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Monday, 15 May 2006
The Presidential Address Wrap-up! Our Bad!
Topic: Politics

Ha, sorry guys. We didn't expect the entire address to be about immigration. So after the tequila shot, hopefully you guys pounded enough Corona quickly enough to drown out the crap that was flowing from Dubya's mouth.

So what did we think? With the help of our hairy, four-legged interns, we determined that this was political pandering. Actually, it was quite obvious. It was calling out your co-workers in front of a large group of your friends to embarrass them into doing what you want.

It was also an attempt to bring back the "compassionate conservatism" that Bush promised in the 2000 election and hasn't done since. Perhaps some immigration reform will be upheld, but not to the level he called for tonight. There's no way illegal immigrants that are already here are going to out themselves to get "licensed," especially after they were made to sound like terrorists, what with all their "sneaking."

We'll see what the political fallout will be like tomorrow. For now, just sit down quickly before all the liquor kicks in and enjoy Prison Break and 24. Also, don't forget that the Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs play tonight at 8:30 CST. Go Mavs!

Posted by James at 7:40 PM CDT
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The Heart of Darko State of the Union Address Drinking Game!
Topic: Politics

Hooray! It's back! With President Douche giving less State of the Union addresses than any other president in the history of the United States (this one isn't even called a SOU - ed.), we've been itching to fire off a new drinking game for something political. our humble beginnings as an awful little bit of political commentary fueled our rage and alcohol intake.

But tonight? Oh ladies and gentlemen tonight we have the SOU, Prison Break, 24, and the NBA Playoffs. It's a goddamn cornucopia of entertainment, and it's getting started at 7:00 CST with the return of mixing liquor, beer, wine and cough medicine. Drink up, losers!


- Bush cracks his smirk within the opening minute
- "Stay the course" or its derivatives are mentioned
- He mentions Iran
- He mentions Venezuela
- For every "working with Congress" reference
- He mentions alternate fuel
- He brings up the economy doing well
- He brings up the deficit increase
- Every time he says "hard work"
- Every time he says "nucular"


- He mentions Libya
- He mentions Laura
- He mentions his daughters (two drinks for each one)
- He mentions his dad (two more if he mentions Bill)
- He specifically says "Hugo Chavez"
- He tries to put a Latino accent on it
- He mispronounces a foreign official's name
- He says "cut and run" or something to the like
- You notice his eyes moving left to right following the teleprompter
- He says the name of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Two more if he doesn't fuck it up
- He speaks of his attempts to have bipartisan discussions, or any derivatives of this
- The 2006 midterm elections are mentioned


- Take a shot of tequila as soon as he mentions immigration
- Take a sip of a Corona for every mention thereafter
- If New Orleans is mentioned, quickly go mix yourself a Black Russian and chug in the honor of the Chocolate City
- If he says "God bless..." drink until he finishes speaking
- If the SOU is under a half hour, finish your beer, open a new one, and prepare for your evening of action and basketball

And you should be sufficiently drunk, so enjoy. We recommend using some sort of light beer for this game, as the toll can be rather hard with our games, as we have learned. Somehow we have a tendency to get every thing he says right beforehand, but that's just probably because he says the same shit over and over. Have fun.

Posted by James at 4:52 PM CDT
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USA Finally Tries... Diplomacy? Wait, That Can't Be Right...
Topic: National News

1980's Libya used to be today's Iran; a hotbed of possible nuclear activity with some perhaps terrorists maybe running around causing problems. The only thing that has really changed between the two situations is the Bush that is in office. That and even Moammar Gadhafi was like "Iranian dude, you are waaaaaay in the wrong buddy."

Since 1985, Libya turned from a group of generalized terrorists, such as the ones in Back to the Future (Run Marty! It's the Libyans!!!).

So today, as a thanks for not killing more American soldiers in their dance clubs (look it up folks, it happened - ed.), the United States dropped Libya from the terrorist country list.

Oh, but they put Venezuela on the "Ones to Watch" list and decided to stop selling them guns. Sounds like Afghanistan from the 1980s, doesn't it? But we're guessing this is more about Hugo Chavez and his rampant anti-U.S. banter and holding their oil over our heads.

So what's the next plan? Blockade, by all means. Worked for Kennedy, so why not Bush?



Posted by James at 3:18 PM CDT
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Karl Rove's Political Genius Finally Revealed
Topic: Politics

Karl Rove just blew our mind.

"People like this president," Rove said. "They're just sour right now on the war."

We have insights like this all the time. "Family Guy is a pretty decent show, but it's no Entourage." Or "Yeah I had a decent time, right up until I punched that chick in the eye."

Rove continued that the President's likability ratings are very high, despite his nearing negative approval rating. Oh yes, and the tax cuts make the U.S. economy stronger. Of course they do, because it's what we like to call "passing the buck." President Clinton did this exact same thing during the late 1990s tech boom. He left office and the tech industry collapsed because their government funded projects never came to fruition. Bush got blamed.

So now it looks like the plan might be to continue to jack up the economy by giving more tax cuts, which boosts purchasing, thusly giving America a higher economy. Until people run out of money, that is. Yep, this one has Rove's fingerprints all over it.


Posted by James at 12:04 PM CDT
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The Resurrected Duke Lacrosse Team Rape Returns! No DNA... umm... Again.
Topic: Sports

It's been weeks since we've heard any word from the Duke lacrosse team scandal that has been worth reporting. The last releases that came from anybody were just normal attorney blow-hardiness. But today, something has changed.

The DNA found in a vaginal swap of the supposed victim was from her boyfriend, not any of the Duke lacrosse team players. Whoops.

"Once again, a DNA report indicated not a smattering, not a spider web of indication that there was any DNA from those boys," attorney Wade Smith said.

Also, the DNA that was found under a press on fingernail in a waste can of the boys' bathroom also didn't have any link, even though, as was pointed out, the basket was full of Kleenex and tissue from countless other people. Also, the team members pointed out that they noticed the fingernail and would give it to the police if they would like it, which doesn't exactly seem to be rapist sort of behavior.

So despite this evidence and the alleged changes in times of the stories of both dancers, as well as photographic and DNA evidence seeming to exonerate the team members, the case continues. We'll continue the updates as we find them.


Posted by James at 11:25 AM CDT
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48 Million of You Are Retarded
Topic: Cars/Automotive

People wonder why there is hatred for our country. We are one of the richest in the world, with hundreds of millions spent each year purchasing and "pimping" our vehicles, while in a country such as Palestine, owning a 1984 Alfa Romeo Spider means you are one of the richest men alive.

Yet there are still 48 million of you idiots that refuse to buckle up. It takes five seconds max. Just reach over and *click* you're done. But instead, you're concerned how uncool you look, or that you'll get trapped in a burning car, or some other idiotic reason.

You ready to hear the facts you idiots? Here they are:

Six in ten people age 8-44 killed in car wrecks weren't wearing their seat belts. You see a pattern?

Seven in ten people killed while driving their pickup trucks weren't wearing seat belts. Do you see a pattern?

Fatality risk for front-seat motorists in sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks and vans who wear seat belts is reduced by 60 percent. Do you see a fucking pattern?

Jesus Christ people. The automotive industry isn't trying to kill you by putting in seat belts. And for those of you worried about being trapped in a car, how many accidents have you ever driven by on your way to work at the mud plant where you've seen a flipped over car? One? Two? Stop making excuses and put on your belt!


Posted by James at 10:34 AM CDT
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Friday, 12 May 2006
Keifer Sutherland vs. a Christmas Tree
Topic: Entertainment

Mostly due to 24, we're big Keifer Sutherland fans. So we laughed our asses off when heard of him taking down a Christmas tree in a swanky London hotel while wasted. Well, thanks to a new documentary starring Jack Bauer (as well as the good chaps at Defamer - ed.), we have the video of the Christmas Tree takedown.


Posted by James at 5:06 PM CDT
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Mother's Day! Your Weekend To Do Guide
Topic: Housekeeping

What is there to do this weekend in this wonderfully dimwitted country of ours? Let's take a look to see how we can get you off the couch and spending some money for the good of our economy.

NBA PLAYOFFS - Tonight and on Saturday only, and don't go out and get drunk that night either, mister. You've got the Suns/Clippers at 10:80 tonight after the Nets/Cavs. Tomorrow sees the Mavs/Spurs and Pistons/Heat. Good games all around... except for the Pistons/Heat. That's like watching the Harlem Globetrotters play a team of kiddy pool-bound manatees.

MOTHER'S DAY - Celebrate your explosion from your mother's loins and the years of wine-dependent misery you brought upon her with a box of chocolates. Because she already knows you lost your salary on the Pistons/Heat game because you thought the Heat could beat the spread. Don't worry. She cleaned up your shit for years. She'll loan you twenty bucks for gas money.

TATTOOS FOR EVERYONE! - Get a "Mom" tattoo in celebration. Regret it the next day.

Posted by James at 4:56 PM CDT
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Corn at $2.65 a Bushel!
Topic: National News


But seriously, corn shot up from $2.25 to $2.65 a bushel because of ethanol demands. So we guess that pretty much ends the argument about how ethanol is cheaper. For once the state of Nebraska is going to laugh at the rest of the country instead of the other way around.

Stupid corn huskers.


Posted by James at 2:55 PM CDT
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Fake Writer Watch! James Frey Admits Lying in Second Book Too
Topic: Embarrassment

After the media hullabaloo has finally blown over after it was reveal that the memoir of James Frey should have really been called A Million Little Lies, what else is there to do besides take your millions of dollars and hide out somewhere nobody will know you? Sit on a beach and get drunk? Bang a Thai hooker?

How about come out and admit your second "non-fiction" book, My Friend Leonard, should also be titled My Friend Lies? Sure, that'll work.

"To call this book pure nonfiction would be inaccurate," the author writes. "It is a combination of fact and fiction, real and imagined events."

Goddammit James Frey! What the hell is wrong with you? Jesus Christ! Truman Capote wrote things like this as well, but he acknowledged it. You just make shit up, like the entire opening of My Friend Lies involving Porterhouse and the 90 day jail sentence.

Man, shit. We actually read your books. Let's take a guess at what's true in these books; you are a real person. Is that the end of the truths?

We hate you James Frey. You're the biggest fraud in the literary world. That's right, we said it. Why don't you just kick us in the nuts while you're at it? As was said on the episode of South Park that wasn't nearly as hard on you as it should've been, "you're a towel."


Posted by James at 9:50 AM CDT
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Japanese Burglar Breaks in to Massage?
Topic: Weird Shit

A Korean man broke into a woman's Tokyo house, took her money, tied her up, and then proceeded to give her an hours-long shoulder massage to keep her relaxed and calm until he could go use her ATM card.

After pulling out roughly 980,000 yen from her bank account (exchange rate anyone? Bueller? - ed.), he then mailed back the card to her because she had asked him to do so.

This has got to be the nicest robber ever. If our apartment was ever broken into, umm, again, while we were home, we'd hope that the criminal would be an attractive Swedish woman who was into full body massage. We'd get tied up for a few hours for that.


Posted by James at 9:25 AM CDT
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Thursday, 11 May 2006
Kinky Friedman Gets His Signatures, Runnin' For Texas Gov!
Topic: Texas Politics

Kinky Friedman, that lovable Jewish cowboy/singer with the maverick political sense and strong support base, received 169,574 signatures (one of them, proudly, is ours - ed.) to get his name on the 2006 ballet for Governor of the State of Texas. An independent candidate needs only 45,540 to run, so even with the comptrollers counting them up, he's in and ready to go.

Says Kinky:

"All I can say is, thank God for bars and dance halls."

So now it's time to ramp up that fan base. Because of this moment, we're going to put another sticker on our car when we get home. Because nothing says "Vote for This Dude" more than an ancient, high-mileage speeding white Volvo with death metal screaming out the windows.



Posted by James at 3:48 PM CDT
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Pink Bats Coming to Embarrass Major League Baseball
Topic: Sports

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has done some fantastic thing for women worldwide. Especially their breasts. And we love us some breasts. But before we praise their breast work anymore, we should note how they have decided to have MLB players swing away this weekend with pink Louisville Sluggers.

We understand that Mother's Day is important and that breast cancer research is necessary to the health of everyone's mothers, but pink bats? We thought the New York Yankees were a team of homos before (Yankees? Get it? Yank-ees? - ed.), but this has taken it a step to far. Perhaps the NBA should play with pink balls this weekend and oh my god that totally came out wrong.

We're dropping this subject.


Posted by James at 12:07 PM CDT
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Hybrid Bear's Reign of Terror Ended by Multiple Gunshot Wounds
Topic: World News

A group of American sports hunters took down a large white bear recently and noticed that it did not look like the bear from the Coca-Cola commercials. Instead, this marauding monster has been confirmed as the wild's first animal hybrid and has been discovered to be half grizzly and half polar bear.

"We've known it's possible, but actually most of us never thought it would happen," said Ian Stirling, a polar bear biologist.

So Canada, you better prepare yourself for a lifetime of bear-humping changes going on. Breed your poodles to Rottweilers to create massively puffy killing beasts to protect your homes, because the hybrid bears are coming!


Posted by James at 10:56 AM CDT
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Greatest NBA Playoffs in History Occurring RIGHT NOW!
Topic: Sports

We usually attempt to keep our sports fanaticism to a minimum, knowing full well you don't visit here to see us drool over our favorite teams. But since the Dallas Mavericks (yes, our fav team - ed.) have an actual chance at going all the way to the finals, we've been paying attention to the world of NBA basketball even more this year, and we can say, without a doubt, this is the best playoffs we have ever watched.

Despite a couple of first round games that were none too exciting, the second round is a virtual cornucopia of "who knows?" games.

SUNS vs. CLIPPERS - It looked after game 1 that the Clippers had no chance of doing anything. They came back last night and thumped the Suns at home in a late game. Wow.

HEAT vs. NETS - The News took command early in the series with a commanding win in Miami, only to be smashed up in game 2 by 22 points.

CAVS vs. PISTONS - Okay, this one is going like people expected. The Pistons cannot be stopped.

MAVS vs. SPURS - Dallas won their first road playoff game in San Antonio Tuesday by blowing out the Spurs after losing by only 2 points in game one. Watch out for the Mavs; they're pissed because no one took them seriously.

You get a break tonight from the playoff games and earn a chance to catch your breath and digest all that beer. It starts again Friday night with the Suns/Clippers in LA and Heat/Nets in Jersey.

Posted by James at 9:41 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Howard Stern to Stay With Sirius Radio, Off of Terrestrial; Thank God
Topic: Entertainment

Yesterday we reported that Howard Stern was thinking of coming back to terrestrial radio and simulcast his show. Today he has said that he will not.

"I'm very flattered terrestrial radio can't let go of me," Stern said on his morning radio show. "But I would throw up if I had to go back. I'm never going back. The story is I wouldn't do it (terrestrial radio) for any reason. Not for money. I left because I couldn't stand the censorship. I couldn't stand" the Federal Communications Commission.

Then Stern took a jab at Opie & Anthony, who simulcast their show on Howard's old radio network, CBS (ha! - ed.), and on XM satellite radio. Stern said the reason they do their simulcast is because they failed in satellite radio, even though they have their own channel dedicated to their show. So now it's down to slap-fighting satellites. Great, this is gonna make some great radio. Break new ground, Howard, break new ground, you twat.


Posted by James at 4:04 PM CDT
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Warhol Soup Can Painting Sets Record at $11.8 Million; Tonight, We Paint a Can of Beans
Topic: Entertainment

Andy Warhol is a fantastic wacko, full of odd ideas and creative artistic something or other that cannot be called talent. His Andy Warhol's Frankenstein is one of the worst horror movies ever made. His hair is obnoxious, he's an odd dresser, but the man knew how to paint a can of Campbell's soup.

Now, Warhol's "Pepper Pot" painting from that series has set a record at auction where it sold for $11.8 million. Says auction house Christie's, who sold the piece:

The painting "registers the passage of time and conveys a preoccupation with degradation, exuding destruction and frailty."

Or it's a can of fucking soup with a torn label. It doesn't have a "preoccupation" with degradation. It can't have a preoccupation with anything. It's fucking soup! It's a thing, not a human!

See, this is why we're not famous artists. Not because we lack the talent, but we lack the bullshit excuse to give when someone asks us what the bowl of fruit stands for.


Posted by James at 3:18 PM CDT
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Oh Shit, There's Another One of Them
Topic: Politics

President Bush has just informed America that his brother, and current Florida governor, Jeb Bush, would make an excellent President. But maybe Jeb has seen the polarizing ways of the name "Bush" and has decided not to go near that train wreck.

"I think Jeb would be a great president. But it's up to Jeb to make a decision to run," the President said. "I have no idea what he's going to do. I've asked him that question myself. I truly don't think he knows."

Did we dodge a bullet here? Bush is off playing pen pal with Iran. His dad's going all hand-holding, Brokeback Air Force One with Clinton, and his daughters actually got jobs. Jesus Christ this is one off family.


Posted by James at 12:01 PM CDT
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Fat Bastard Makes it Cross Country Using Only his Feet, no Wheelbarrow
Topic: Weird Shit

A frighteningly obese man who was so depressed after killing two elderly people in a car accident finally finished his penance walk across America last evening, over one year after he began it. Steve Vaught also dropped 100 pounds during the approximately 3,000 mile trip, now weighing in at about 310 pounds. So he's still as big as a buffalo, but at least only as much as a heifer.

"This is not about obsessing about numbers, or times, or dates, or miles," he said. "It's just about going on a walk and sort of having time to get things straight."

So there you have it. Steve Vaught is Forrest Gump. Perhaps he should walk back to California. It would help him lose more weight and he could do it for some cause. But at least he's got a sense of humor about everything, as he chronicled his trip on, which we recommend visiting, if now just for the brief memory before you start worry about Iran's nukes.




Posted by James at 11:03 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 9 May 2006
Howard Stern to Pull an Opie & Anthony and Stab Sirius in the Back?
Topic: Entertainment

There's no hiding that we're not fans of Howard Stern. It's not only because we outgrew his brand of humor in high school (possibly junior high - ed.), but because everything on his show revolves around the fact that he's better than everyone else. The man is the ultimate prima donna. That and he's on Sirius Satellite Radio, and we're XM fans.

But now, it appears that Howard is going to go after Opie & Anthony, who we are fans of, by hitting out on the terrestrial radio ground too. O&A made a deal with XM and then agreed to clean up the first hour and a half of their show for normal free radio. They took off in popularity, and Howard took $500 million of Sirius's money to come work for them.

Well Howard must not like his Sirius bosses either, because he's thinking about selling his show to terrestrial radio as well, which would pretty much anger everyone at the satellite network.

Perhaps it is because Stern only gets 10 percent of his former audience and people have forgotten about him. But what we do know is that if he does stick it to his new company and head back to Earth-bound radio, it will pretty much prove that he's the biggest sell out in the radio business. Start the evisceration of Howard, O&A. We'll be listening.


Posted by James at 11:50 AM CDT
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