thursday, 24 August 2006
Owner of Hitler-Monikered Eatery to Change Name
Topic: Embarrassment

The owner of the restaurant "Hitler's Cross" in Bombay, India, has announced that he will indeed change the name toease tension caused by his attempt to get more publicity, which worked well considering that even penny-ante little crapsites like ours reported on this yesterday.

"He realized he made a mistake and listened to reason," said Elijah Jacob, a community leader. "Some people have wrong conceptions of history and he realized it was not appropriate."

What is interesting about the building and name is that the swastica that appears on the sign is actually an old Hindu symbol that is said to bring good luck to all who pass under it.  Then that bitch Adolf Hitler started to kill Jews while wearing it on his lapel, so it kind of lost that meaning.  Good choice, Indian restauranteur.  You don't want Hizbollah to start eating there regularly, and you certianly don't want them to give it five stars in their anti-Jew edition of Zagat's.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 4:32 PM CDT
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From the Files of the Stupid: Woman Ganks $2.3 Million to Buy Lotto Tickets
Topic: Stupidity

A bookkeeper in New York has pleaded guilty yesterday to "borrowing" more than $2.3 million from her former boss over a period of three years to keep up her horrible scratch-off lottery ticket problem.  Annie Donnelly admitted that she sometimes spent over $6,000 a day on lottery tickets and meant to pay the money back.

Despite winning jackpots of 25 and five grand, Donnelly never had the amount she had pilfered, and now will face up to 12 years in prison, as well as having to pay every dime back to the doctor she stole it from.  But somehow we think that she'll never get another job as a bookkeeper, and it takes a long time to pay back over two million bucks on a Wal-mart salary.



Posted by James at 4:13 PM CDT
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World's Smallest Monkeys Can Crawl Inside Your Body, Cause Havok!
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

A rare albino set of Pygmy Marmoset monkeys has been born at a zoo in Sweden, ushering in a new era of monkey fear.  At only 35cm long and 100 grams in weight, the tiny little bastards can easily crawl through a nose, ear, mouth, or, god help us all, anus, and take your body down from the inside while the pandas, otters, alligators, raccoons, snakehead fish and fish with human teeth wage war on your head, arms and ankles.

And the big problem?  Pygmy Marmosets are more often born in pairs instead of singles, meaning that they can propogate more quickly, and with your warm innards as an incubator, establish entire colonies in your colon.  Be afraid.



Posted by James at 1:56 PM CDT
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Kid Might be in Serious Trouble for Meowing at Neighbor
Topic: Embarrassment

A 78-year-old woman has filed a harassment suit against her 14-year-old neighbor for meowing at her everytime he sees her.  The judge has had such a hard time deciding whether or not meowing is indeed a form of harassment that she has put off her ruling for 90 days in order to figure things out.

The story goes back to when the boy's family agreed to give away their cat because of the old bag was bitching that it was using her flower garden as a litter box.  The boy admits to meowing at her twice, but the witch has testified that he does it non-stop and apparently that's annoying.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 11:54 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 23 August 2006
Girl Scouts of America Using Installment Plan for Cookie Nonpayers
Topic: Embarrassment

The most embarrassing thing that one can possibly have happen to oneself would be to have an army of pint-sized girls with berets and pigtails serving you lawsuit papers to your door because you did not pay for the cookies that you bought.

Welcome to the peronal hell of 12 residents of Akron, Ohio, who learned that the Scouts are unwilling to eat the cost of the cookies that were unpaid for (did you get the pun?  did you!?! - ed.), some totaling as much as, wait for it... $3,500.00.

The loser who owes $3,500 has agreed to a $100 a month payment plan and swears that the cookies she bought were for others to sell, and not for her own fat fucking ass.  Even though we don't believe that shit for a second.



Posted by James at 3:52 PM CDT
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DUI Defendant Shows Up to Court Drunker than When Previously Arrested
Topic: Stupidity

DUI defendant Joshua J. Beury made a huge mistake when showing up in court to plead not guilty to his charges yesterday afternoon; he showed up drunker than when he was previously arrested.  He had blown a .17 when he was taken into custody after crashing his car in November, but in court, he decided the best way to calm his nerves was to drink so much beer that he blew a .20.

Beury was convicted twice and sentenced to 30-90 days in jail for both counts, and even admitted in court that he was bipolar and drank over a twelve pack of beer each day.   He also said that he regularly takes medication which heightens the drunkeness from the beer.

This takes the criminal stupidity factor to all new levels, and we thank Mr. Beury for being a dumbass and giving us a good early afternoon laugh.



Posted by James at 1:59 PM CDT
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Hell. Yes. Former Marine Takes Down 7-11 Robber, Send His Ass Back to Jail
Topic: National News

A 30-year-old former Marine who currently teaches a former of strength-training martial arts at a Utah gym took down a man who after recently being arrested from jail for assault walked out of a 7-11 convenience store without paying for a carton of cigarettes and punched a female clerk in the face.

"He just turned and clocked her," James Sjostrom said. "He pounded her face. It was pretty vicious."

The would-be robber made an immediate mistake and swung at Sjostrom, who grabbed his arm, bent it behind his back and dropped him to the concrete, incapacitating him with a knee to the back of the head and keeping him on the ground until the police showed up shortly later.

Another customer came outside and told Sjostrom that he was in the Army and asked if he needed any help.  Sjostrom gave the best response ever, smiling and saying "The Marines got here first." Police took the man immediately to jail, discovering his release papers from jail on an assault charge, which is even more evidence that he deserves to be behind bars.

So we give a big Heart of Darko golf clap to James Sjostrom, who has once again proven that not all of society is lost; just the majority of it.



Posted by James at 11:10 AM CDT
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Adolf Hitler Finally Immortalized in Restaurant
Topic: Stupidity

An Indian restaurant has finally given Adolf Hitler his nod to greatness by calling themselves "Hitler's Cross" and using the Nazi motif in their design and signage.  Oh wait, that's not a good thing... that's awful.

"It's just to attract people. There is no intention to hurt anyone," said owner Puneet Sablok.

This just goes to show you that there are plenty of stupid people in the world, including India.  Mr. Sablok can count himself among these ranks, as he obviously has no idea who Hitler was or what he did.  We're waiting for him to open up his new boutique salon "Stalin's Mani & Pedi."   This guy's a grade A dick bag.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 10:36 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 August 2006 11:00 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 22 August 2006
Irony = Justice; Home Invader Caught After Taking Same Flight as Victim
Topic: World News

A German robber who held up a woman in her apartment was caught at the airport after his victim saw him waiting to board the same flight she was about to take back home from Turkey.

Authorities announced that the woman contacted her husband first, who then called the police, who quickly arrested the man, who's crime spree of multiple homes was put to an end when Justice and Irony both happened to get drunk at the same airport bar that afternoon.



Posted by James at 4:42 PM CDT
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Raccoons Join Otters, Pandas, Alligators, Snakehead Fish and Fish with Human Teeth in Fight Against Humans
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

Washington state is reeling after a sudden rise in attacks by a species of violent, rabid raccoons, which have claimed 10 cats, one dog and a woman's arm in the recent past.

"It's a new breed," said Tamara Keeton, who with Kari Hall started a raccoon watch after an emotional neighborhood meeting drew 40 people. "They're urban raccoons, and they're not afraid."

Residents of the town of Olympia have begun to carry mace and even lead pipes to ward off the violent little cuties, and Ms. Hall purchased a Rottweiler to help keep her and her family safe after the loss of her two cats.  Police have stepped up the coonhunt with traps of all different measures to take down the bastards, who are currently holding their attacks in only a three block area, as they wait for orders from the otters, gators, Pandas, snakehead fish and fish with human teeth to unleash their full assault on the humans.



Posted by James at 2:57 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 2:58 PM CDT
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Swedish News Channel Airs Porn in Background of Newsbreak
Topic: World News

Swedish news station SVT News accidentally aired a 5-minute clip of hardcore Czech pornography during a newsbreak recently.  The monitor which was showing the porn was one of many in a bank of video screens in the background behind the anchorman, who showed no knowledge of the goings-on behind him throughout his news reading.

"This is highly embarrassing and unfortunate," News Director Per Yng said. "It must not happen again. (what kind of fucking name is 'Per Yng? - ed.)"

Yng said that staffers had been watching news and sports scores on the station Canal Plus, which tends to run porn after eleven o'clock.  They had simply forgot to switch back to normal programming.  Or someone had an awful day and was trying to crank one out before the break.



Posted by James at 12:31 PM CDT
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Indonesian Prisoners Escape with Chili Peppers as Weapons
Topic: World News

18 men held in an Indonesian prison escaped over the weekend by blinding guards with liquified chili peppers in water bottles to held aide in their freedom excursion.

After hitting the guards in the eyes with the water bottles full of chili pepper solution, the prisoners grabbed the keys and got out, blasting anyone who got in their way with their hot sauce.  15 of them have since been caught, but three are still on the run, and with their ability to get many more chili peppers on the outside of the prison, they could have the opportunity to blind hundreds of other law enforcement officials while trying to make their way out of the country or wherever they're going.



Posted by James at 11:52 AM CDT
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Monday, 21 August 2006
Celebrity Cruise Ship Pulls Into Port with Extra Passenger - A Dead Whale
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

While we were rummaging through the awful events of our world in The Dallas Morning News while sitting on the can, we discovered probably the funniest story of the day, that we have yet to find on the Web.  So because of the absolute ridiculous hilarity of the story, we're going to type it here for your reading pleasure.

A cruise ship pulled into its Alaskan port Saturday with a 25- to 30- foot dead whale pinned to its bow.  Federal officials investigating the incident said id did not appear the ship's operators did anything wrong.  Crew members on the SUmmit said they were surprised to discover the ship had hit a whale because they felt no bump during the voyage, said a spokesman for Celebrity Cruises, which owns the ship.  The whale was tentatively identified as a humpback, an endangered species.  A tugboat towed it to a nearby beach, and a necropsy has been scheduled.

This is probably one of the greatest cruises ever to be on for all of the passengers, who most likely will never see anything quite so odd in their entire lives.  We are supremely jealous. 

Posted by James at 3:06 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 2:58 PM CDT
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Everyone Hates Joe Lieberman
Topic: Politics

In recent weeks, it seems as if every Democrat on the planet has pulled out a blade and begun to twist it into the back of Senator Joe Lieberman, whom is on the compaign trail, attempting to win his re-election.  Now, another former leftist loser is helping out with the back-stabbing.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, once again John Kerry is attempting to keep his name in the news by blasting Joey L. for something that Kerry knows much about; campaigning while losing.

Kerry accused the 2000 Democratic vice presidential candidate of "adopting the rhetoric of Dick Cheney," on the issue of Iraq.

"Joe Lieberman is out of step with the people of Connecticut," Kerry added, insisting Lieberman's stance on Iraq, "shows you just why he got in trouble with the Democrats there."

Of course, this is coming from the man who was for the war, then against the war, then for it, then against it, then a self-professed hero in it, then against it again.  We believe and trust in the word of John Kerry about as much as if Hitler were to suddenly rise from the grave and prove himself to be a robot.  Does that make sense?  No.  But neither does Kerry.  Go forward Joe Lieberman, and fuck the New Democrats who are trying to stand in your way!



Posted by James at 1:21 PM CDT
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