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Tuesday, 9 May 2006
Skull & Bones Society Has Geronimo's Skull!
Topic: Weird Shit

College clubs, such as fraternities and societies, all have weird traditions and rumors surrounding past experiences and possible goings-ons. What no one expected, however, was to find a letter confirming the validity that Yale's Skull & Bones society truly did have the skull of the famous Native American warrior Geronimo, taken from his grave in Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

“The skull of the worthy Geronimo the Terrible, exhumed from its tomb at Fort Sill by your club ... is now safe inside the (Tomb) together with his well worn femurs, bit & saddle horn,” according to a letter, written by Winter Mead.

Some researchers are stating that this is full of crap, however, as there is no concrete evidence the bones are Geronimo's.

“What I think we could probably say is they removed some skull and bones and other materials from a grave at Fort Sill,” said researcher Marc Wortman. “Historically, it may be impossible to prove it’s Geronimo’s. They believe it’s from Geronimo.”

So now the inspection of the skull for markings has begun, and it will probably be years before we hear anything again. Just remember this; Geronimo was a great leader and warrior. The movie based on his life? Not so much.


Posted by James at 9:46 AM CDT
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Thursday, 4 May 2006
Taking the "Worm in the Bottle" Fascination Too Far, Hungarian Style
Topic: Weird Shit

Keyser Sose, that madman from The Usual Suspects would be proud of whoever left a surprise at the bottom of a barrel of rum.

A group of Hungarian workers who were renovating a house in Budapest and found a large barrel of rum decided it was time to drink away their workdays. Noticing a appetizing flavor, they began to the bottle the drink and take it home with them. But a nasty little surprise waited for them at the bottom, and as they drained the barrel and opened it up to see what was so heavy that was still inside, a pickled nude corpse of a man came tumbling out.

Turns out a woman in Jamaica 20 years ago lost her spouse and put him inside the barrel to ship him back to his home country without incurring the cost of shipping a body. But no one had any idea why she sent them rum and the body sat at the home waiting to be violated in a truly disgusting manner.

So now when you see a bottle of or Tequila that contains a worm or pickled at the bottom, just think to yourself, "Hey, at least it's not a dude."


Posted by James at 4:06 PM CDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Three African Men Keep Bigamist Father From Marrying Again
Topic: Weird Shit

Three angered sons of Zimbabwe were so upset that their father was ditching their mother (but not divorcing her - ed.) to marry another woman that they crashed the wedding with axes and blades, keeping guests at bay. They then grabbed their dad and dragged him away to a car before tearing off into the desert.

The pastor of the church where the ceremony was being held decided that malnourishment wasn't smiled upon by God, so they ate up all the wedding party's grub, leaving the bride to run out of the chapel in tears. This is, by far, the greatest wedding to ever be held on the face of the Earth.


Posted by James at 2:26 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 19 April 2006
Holy Crap! 101-Pound Dude Eats 6,500 Calories a Day... Just to Maintain!!!
Topic: Weird Shit

22-year-old Matt Chaffee of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has always been a medical improbability since he was a fetus. But now the 26-inch waisted dietary freak has something to celebrate; he finally crossed the 100-pound mark.

As a celebration, his mother took him out to dinner, hoping that she can get some of the 6,500 calories he needs to survive into his body. He gains most of this nourishment through protein shakes and rides his bike to work and college every day.

Oh, and before you think about pushing him around, he can still bench press 130 pounds, so he's not weak. Just skinny as crap. But he's an odd case and seems to be a good kid, so we hope he hits his goal of 120. Hell, that's pretty normal. His 26-inch waist isn't, but 120 pounds is. Good luck Matt.


Posted by James at 11:20 AM CDT
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Thursday, 13 April 2006
Thank God We Left Florida When We Did; Snakes Are Attacking!
Topic: Weird Shit

Our time spent in West Palm Beach, Fla., while fun, was just a day short of being too long. Thank goodness we didn't have to be there now, as an increasing Burmese Python problem seems to be spreading across the state. Yes, that's right. Big fucking snakes are trying to eat Florida. Like they didn't have enough problems with the hurricanes and bullsharks.

"Last year, we caught 95 pythons," said Skip Snow, a biologist with Florida Everglades National Park.

The problem seems to be when people purchase them as babies at flea markets for relatively cheap. Then the pythons get bigger and get released into the wild or flushed down the john. After one year the snakes can be seven feet long. That's a lot of snake to flush down a crapper.

But state Representative Ralph Poppell is tired of this catch and release attitude (plus, he's a snake hater - ed.) and wants people that purchase Pythons to be required to take a class and obtain a license to care for the snake, or face jail time if they care for it improperly or let it loose in the everglades. Good show, Mr. Poppell. Even though we think hunting them down with shotguns would be more fun.


Posted by James at 2:59 PM CDT
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Monday, 10 April 2006
Malaysian Dude Gets $218 Trillion Phone Bill; Time to Switch Long Distance Providers
Topic: Weird Shit

A man in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was shocked last week to received a telephone bill for $218 trillion on a phone line he recently disconnected that used to belong to his deceased father's phone. This amount owed is perhaps only eclipsed by our January cell phone bill. Click our ads!

The government-run phone company, Telekom Malaysia, has said they were aware of his bill (duh - ed.), but couldn't comment further. The letter the man received inside his padded envelope said that he had 10 days to pay the fee or he could face legal action.

"If the company wants to seek legal action as mentioned in the letter, I'm ready to face it. In fact, I can't wait to face it."

Thus begins the most hilarious court case ever. We'll keep you posted if we find out more.


Posted by James at 9:20 AM CDT
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Friday, 7 April 2006
Wallace & Gromit Movie Happens for Real in England!
Topic: Weird Shit

Perhaps when Nick Park decided to make a full length Wallace and Gromit film (The Curse of the Were-Rabbit... awesome - ed.), he looked more towards fact than straight fiction. That would be the only way to explain the uncanny circumstances regarding this strange happening.

Villagers outside of London are freaking after seeing a monster rabbit completely destroy a garden of all of its crops and then take off angrily into the woods.

?They call it the monster. It?s very big -- it?s nearly the size of a dog,? said Joan Smith, whose son Jeff owns one of the plots under attack.

?It?s eating everything, all the vegetables,? she told Reuters. ?They are trying to shoot it. They go along hoping to catch it but I think it?s too crafty.?

Sweet. We can't wait until a village of English turn up headless with rabbit bites covering their bodies.


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Posted by James at 2:34 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 7 April 2006 2:40 PM CDT
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Monday, 3 April 2006
Sick Potheads Steal Jerry Garcia's Toilet
Topic: Weird Shit

The Topic listing is a little over the top, we know, but over the weekend, a group of apparently deranged stoners stole the late Grateful Dead guitarist's salmon-colored toilet, as well as three other commodes and a bidet, from a driveway where a home was being remodeled. No word yet on whether the "throne" will be used as a "shrine" or will appear in the private bathroom of some cheap bastard looking for bathroom fixtures. recently paid $2,550 for the toilet from a private buyer and are offering a $250 reward for the return of the john, proving that they could honestly not give a shit, pardon the pun.


P.S. - Don't pardon the pun. We totally meant to do that.

Posted by James at 1:39 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 22 March 2006
Cat Who Fell 80 Feet And Survived Cool, Just Tender
Topic: Weird Shit

Even thought it was widely reported on yesterday, we didn't get a chance to touch on the story of the cat in South Carolina who survived an 80-foot flop out of a tree in her backyard. The entire thing was caught on video, and the good editors at Sploid got the screen grab to the right, which even though is completely awful, is somehow hilarious at the same time.

Piper the cat is doing fine and only has a slight eye infection after being up in the tree for eight days after being scared by probably a ghost or something. But anyway, the video is linked below, and as you can tell, everyone is obviously very worried. Ah, loving cat owners. Nothing like being completely worried about something you can pick up from the corner. Jerks.


P.S. - Sploid also had the best headline: "Cat Falls 80 Feet to Freedom!"

Posted by James at 9:59 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 March 2006 1:19 PM CST
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Monday, 20 March 2006
Cat-Rat Born in Tunisia!
Topic: Weird Shit

When a mother cat in Tunisia gave birth to her first litter, the owner received an unexpected shock, when it appeared that the mother kitten had, in fact, given birth to a rat. The diminutive offspring has the same facial features and size of a full grown field mouse, despite popping out of a full grown domestic short hair feline.

But as you can see in the video provided in the link below, none of the other four kittens or the mother really seem to care. Just thought we'd give you some weirdness to start the week. Enjoy!


Posted by James at 9:27 AM CST
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Friday, 17 March 2006
Man Discovers Way to Keep Police At Bay: Knives and Penises
Topic: Weird Shit

A distraught man who had been breaking into houses and cars after being dumped with his girlfriend used an interesting tactic to keep the police back from arresting him. First, he would emerge from the kitchen with a handful of knives and start chucking them at any nearby officers. When he ran out of sharp objects, however, he decided that he had something else he could throw.

His severed penis.

"About 10 feet from the front porch, right on the sidewalk, was his penis," Chicago Police Sgt. Edward Dolan said.

After being tasered and taken to the hospital, Jakub Fik had his wang reattached. It's reasons like this that we surround ourselves with animals instead of women. Animals keep you company, and if you want some female "company," there's always strippers.


Posted by James at 10:24 AM CST
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Wednesday, 15 March 2006
Corpses Mined for Body Parts! Body Parts Given to Transplant Recipients!
Topic: Weird Shit

If we swore more, we'd be saying something really bad right now. Who are we kidding, we'll swear away. What. The. Fuck.

Leave it to a New Jersey-based medical supply company, Biomedical Tissue Services, to do something so, just, wrong. BTS is now on trial for taking the body parts, including bone, skin and tendons, of corpses and selling them to transplant clinics across the northeast. Not only did BTS not have permission from the family's to mine their loved ones bodies for their parts, but the nearly $5 million in parts sold could lead to the infections and deaths of thousands who received the organs.

Medtronic Inc., the company that distributed the body parts, said that nearly 8,000 pieces were sold and implanted in living people.

Companies who distributed the BTS-sold parts are now being hauled in to testify, including one of the most ironically named companies that could possibly be involved, Lost Mountain Tissue Bank. Just switch a word and all of a sudden it makes you want to puke.

The worst part of the whole scandal is that not only did BTS know what they were doing, but they were covering their tracks, or at least attempting to. So that there wouldn't be speculation or questions, the company would replace bone with PVC pipe and skin with latex. These people need to be vivisected for their punishment. And in case you have never heard of a vivisection, it's a nice form of autopsy that is performed when the individual is still alive and awake.


Posted by James at 11:55 AM CST
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Thursday, 9 March 2006
Mexico Severely Confused About What Turns Us On
Topic: Weird Shit

In an attempt to help stop sexual harassment in the office, a Mexican company is creating a line of sex dolls in executive and business attire. They're meant to be taken to work and put in a woman's office in her place, which would thus scare the men because it helps to show that women are not objects.

Of course, the men in Mexico could just think that they have kinky bosses and proceed to hump the crap out of the mouth hole. President Vicente Fox is 100 percent behind this movement, especially after catching some ire from women earlier this year when he called women "washing machines with two legs." Ha! Good one Foxy.

So in honor of this controversial and groundbreaking technique to stop sexual harassment in Mexico, we give you this joke one of our lesser friends told us: what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, cause you done already told that bitch twice.


Posted by James at 2:55 PM CST
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Monday, 20 February 2006
California Mother Won't Live to See Daughter Become Legal
Topic: Weird Shit

A 62-year-old grandmother in California gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Friday, which made her the second-oldest woman to ever give birth naturally in the world. The baby boy was her, wait for it, 12th child. Between those other 11 kids, who must feel COMPLETELY left out and unloved, there are also 20 grandkids.

Her husband is 48, and even though she had a child 3 1/2 years ago, both of her two recent additions to the family she will soon be leaving were created through in vitro fertilization techniques. Why are we making fun of this woman and her babymaking abilities? Especially making jokes about her death?

It's not because she's over the age of 60. No, it's because she's over the age of 60 and still birthing fucking kids. This woman's body is so worn out an errant sneeze could turn her bowels into liquid. For the love of god, get her a hyperbolic chamber and tell her that there are other religions besides Catholicism!


Posted by James at 10:04 AM CST
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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Vietnamese Farmer Has Not Slept in 33 Years!
Topic: Weird Shit

Vietnamese farmer Thai Ngoc once awoke with a bad fever in 1973... and never fell asleep again. Now, not even sleeping pills, homeopathic remedies or even booze can knock out this hardworking man, who guards his property and tends his livestock and crops while everyone else sleeps.

And he has no side effects.

“I don’t know whether the insomnia has impacted my health or not. But I’m still healthy and can farm normally like others,” Ngoc said.

And it's not like the dude is out of shape and sluggish. He carries two 50kg sacks of grain home every day after work. We can't do that, and we work out! This guy is a superhero! INSOMNIMAN!


Posted by James at 4:39 PM CST
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
Idiot Arkansas Woman Saves Goddamn Chicken With CPR
Topic: Weird Shit

A woman in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, saved an "exotic" chicken named Boo Boo by giving it mouth to mouth after it was found, um, beak down in a swimming pool. After blowing twice in the chicken's dirty, vile mouth, it began to breath again.

"I breathed into its beak, and its dad-gum eyes popped open," Marian Morris said. "I breathed into its beak again, and its eyes popped open again. "I said, 'I think this chicken's alive now. Keep it warm.'"

The woman said dad-gum. And is from Arkansas. And has family who owns an "exotic" chicken. And saved the "exotic" chicken by making out with it. This woman is a winner.


Posted by James at 1:07 PM CST
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Thursday, 2 February 2006
We Like Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, But Come On...
Topic: Weird Shit

Nothing interests us today unless it involves some bodily function either in a human or puppy, so here's your next goddamn story:

A 100-pound woman in New York ate 26 grilled cheese sandwiches in 10 minutes to win the crown of World Grilled Cheese Eating Champion. The woman, Sonya Thomas, took home eight grand for beating our her competition by a half of a sandwich. Her current eating records also include 46 dozen oysters in 10 minutes, 11 pounds of cheesecake in 9 minutes, 48 chicken tacos in 11 minutes, 37 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes and 56 hamburgers in 8 minutes (all numbers/times from the AP - ed.). So apparently the girl has the metabolism of a ferret on meth.

Since it's Groundhog Day though, we would've been a lot more impressed had she eaten 26 live groundhogs, but that many grilled cheeses is pretty good. Dammit, now we have a craving for one.


Posted by James at 12:01 PM CST
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Monday, 30 January 2006
Ukrainian Woman Thinks She's a Vampire; Gets Kids Drunk and Removes Their Blood
Topic: Weird Shit

A 29-year-old Ukrainian woman was arrested, for a second time, for getting kids drunk and high on modeling glue and then removing their blood with a syringe with the purpose of drinking their life force. We've seen pretty much every vampire movie and have never seen any of them use a syringe, but whatever.

"As it turned out during the investigation, there is an organization in Odessa called 'Red Dragon,'" Interfax reported today. "Its members performed black magic rituals using human blood. The leader of this Satanic group has been identified. He collected all the money rank-and-file Satanists made out of black magic."

Ah, Satanist. That's all they had to say. But wait... do you remember what an evidence orgy is? It's usually when someone is framed by having TONS of evidence stuck in obvious places. Like in those crappy movies when a dirty cop kills a dude with a throw-away gun and then puts it next to the framed guy's body.

"Detectives found seven drugged children strapped to beds and benches, and a large, black knife and silver goblet engraved with satanic symbols."

And there's your evidence orgy. The woman, however, says she paid them $600 a piece, fed and bathed them until she let them go... by dumping them in the street. Now this is a compassionate vampire. Not anything like the ones we saw in Blade. Those guys were just dicks.


Posted by James at 4:28 PM CST
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Thursday, 12 January 2006
One-Eyed Cat Born in Portland! Sadly, Dies One Day Later, Thus Halting a Possible Reign of Supersized Catclopses
Topic: Weird Shit

Ragdoll cats are among the most beautiful in the world, except when they have little berries of dook hanging from their hindquarters, but that's a different story. In Portland, Oregon, a ragdoll kitten was born with four cute little feet, one precious tail, a perfect little kitten mouth, and one big honking eyeball.

Cy the cyclops kitten unfortunately died 24-hours later, but it has sent waves of "holy shitbucket" across the nation. While many were trying to determine if it was a hoax or not, the kitten passed on. Now, scientists have determined that Cy had a rare disease called "Holoprosencephaly," which is a leading cause of facial deformity in animals.

Did he get it from inbreeding? Who knows. But we know that had he lived, that would've been the coolest ragdoll cat ever. Well, besides our ragdoll Turbo, at least.


Posted by James at 5:11 PM CST
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Taiwan Scientists Breeding Neon Green Pigs! Cancer Research Just Not That Important to Them
Topic: Weird Shit

With the Japanese figuring out how to make both seedless and square watermelons and the South Koreans faking cloning, Taiwanese scientists were feeling left out of the all-important "Crackpot Science" genre, so they decided to take a different route. This week, a team of Taiwanese scientists unveiled their neon green genetically engineered pig.

“There are partially fluorescent green pigs elsewhere, but ours are the only ones in the world that are green from inside out. Even their hearts and internal organs are green,” professor Wu Shinn-Chih said on Thursday.

So how was this "miracle" of science achieved? By injecting green dye into a pig embryo. We shit you not. Green food coloring. So now the question remains on everyone's minds: can we get this done to our children?


Posted by James at 9:08 AM CST
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