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Monday, 24 July 2006
British Sculptor's Inflatable Art Work Filled With Helium; Takes Off and Kills Two
Topic: Weird Shit

English artist and sculptor Maurice Agis has made a name for himself creating giant, walk-in sculptures that attract the old and young with their bright colors and large, inviting spaces that are designed for patrons to walk through.  However brilliant his bounce-house creating abilities are, Agis has absolutely no concept for physics, as his latest creation became free of its moorings and took off 18 feet into the air, spilling out 15 people who were trapped inside and killing two women who fell to their death.

Agis's sculpture could have been an even more massive hit instead of garnering world wide acclaim as being full of idiocy, had he filled it with regular air instead of helium, which as anyone over the age of 5 knows is the cause of your Six Flag's balloon flying into a jet engine at 20,000 feet and also the reason your voice goes all squeaky when you inhale the wonderful gas.



Posted by James at 12:25 PM CDT
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Thursday, 20 July 2006
Pet Python Swallows Electric Blanket, Needs Surgery, Gets It, Doesn't Die, Unfortunately
Topic: Weird Shit

We apologize for the length of the headline, but we're not fans of snakes.  In fact, we hate them.  So this story was a bit disconcerting when we heard that a 12-foot python swallowed a six foot electric blanket, cord, power box and all and then veternarians spent hours in surgery taking the blanket out of the snake, which they should've just shot in the head and dumped into a ditch.

No such luck.  Houdini the snake is fine now and ready for 16 more years of life with his idiotic ski instructor owner, who deserves to get swallowed alive.



Posted by James at 11:44 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 18 July 2006
Thoughtful Bike Thief Makes Ammends
Topic: Weird Shit

A thief in Germany who stole a man's bicycle felt so bad for his criminal behavior that he sent the man 400 euros for the total cost in an anonymous letter that also contained a heartfelt apology. This thoughtful criminal also professed his sorrow at forgetting where he left the bike, or else he would have returned it instead of paying for the cost of the transport.

The letter and reimbursement came after police released the details of the crime and a plea for the return of the bicycle. And that makes us jealous, because after our bike was stolen, we were only left with a blown out sliding glass door (us firing a shotgun in the house... oops - ed.), and the feeling of violation. Lucky victim.;_ylt=Aj7oO3b4XunTEJ9mp7vPnxCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-

Posted by James at 3:16 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2006 3:22 PM CDT
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Friday, 14 July 2006
Crazed (or Ingenius) Australian Man Creates Flavored Bottled Water for Dogs, French
Topic: Weird Shit

When Andrew Larkey looks into the eyes of your dog, he sees them thirst for more that simply your love.  He sees them thirst for a new product that can either be described as genius or lunacy; Aqua Dog.

With three flavors to entice your dog's pallate, including beef, chicken and bacon, this water is sure to sit well with your pooch (or fat husband - ed.)  But Larkey is promoting it as something different entirely from what it actually is.  He looks at the booming market for bottled war and mass produced beverages for people and created for pets what was lacking; a doggy sports drink.

So now you too can go on a long run with Fido or Muffy and rehydrate them in the same way when you reach for your Gatorade.  Except Gatorade doesn't make a bacon flavored drink yet.  YET.



Posted by James at 1:08 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 12 July 2006
When Human Rights Petitioners go too Far...
Topic: Weird Shit

While we're not fans of the ACLU, we believe that there is a need for them every now and then throughout our history. However, the case we are going to be describing in a moment is one of those where human rights suits went way too far and have become a parody of themselves.

The country is Germany will be forced to pay restitution to a Sierra Leone man who was forced to upchuck a baggie of cocaine after he was arrested for selling drugs. The man sued for suffering "inhuman and degrading treatment."

This is why drug laws are not strong enough throughout the world. The doctor who inserted the tube through the man's nose and filled his stomach with the solution that made him vomit the baggie was using a medical procedure instead of simply taking a ball point pen and ramming it down the guy's throat, which would have been easier and more cost effective. Sometimes we've done that just so that we could drink more in one night, so how is that degrading?


Posted by James at 11:25 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Smugglers Continuing to Attempt to Ship One Peso Coins to Melt Down
Topic: Weird Shit

The Mexican currency has never been valued at a very high level. When we went to Tijuana at a young age, it was somewhere in the $1US equals some odd hundreds of pesos. Now it's roughly 52.20 pesos per dollar. So why are smugglers so interested in shipping the one peso coins overseas? Because the older coins contain high amounts of copper and nickel, making each coin worth about 3.50 pesos each, thus meaning a tidy profit.

Even though this is the oddest smuggling ring in the world, considering that the only reason these criminals are being caught is because they're failing to say what they're shipping. It's not illegal to ship money; just more expensive.


Posted by James at 1:06 PM CDT
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Thursday, 6 July 2006
Man's Head Falls Off, People Come to See
Topic: Weird Shit

Injuries can draw people together, and such is the case of Indian electrician Sambhu Roy, who's skull fell off Sunday, drawing thousands to see the man hold a piece of his own head.

A victim of horrendous burns, Roy's skin began to die on top of his skull and receded to the point that you could see bone. Then after a short period of time, the skull began to loosen from a lack of blood, which apparently is common in terrible burns. Now the man has nothing protecting his brain except for a towel.

Actually, that's not true. Doctor's fabricated a false skull top and have it in place, but Roy said he's not getting rid of his real piece, as it has made him famous. And gross.


Posted by James at 2:45 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 5 July 2006
Greek Super-Mosquitoes Caused by Greeks!
Topic: Weird Shit

Greek scientists have determined that a new breed of Greek super-mosquitoes are the result of pollution, smog and cramped living conditions in Athens, where the population of these massive blood suckers has soared, thanks to all the nooks and crannies where they can lay their eggs.

"Mosquitoes can lay their eggs even inside the trays placed beneath thousands of balcony flowerpots," Athens University professor of zoology Anastassios Legakis said.

While we feel for the Greeks, we honestly can't, because we've had these bugs in Texas for decades, and we just punch them in their large faces and run for our apartment.


Posted by James at 11:57 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 27 June 2006
Snakes Change Color to Kill You More Easily
Topic: Weird Shit

Borneo is perhaps one of the most highly inhabited places on the planet for rare, new and interesting species, including the giant Anacondas from Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid, which appear to have traveled from South America, their native land, across the Pacific Ocean and then up into Borneo just to mate (they're like salmon! - ed.).

And speaking of Borneo, snakes and shit that we have trouble believing in, scientists have found a new species of poisonous snake that can change color easily, making it even more simple for them to bite you while you're using a latrine.

"I put the reddish-brown snake in a dark bucket," said Mark Auliya, a reptile expert and a consultant for the group. "When I retrieved it a few minutes later, it was almost entirely white."

So now let's take a look at what animals can kill you even more easily lately: the Polar Grizzly Bear, the Borneo Chameleon Snake, the Florida Alligators, and the rare Heavily Armed North American Hedgehog.


Posted by James at 2:39 PM CDT
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Monday, 26 June 2006
Got Multiple Older Brothers? Congrats Homo...
Topic: Weird Shit

A Canadian study has just come to the conclusion that the more older brothers a man has, the more likely he is to be a homosexual, proving that your brothers being dicks doesn't just make you a criminal anymore.

After years of tests on 944 subjects, the overall homosexual population (in Canada, nonetheless - ed.) is about 3 percent of those tested. Of those with multiple older siblings, and especially brothers, this increases to 5 percent. To further lead credence to the results, the study also found that men who had several adopted or half-brothers did not have this same increase.

So the question that remains is whether this is due to an overuse to straight male semen or if your mother teaching your youngest brother how to make a quiche at the age of six and buying him pretty new clothes with sequins for his birthday turned him this way. Whichever it is, go easy on him... he's sensitive.


Posted by James at 11:30 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 June 2006
Bears Attempting to be More Homer Simpson-like
Topic: Weird Shit

The good folks over at Sploid have discovered a video proving that bears have finally taken one of the last steps to becoming American cartoon icon Homer Simpson. After decades of stealing picnic baskets and drinking open bottles of beer, a video has appeared of a bear taking a nap in a hammock, rocking itself ever so gently.

"I looked out the window and thought somebody was on my hammock, a person," said homeowner Susan Kehoe.

And just like any good human, after a short five minute nap, the bear awoke and promptly fell out of the hammock. We're in lurve, because that's the coolest bear ever, man-eating tendencies or not.


Posted by James at 10:30 AM CDT
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Friday, 9 June 2006
German Man Chokes Woman to Death with Sausage
Topic: Weird Shit

A man in Germany is in some pretty big trouble after he lied to police about how a woman in his apartment died. Originally, he claimed that she choked to death while eating a sausage, but the problem is that if this were true, then she would be eating a whole fucking sausage, because that's what was rammed down her throat.

Police now believe that the man "administered" a Bockwurst sausage to her with the full intent on killing her. He will probably be sent to maximum security prison, where he will be "administered" the sausage for a while by a large man named Hans.


Posted by James at 11:34 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Teenage CSI Students Find Real Corpse in Fake Murder Scene
Topic: Weird Shit

A class of Florida criminology students working in a staged murder scene for their high school class found the real corpse of a dead homeless man who was lying up against a wall in a certain area of the course.

"The students went up to this one area ... and found a man with his back against the wall and he looked dead. They thought it was part of the skit," Fort Lauderdale Police detective Kathy Collins said.

Turns out it was just a bum who had died of natural causes, but that still ranks as the coolest field trip we've ever heard of. Better than our trip to the cracker factory when we were juniors. Man, you'll never eat a cracker again once you see that crap...


Posted by James at 2:08 PM CDT
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Monday, 5 June 2006
Duck Eats Alien
Topic: Weird Shit

Researchers attempting to save a duck's life noticed after an x-ray was taken of the duck that it appeared to have recently eaten an alien, or at least its head.

"Marie looked at it and all she could say was 'unbelievable,'" said Karen Benzel, public affairs director for the rescue center.

As you can see in the photo, the duck appears to have consumed something that looks a lot like the head of an extraterrestrial. However, the duck was unable to be examined further, since it died shortly after coming to the rescue center. We think it died because something that it ain't didn't agree with it, but we can't imagine what that would be.

The x-ray will be sold on eBay to raise funds for the center, proving once again nothing is too weird not to sell online.


Posted by James at 1:45 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 30 May 2006
Chinese Newborn Has Three Goddamn Arms!
Topic: Weird Shit

A young male baby born recently in China was born with a completely developed, fully functional third arm! Ahhhhhhhh!

Doctors are looking at surgery to remove the limb, but damn, this baby would be the best worker in the sorting plant where he will inevitably work with 20 million other Chinese toddlers making your next pair of sneakers. Goddamn weird.


Posted by James at 12:17 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 23 May 2006
South African Gangs Involved in Daring Daylight Robberies!
Topic: Weird Shit

Much like the Carpet Pisser in The Big Lebowski, violent gangs of thugs are breaking into South African homes and vandalizing homes, shitting on expensive rugs, and generally being unruly. The only difference between these gangs and the Carpet Pisser and his marmot? This gang is made of baboons.

So why don't the residents fight back? Because baboons could rip a human apart in seconds, and there are over 20 in at least one of the gangs, and surprisingly, they're mostly male. So when residents back off from their homes, the primates run amok, eating their food and wiping their asses on the freshly replaced white suede couch.

"I was sitting outside one day, the kids were swimming in the pool, when Eric just flew through the burglar bars and into the house," said Debbie Ellis, who lives in the Imhoff's Gift district. Eric is the alpha male of the local troop.

"It was a bit frightening to see a five-foot-four male baboon standing behind my three-year-old goddaughter."

But now residents are beginning to fight back with guns, dogs and electric fences. That's right Eric; you've just shat on your last fruit bowl.


Posted by James at 3:56 PM CDT
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Friday, 19 May 2006
Old Cars and Old Lace? Elderly Ladies Murder for Money!
Topic: Weird Shit

Are two octogenarians responsible for the hit and run deaths of two homeless men to gather over $2 million in life insurance? It would appear to be so. The two women offered them shelter and an apartment for up to two years while using their signatures to open over a dozen insurance policies on each and naming themselves the beneficiaries.

Then their Oldsmobiles would strike.

Both of the men were struck by vehicles in early morning hours in cases that mirrored each other and arose suspicions, especially after the women filed over $3.8 million in insurance claims and collected $2.4. Now they're going to be tried for insurance fraud, murder and conspiracy to commit murder and could face up to 160 years in prison.

So what do we learn from this awful series of events? That our society is so jaded we can't even trust old people anymore.


Posted by James at 10:52 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 17 May 2006
Hey Ladies, One More Reason to Wear Your Seatbelt and a Bra
Topic: Weird Shit

In Dallas, it's not uncommon to find a convertible full of under 21 girls screaming and laughing while not wearing their seat belts and only covering their bathing suit area with a tank top and a pair of shorts. That's one of the reasons why we moved here. But listen up, hotties, because both of those things you so hate can save your life.

A woman in Tampa, Florida (man, Florida's been all over this place this week - ed.) was saved after a 38 caliber bullet smashed through her window and deflected off of her chest, landing safely in her lap. The reason for her not dying from a direct to the heart gunshot wound? The bullet was stopped by her seat belt and bra strap.

"It's a big bullet, but you had all those forces acting against it," Hillsborough sheriff's spokesman J.D. Callaway told the St. Petersburg Times. "It's very rare that something like that occurs. She's very lucky. You know, we're just glad she came out OK."

So while we're not advocating the wearing of bras by any means, we're objective journalists and just had to speak the truth, non-biased and non-opinionated. But seriously, anybody who is still not wearing their seat belt does deserve to get shot in the heart for being a retard by choice.


Posted by James at 1:59 PM CDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006
Japanese Burglar Breaks in to Massage?
Topic: Weird Shit

A Korean man broke into a woman's Tokyo house, took her money, tied her up, and then proceeded to give her an hours-long shoulder massage to keep her relaxed and calm until he could go use her ATM card.

After pulling out roughly 980,000 yen from her bank account (exchange rate anyone? Bueller? - ed.), he then mailed back the card to her because she had asked him to do so.

This has got to be the nicest robber ever. If our apartment was ever broken into, umm, again, while we were home, we'd hope that the criminal would be an attractive Swedish woman who was into full body massage. We'd get tied up for a few hours for that.


Posted by James at 9:25 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Fat Bastard Makes it Cross Country Using Only his Feet, no Wheelbarrow
Topic: Weird Shit

A frighteningly obese man who was so depressed after killing two elderly people in a car accident finally finished his penance walk across America last evening, over one year after he began it. Steve Vaught also dropped 100 pounds during the approximately 3,000 mile trip, now weighing in at about 310 pounds. So he's still as big as a buffalo, but at least only as much as a heifer.

"This is not about obsessing about numbers, or times, or dates, or miles," he said. "It's just about going on a walk and sort of having time to get things straight."

So there you have it. Steve Vaught is Forrest Gump. Perhaps he should walk back to California. It would help him lose more weight and he could do it for some cause. But at least he's got a sense of humor about everything, as he chronicled his trip on, which we recommend visiting, if now just for the brief memory before you start worry about Iran's nukes.




Posted by James at 11:03 AM CDT
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