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Thursday, 4 May 2006
Taking the "Worm in the Bottle" Fascination Too Far, Hungarian Style
Topic: Weird Shit

Keyser Sose, that madman from The Usual Suspects would be proud of whoever left a surprise at the bottom of a barrel of rum.

A group of Hungarian workers who were renovating a house in Budapest and found a large barrel of rum decided it was time to drink away their workdays. Noticing a appetizing flavor, they began to the bottle the drink and take it home with them. But a nasty little surprise waited for them at the bottom, and as they drained the barrel and opened it up to see what was so heavy that was still inside, a pickled nude corpse of a man came tumbling out.

Turns out a woman in Jamaica 20 years ago lost her spouse and put him inside the barrel to ship him back to his home country without incurring the cost of shipping a body. But no one had any idea why she sent them rum and the body sat at the home waiting to be violated in a truly disgusting manner.

So now when you see a bottle of or Tequila that contains a worm or pickled at the bottom, just think to yourself, "Hey, at least it's not a dude."


Posted by James at 4:06 PM CDT
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Chinese Bishops Excommunicated! Wait... China Has Catholics?
Topic: World News

Pope Joey Rat showed his strong side this week as the Catholic church excommunicated four Chinese bishops after ordainment ceremonies had not been sanctioned by the Catholic church. Snap!

Two bishops who were ordained by the Chinese government and not the Vatican were removed from their positions and have been excommunicated from the church, meaning that after serving their whole lives for God, they're not going to be able to go to Heaven after they die. The two bishops who ordained them have been excommunicated too.

"The Holy See has in various occasions reiterated its willingness to have an honest and constructive dialog with the competent Chinese authorities to find solutions that would satisfy the legitimate requirements of both sides," Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said.

"Initiatives such as those mentioned above not only don't favor this dialog, but instead create new obstacles against it."

Okay, we're gonna admit we don't know what the hell he's talking about with this "Holy See" thing and what not, but it pretty much blows to be one of the recently ordained bishops. You think to yourself, "Man, I made it this high. God has shined his love down on me and what? What do you mean I'm not a Bishop? It's not legal? And I can't be a Catholic anymore? Fuck!"

That's a bad day, man.


Posted by James at 10:58 AM CDT
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Texas Maid of Honor Takes Bullet During Reception!
Topic: Texas News

We're back! Rejoice, you little suckers. We said REJOICE!

But now we move on to a great story to return to. That is the tale of one Kristin Campbell, the maid of honor in her best friend's wedding in Houston, was partying hard looking for a guy to take home in shame and desperation when the lucky moment of the bouquet toss suddenly arrived. When Kristin made her NFL receiver like move to catch the bundle of slowly dying flowers, a bullet smashed through the reception halls ceiling and struck her in the arm, falling to the floor as Kristin began to bleed.

"I didn't hear anything. I just knew I had a hole in my arm," said Campbell. "It was painful, but it wasn't terrible, but it did feel like I was shot. There was really no other way to describe it."

Now, police and Ms. Campbell are in the search for the owner of the discharged shot, which was most likely fired into the air randomly from about a mile away. Luckily for Kristin Campbell, the wound wasn't a bleeder and she's going to be just fine. Plus, she's a cute girl from Texas with a kick ass "got shot" story, so she'll do just fine.


Posted by James at 9:46 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 25 April 2006
Scotland, And Its Many Pubs, Awaits Us!
Topic: Housekeeping

We have never taken a vacation since getting out of college. Not once. A day at Christmas and Thanksgiving perhaps, but not a real honest to goodness vacation. Now that we move into our late 20s at the end of this week, we figured it would be a good time to visit the merry old country of Scotland and take in the cool air, green fields, castles, smoke and ale.

We will see you folks when we get back, and keep the place warm for us. Scotland is free!

Posted by James at 11:54 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 April 2006 1:32 PM CDT
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Charlie Sheen is Nuts
Topic: Embarrassment

Charlie Sheen's divorce proceedings went public and just got a hell of a lot worse for the actor/coke whore, meaning it's probably not the best time to launch his brand of children's clothing, which is creepy enough as it is.

But now, Denise Richards' attorneys released a bunch of voice mails that Sheen left on her answering machine while she was still preggers with their second kid. And let us tell you, this dude is nuts. Careful... foul language follows:

"Okay, you're a fucking liar, so you what it's like... fuck you. Okay, I hope you rot in fucking hell. You're a piece of shit fucking liar and I hope you fucking rot in hell."

It gets worse from there in that particular message, but we'll let you click over and read it. But this one cracks us up. This next message was left a mere three hours after the previous one above.

"Hey, I'm going home early. I just hate to leave early and then you come and then I hear from Laura in a letter that costs me, you know, five grand that, you know, I didn't let you know I was leaving early. So I'm gonna leave early. Okay? Dick face."

Dude, he just called Denise Richards dick face! This is gonna be the best divorce trial ever.


Posted by James at 11:33 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 April 2006 11:38 AM CDT
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World's Most Perfect Reality Show Currently NOT Being Filmed in Sierra Leone; Monkey Hunters
Topic: World News

Following the death of a taxi driver and brutal beatings of three American businessmen, a squad of highly trained police officials are off hunting a deadly team of 20 escaped chimpanzees. This has the potential to be perhaps the greatest TV show ever filmed.

Just a bunch of pissed off cops hunting down a team of rogue monkeys. You could even stretch it out to twenty shows, with a take down in each episode, working your way up to the boss.

It appears that two males, Bruno and Philip, are leading the monkey revolt after orchestrating a daring mid-day prison break in which 30 of the primates escaped. With ten of their number already behind bars and their two leaders wanted for murder, the monkeys are being more desperate to escape the country, with the hope of a new life awaiting them in the Congo.

Will they make it? Find out next week on Monkey Hunters!


Posted by James at 11:06 AM CDT
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EXCLUSIVE! Mav's Coach Avery Johnson to Get NBA Coach of the Year Award!!!
Topic: Sports


Well, probably not first. A source close the Dallas Mavericks told us this morning that Mavs coach Avery "The Little General" Johnson will receive the NBA's Coach of the Year Award for the 2005-2006 season. Johnson has led the Mavericks to a team-tying 60-22 record in the season and straight into the playoffs for championship contention.

Way to go Avery! And go Mavs, game two against the Memphis Grizzlies tonight!

Posted by James at 8:56 AM CDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Oh Snap! Johnny Drama Got Married!
Topic: Entertainment

For all you Entourage fans out there, and especially you women who are looking for semi-famous piece of ass, Johnny Drama is off the market. Yes, Vincent Chase's brother has gotten married in Las Vegas at the age of 40 (40? seriously? godDAMN - ed.). His wife wore a floor-length white gown, while Johnny (or Kevin Dillon, if you want to call him by his real name) wore, in true Chase brother style, jeans and a leather jacket.

Kevin Connelly, or "E," was the couple's witness, and probably drunk and looking all midgety. We remember when that kid was on Unhappily Ever After.

Entourage is back on HBO in June, giving you more mischief and jealousy of the lives of fictional people that are your age. Congrats Johnny/Kevin!


Posted by James at 4:28 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006 4:30 PM CDT
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Three African Men Keep Bigamist Father From Marrying Again
Topic: Weird Shit

Three angered sons of Zimbabwe were so upset that their father was ditching their mother (but not divorcing her - ed.) to marry another woman that they crashed the wedding with axes and blades, keeping guests at bay. They then grabbed their dad and dragged him away to a car before tearing off into the desert.

The pastor of the church where the ceremony was being held decided that malnourishment wasn't smiled upon by God, so they ate up all the wedding party's grub, leaving the bride to run out of the chapel in tears. This is, by far, the greatest wedding to ever be held on the face of the Earth.


Posted by James at 2:26 PM CDT
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Drugged Up Dude Plays Naked Santa
Topic: Stupidity

A California man who locked himself out of his stepmother's house decided that the best way to get in was to climb up the roof, undress, and then shimmy down the chimney hanging from a goddamn cable cord.

Well, the cord broke, of course, and the man was stuck three quarters of the way down the chimney for five hours until he was pushed out by firefighters and promptly arrested for being under the influence of drugs. Now we can understand why the Middle East hates us.


Posted by James at 12:56 PM CDT
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New York Judge Allows Web Surfing Worker to Keep Job; Surf Away Losers!
Topic: Technology

Do you check your email in constant concern that your boss will look in your history and see you opened that spam message about horny housewives? Or perhaps you run a blog from your work computer that has been going on strong for two years and has your name all over it.

Either way, a judge in New York said that the state government could not fire a 14-year veteran employee for surfing the Internet at work, creating a huge opening for workers to check their email to their hearts' content.

"It should be observed that the Internet has become the modern equivalent of a telephone or a daily newspaper, providing a combination of communication and information that most employees use as frequently in their personal lives as for their work."

So there you have it, Internet hounds. The Net is the same as calling a phone sex line or picking up this week's copy of Adult Video News, neither of which can get you fired as well, right? Jackass.


Posted by James at 9:40 AM CDT
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Friday, 21 April 2006
Nepal To Have Democracy! We Hadn't Even Realized We'd Invaded
Topic: World News

The king of the small mountain kingdom of Nepal has announced that he will return power to the people of the country in a form of democracy only 14 months after seizing power and naming himself ruler. Now the Nepalese get to look forward to their current king winning every "election" for the next 20 years, kind of like how Saddam worked.

Massive protests had swept the country recently after pro-democracy riots brought the economy of sheep herding and guiding people up mountains to a crippling halt. Rioting crowds were fired upon by Defense Ministry troops, and one person died. But no more! No more beating women and shooting old people. Dammit, we were just planning a vacation.

We just can't wait to see how President Bush turns this one into a "Democracy on the March" speech. Because if he can successfully do that, the guy's damn good.


Posted by James at 9:10 AM CDT
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Thursday, 20 April 2006
The Damn DSCC Weekly Email; A Plea From John Edwards!
Topic: Politics

Two emails in one week. This must be a major issue! Actually, it's from John Edwards, who is pleading for your help to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 in the next three years.

Good for that. We're all behind that. But what is interesting is what comes after his plea for our petition signature.

We have set a goal of getting over 125,000 co-sponsors of this bill so that we can personally deliver your signatures to Senate Republican leaders. One hundred and twenty-five thousand supporters is a number they cannot ignore. Already, we've got the Republicans on the run on this issue.

Ah, so the Republicans are opposed to this. Considering this is the first we've heard of this initiative, we doubt this statement. After all, these "rich fools" would need happy laborers to run their death plants, or whatever it is they do, right? We think this is some Democratic whining hoping for pity points. Well, actually, if course it is. The email is from John Edwards, who had nothing to do with introducing this bill. And now he's got his name tacked everywhere on the email claiming he was all over it like white on rice.

Get a life John. Just stop, because we'll support your minimum wage bill, but no one really listens to you. You're like a male college cheerleader. Good looking and a complete party animal idiot. Oh shit. You have all the qualifications to be President. Shit.


Posted by James at 1:36 PM CDT
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Missouri Congresswoman Mails Constituent Profane Letter; Somewhere An Intern Is Peeing His Pants
Topic: Politics

We have received a plethora of form letters from politicians since starting this site nearly two years ago. Most of them have either been of the "cease & desist" variety, but that is neither here nor there. But when Missouri Rep. Jo Ann Emerson sent a letter to one of her constituents, we doubt she meant to cap it off like she did.

No, it was not with the hand written note at the bottom which said "PS - Please forgive the delay in responding." Instead, it read "I think you're an asshole."

Ha ha! Greatest political letter ever. So who wrote this correspondence? Certainly not Rep. Emerson.

“There is no excuse for this inappropriate letter having been sent, and every apology has been made to the individual who received it. We cannot determine whether the addition to the letter was made by someone within the office or by someone with access to the office, but it is on my letterhead and the responsibility for it lies with me. A valuable lesson has been learned and new procedures will be adopted as a result.”

Holy crap, she took responsibility. Probably because she had to, especially since the only reason the letter was broken to the public was because it was faxed to the Missouri Democratic Party. But we can guarantee you where this angry swearing came from.

A low ranking member of the staff had undoubtedly been taking many perturbed phone calls from the recipient wondering the status of whatever his dumb crap was. So they wrote it as a joke/revenge, and no one noticed and sent it on to Rep. Emerson, who pretty much signs anything you put on her desk.

Are we close? We bet so.


Posted by James at 12:52 PM CDT
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Baylor University vs. Playboy!
Topic: Texas News

The first time we ever set foot on the Baylor University campus in Waco, Texas, we saw a bear chilling in a big cage. The second time was about eight hours later and we were hammered, making out with some sorority girl one of our friends introduced us too.

Playboy, apparently, was watching. As they prepare their magazine for the upcoming "Girls of the Big 12" issue, they of course went to the private school's campus in Waco with the intentions of getting some supposedly "innocent" Baptist girls to drop trough for the mag.

Now, not all the church-going girls in Texas are innocent. In fact, the majority are Black Widow spiders. But the Baylor president apparently has differing opinions about what people should allow their women-folk to do.

"Playboy is clearly antithetical to Baylor's mission and associating with the magazine would be a violation of the code of conduct."

Of course, this wouldn't be the first time a girl has gotten in trouble by her school for appearing in Playboy. We guarantee that you'll see some chicks from Baylor in the photo spread. Or course, we also guarantee you that they'll be somewhere else after all this is through. Baylor sucks. Go to Texas A&M.


Posted by James at 10:04 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 19 April 2006
Get the Hell out of Los Angeles
Topic: National News

Some chick in L.A. was just diagnosed with Bubonic Plague! Yeah, you know that disease that killed half of Europe, like 25 million people? We recommend packing your shit and getting the hell out.

It's either that or wait for the plague rats to come. Either way, we warned you, so you can't blame us if you die.


Posted by James at 5:42 PM CDT
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Crazed Former French Air Traffic Controller Thinks Comet Will Kill Earth on May 25
Topic: World News

At first, former French Air Traffic Controller Eric Julien starts off a reasonable assessment of a possible space threat against a potentially large portion of the Earth. Shortly into his description of how he decoded the data, however, his toggle is flipped, and out of nowhere comes what can only be described as his paranoid Frenchness.

He concludes the May 25 event is tied in to the Bush administration's policy of preemptive use of nuclear weapons against Iran, and the effect of nuclear weapons on the realms of higher intelligences.

Even though we have yet to nuke Iran (even though we should - ed.), Mr. Julien seems to believe that the radiation is fucking with the President's brain, even though we would argue that it was the decade of drinking and drug usage.

But beware, whatever part of the world you are in, for the comet Schwassman-Wachmann, which could possibly dump a Volkswagen-sized piece of itself in your area. Knowing our country's recent luck, it'll hit New Orleans.


Posted by James at 5:29 PM CDT
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Japanese Soldier Finally Makes It Home From World War II After 63 Years; That's a Long Tour of Duty
Topic: World News

An 83-year-old Japanese solider has finally returned to his hometown of Iwate after 63 years in Ukraine after being captured, pronounced dead to his government, and then left behind in World War II. Stripped of his citizenship because of the death certificate, Ishinosuke Uwano married and father three children in his home outside of Kiev.

He has forgotten how to speak his native language and speaks only Russian now, meaning that he went from speaking a horrifically ear-piercing language to possibly the ugliest one on the planet. While living on the tundra. Hmm, tropical living to the north pole? This guy's life stinks. Hurry up and give him his citizenship back, Japan!


Posted by James at 4:13 PM CDT
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Holy Crap! 101-Pound Dude Eats 6,500 Calories a Day... Just to Maintain!!!
Topic: Weird Shit

22-year-old Matt Chaffee of Idaho Falls, Idaho, has always been a medical improbability since he was a fetus. But now the 26-inch waisted dietary freak has something to celebrate; he finally crossed the 100-pound mark.

As a celebration, his mother took him out to dinner, hoping that she can get some of the 6,500 calories he needs to survive into his body. He gains most of this nourishment through protein shakes and rides his bike to work and college every day.

Oh, and before you think about pushing him around, he can still bench press 130 pounds, so he's not weak. Just skinny as crap. But he's an odd case and seems to be a good kid, so we hope he hits his goal of 120. Hell, that's pretty normal. His 26-inch waist isn't, but 120 pounds is. Good luck Matt.


Posted by James at 11:20 AM CDT
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Say It Ain't So! Scotty Mac Resigns as White House Press Secretary
Topic: Politics

Possibly tired of his constant task of having to BS the press into believing totally wild reports about the goings on in the world, White House Press Secretary Scotty Mac, Mr. Scott McClellan, resigned from his job this morning, leaving a void in Bush's cabinet and in our heart that will never be filled quite the same.

"I have given it my all sir and I have given you my all sir, and I will continue to do so as we transition to a new press secretary," Scotty Mac said.

Doesn't that somehow reek of defeat and disappointment? Wonder if Bush will say anything as such.

"I thought he handled his assignment with class, integrity," the president said. "It's going to be hard to replace Scott, but nevertheless he made the decision and I accepted it. One of these days, he and I are going to be rocking in chairs in Texas and talking about the good old days."

The good old days? Now I understand why Scotty decided to leave; his boss is delusional. We wish you luck, Mr. McClellan, and we promise our ribbings of you have ended.

After this final one, fatty.


Posted by James at 9:26 AM CDT
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