The Heart of Darko State of the Union Address Drinking Game!
Topic: Politics
Hooray! It's back! With President Douche giving less State of the Union addresses than any other president in the history of the United States (
this one isn't even called a SOU - ed.), we've been itching to fire off a new drinking game for something political. our humble beginnings as an awful little bit of political commentary fueled our rage and alcohol intake.
But tonight? Oh ladies and gentlemen tonight we have the SOU,
Prison Break, 24, and the NBA Playoffs. It's a goddamn cornucopia of entertainment, and it's getting started at 7:00 CST with the return of mixing liquor, beer, wine and cough medicine. Drink up, losers!
- Bush cracks his smirk within the opening minute
- "Stay the course" or its derivatives are mentioned
- He mentions Iran
- He mentions Venezuela
- For every "working with Congress" reference
- He mentions alternate fuel
- He brings up the economy doing well
- He brings up the deficit increase
- Every time he says "hard work"
- Every time he says "nucular"
- He mentions Libya
- He mentions Laura
- He mentions his daughters (two drinks for each one)
- He mentions his dad (two more if he mentions Bill)
- He specifically says "Hugo Chavez"
- He tries to put a Latino accent on it
- He mispronounces a foreign official's name
- He says "cut and run" or something to the like
- You notice his eyes moving left to right following the teleprompter
- He says the name of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Two more if he doesn't fuck it up
- He speaks of his attempts to have bipartisan discussions, or any derivatives of this
- The 2006 midterm elections are mentioned
- Take a shot of tequila as soon as he mentions immigration
- Take a sip of a Corona for every mention thereafter
- If New Orleans is mentioned, quickly go mix yourself a Black Russian and chug in the honor of the Chocolate City
- If he says "God bless..." drink until he finishes speaking
- If the SOU is under a half hour, finish your beer, open a new one, and prepare for your evening of action and basketball
And you should be sufficiently drunk, so enjoy. We recommend using some sort of light beer for this game, as the toll can be rather hard with our games, as we have learned. Somehow we have a tendency to get every thing he says right beforehand, but that's just probably because he says the same shit over and over. Have fun.
Posted by James
at 4:52 PM CDT