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Friday, 10 March 2006
New Polls Show Even Less Approval For Bush; Damn Ports Deal!
Topic: Politics

President Bush must be cursing his standing up for the United Arab Emirates ports deal, since it's caused his ratings to plummet back towards the mid-30s and has even taken him out of favor in his won party. With just 37 percent of the American people not giving their approval for the President, and his Republican support dropping from 82 percent to 74 percent, it's a wonder he doesn't just show up on TV and give everyone the bird. At least that way he'd get the youth vote again.

Iraq, however, is getting some mixed numbers. 77 percent of you think that the country's going to break out in civil war at anytime, even though we'd put the argument out that it already is, what with the whole one side fighting against the other side, but I guess until they break up into units and start training, then there won't be a... oh, wait... they're already doing that.

Anyway, even with that 77 percent of you getting ready for war, you're split down the middle on whether or not a democratic government will form, with 48 percent saying both yes and no. So which is it America? Which is it? We all know Bush can't get it right, but can Iraq? You decide. Text your votes in now. Seacrest, out.


Posted by James at 10:35 AM CST
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Inventor of "Action Office" or "Cubcile" Apologizes for Invention From the Grave
Topic: Technology

Many famous inventors and scientists have lamented their creations only after they have been unleashed upon the world. But Robert Probst is perhaps the only to do so from the grave.

Probst, who passed away in 2000, was the inventor of the "Action Office," a movable personal workspace that allowed for flexibility in a bullpen setting, while retaining privacy and the ability to work at a self designed pace. Then corporate America figured out how easily they could take Probst's invention and use it to control whole generations of workers, stuffing them in row upon row of rectangle and sending out hall monitors to make sure no one is poking their head above their four foot high wall to get some real human interaction.

Out of Probst's ingenuity, evil was born. Evil called the Cubicle.

But now, 38 years after the invention was unleashed upon the world and six years after Probst's death, Fortune has discovered writings from which the cube's creator apologizes to the American workers, calling what happened to his invention "monolithic insanity."

So unite, Cubicle workers of America. Your master has cast off your chains from beyond the grave. He has relented, giving you the ability to look at your boss and say "give me something with a door, you prick!"


Posted by James at 10:16 AM CST
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Thursday, 9 March 2006
Mexico Severely Confused About What Turns Us On
Topic: Weird Shit

In an attempt to help stop sexual harassment in the office, a Mexican company is creating a line of sex dolls in executive and business attire. They're meant to be taken to work and put in a woman's office in her place, which would thus scare the men because it helps to show that women are not objects.

Of course, the men in Mexico could just think that they have kinky bosses and proceed to hump the crap out of the mouth hole. President Vicente Fox is 100 percent behind this movement, especially after catching some ire from women earlier this year when he called women "washing machines with two legs." Ha! Good one Foxy.

So in honor of this controversial and groundbreaking technique to stop sexual harassment in Mexico, we give you this joke one of our lesser friends told us: what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, cause you done already told that bitch twice.


Posted by James at 2:55 PM CST
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Dubai Company Gives Up Port Bid; Got That Politicians? Pitch Forks Down
Topic: World News

The Dubai company that was to take over management control of major United States ports withdrew its bid today, saying that they will turn over control to a U.S.-owned company to help quelch bad thoughts between America and the United Arab Emirates. This announcement comes only hours after politicians against the ports deal stood up, beat their chest and held out their arms at Bush in a gangland style of saying "bring it on sucka duck."

“Because of the strong relationship between the United Arab Emirates and the United States and to preserve that relationship, DP World has decided to transfer fully the U.S. operation of P&O Operations North America to a United States entity,” DP World’s chief operating officer Edward H. Bilkey said.

So now will everyone calm down already about this. No bombings, no Arab control, no under-the-table oil deals, no nothing. The ports are good. Besides being run by ex-cons protected by a murderous union, the ports are good.


Posted by James at 2:09 PM CST
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Heart of Darko Blockage! Delayed Posting!
Topic: Housekeeping

We're going to be running some routine maintenance (i.e. pulling a dead raccoon out of the server with a broom handle - ed.) this morning, so posting will be delayed until we can get him and his fur coat out of our processor. See you back here this afternoon.

Posted by James at 9:14 AM CST
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Wednesday, 8 March 2006
Political Cartoon of the uh... um... Moment: The Enron Trial
Topic: Political Cartoons

Mostly because we believe that the story and anger of Enron should be seen in art, like the fantastic documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, and the following cartoon, we're not going to write much about it. So we'll just post Scott Stantis's cartoon and let you fume about it in your own way. Screw the executives and take their gold-plated umbrella stands. They're going to prison. Good goddamn riddance. Thanks Scott.

Posted by James at 5:00 PM CST
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Russia Cozies Up To Iran, Who Promises Pain to US; When Did This Become TNA Wrestling?
Topic: World News

Russia is nothing but a bunch of smelly, frozen mush-headed, poverty stricken socialists. There, we said it. Iran, on the other hand, are equally as smelly, burnt to a crisp, we don't know what they eat but it's in their heads, and they have more money Islamo-fascists.

This was not the greatest way to start an argument, but as long as Russia continues to back Iran on their goal to become a nuclear power, we're going to make fun of the turnip-heads (do they have turnips in Russia? Google it sometime you lazy bastard - ed.).

While Tehran has never said they would prefer to have nuclear weapons, and Russia is cautious of this too, there is no doubt in our heads that the country is looking straight into doing this. However, Russia is being a bunch of vodkaholics and saying that if the UN decides to impose sanctions on their chum, then they're not going to support them, to which we believe the US response should go as follows:

"So how's that freedom we got you? Want to lose it?"

Fuck Iran. They said that if we stopped them from utilizing nuclear power and possibly new techniques, they would bring America "harm and pain." Yeah Russia, they're not looking at getting weaponized uranium you dirty porridge-brained oafs. Maybe if you get the snow out of your brains and start to think clearly you'll see that they're only rubbing your ass so they can shove something up it after they've used all of your dad's money and smashed his car into a tree because they'd just had a "few beers" and "geez baby, it's no big deal, it was only a Camaro" and we're sorry okay, we're friggin' sorry!


Posted by James at 4:31 PM CST
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Topic: Stupidity

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is known for being a master businessman who is able to raise crumbled corporations out of nothing and turn them into successes. As a government leader, he finally realized he needed to help out not only the country, but the entire world by giving some complicated financial advise that would help the poverty stricken endure and come out ahead. Prepare yourself for some of the greatest money advise you have ever heard in your entire life:

"Try to earn more."

We are completely dumbstruck. This guy is brilliant!


Posted by James at 11:58 AM CST
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Irish Priests Biggest Boy-Touchers in Catholic Church!
Topic: World News

The Roman Catholic archdiocese of Dublin announced today that they will begin investigating a massive number of priests for inappropriate behavior with young children. That total number since 1940 is 350 complaints involving 102 children.


We knew from the movies that Irish priests were forgiving, but not giving. While the 102 number might have come from a total of 2,800 priests, that's still quite a big pill to er, ah, swallow.

So far only eight priests in Dublin have been convicted of child abuse, while total monetary damages to the church have equaled only $7 million. With the investigation looking to turn to criminal matters after its conclusion, that number will of course go up. The only real thing that has been affected involving this information release is that we have switched our upcoming vacation destination from Ireland to Scotland. We'd rather be stabbed by a drunk sheep herder than be forced to play "hide the leprechaun" by a sober priest.


Posted by James at 10:33 AM CST
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Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Bestiality Wave Sweeping America, Taking Out Middle Aged Men and Moving to Sheep!
Topic: Embarrassment

After reporting of the accidental "sex with a horse in Seattle" death of a man late last year, we would've thought that surely that was enough major bestiality stories for at least six months, right? We were entirely wrong, as this trove of horrendous drunken behavior movies further East and landing in Mesa, Arizona, where it has struck a local deputy fire chief.

The DFC, drunk, snuck into his neighbor's barn and was caught red, umm, handed, with his pants around his ankle and his willy inside a lamb. His timely response when caught by his mortified neighbors and sheriffs deputies?

“I probably do need some help, but I don’t know if this is the time or place for it.”

Dude, you're blasting a sheep (and a lamb no less, you fucking sicko - ed.) in the rear after being turned down by your neighbor's daughter while asking for permission. You ASKED PERMISSION TO HAVE SEX WITH A BABY SHEEP.

Christ all mighty. Sometimes we think France is right about us.


Posted by James at 4:01 PM CST
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Streisand Shames Bush for Being "C" Student; Can't Spell Iraq
Topic: Stupidity

We here at The Heart of Darko have never claimed to be the world's best spellers. We're pretty good, if we do say so ourselves, but we're also easily distracted. But if we were an incredibly famous entertainer who has won every award conceivable in our multitude of chosen fields, we'd be sure that we got a spell checker before putting something inflammatory about someone's intelligence on the Internet.

The following list are 11 uncorrected words that Ms. "Babwa" Streisand couldn't spell before slamming Bush as a "C" student and posting her shit on the web. Here's to you, Babs! Way to win support for the little people like us... dumb broad...


Now some of those we could see. She could've just missed a letter while typing or not hit the key hard enough. But some of them, like "curruption" and "warrented" are not so much like that. That's what we call "idiot" mistakes made by someone we call an "ignorant bitch."

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Hollywood will never convince us of anything political. Bush was a "C" student. Yes, he was. So was Kerry. And with the majority of Americans being "C" students, isn't it incredibly offensive to most of us to have this privileged diva bitching about how stupid we all are? Well, suck a dick Babs. We'll take you seriously when you make an attempt at being taken seriously.


Posted by James at 12:45 PM CST
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75-Year-Old Grandmother Robs Grocery Store, Leads Police on High Speed Pursuit
Topic: National News

Your grandmother might have taken you bowling at a young age, thus giving you a skill that you are still able to thrust in your drunk friends' faces whenever you put on those special, leather-soled shoes, but this grandmother could kick your granny's ass.

75-year-old Marilyn Devine just sort of snapped and walked into a Pennsylvania grocery store, brandishing a 9mm pistol and demanding money from underneath her homemade Pittsburgh Steelers ski mask. She made it out of the store with $5,300 in cash stuffed inside of a garbage bag, only to be picked up quickly by the police.

Was she done? Yeah, right. She's too cool for that. Instead of stopping, she led police on a 5-mile chase through the streets of Baldwin, PA, before stopping the car and letting police arrest her. She's currently on $100,000 bail for armed robbery, theft, assault, fleeing and eluding and carrying an unlicensed firearm. Estelle Getty, eat your sissy little heart out.


Posted by James at 10:42 AM CST
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Monday, 6 March 2006
Heart of Darko Has Heart Disease
Topic: Housekeeping

Not really, but we've been pretty horrendously sick since Saturday night, so needless to say, you might have to go elsewhere for your daily dose of idiocy. Hopefully we'll be back up and running tomorrow, because if not, we're gonna jump out the goddamn window.

Posted by James at 12:44 PM CST
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Friday, 3 March 2006
Keep on Slinging Your Crackberry!
Topic: Technology

Because a nice settlement just said sure why not allow the Blackberry community to keep their gatekeepers to the modern world, we're adding a new topic to our list; technology.

In case that was too confusing, we'll put it easily: Research in Motion (RIM) agreed to pay NTP (not National Tire & Battery) $612.5 million to continue to use their technology to power millions of American's wholly addictive Blackberrys (i.e. Crackberrys). This avoids an injunction that would've shut down the Blackberry service, leaving millions of businessmen/women and politicians having to pick up a normal phone while trying to use an archaic tool called a "computer."

So rejoice, technogeeks, because you can keep your tool. We ditched ours a mere year after we purchased it because it had occurred to us that we had not had human contact or moved from the toilet seat in three straight days and our legs had begun to atrophy while our ass began conforming to the bowl. Good times.


Posted by James at 4:58 PM CST
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Settlement In Crackberry Patent Case???
Topic: National News

Word came down to us through someone tied close to the civil suit that an agreement might have been reached in the Blackberry patent violation case. No word as of yet on what that settlement is, but when we know, you'll know.

Unless, of course, Blackberry lost and we can't access our Crackberry to post the info. Then you won't find out jack shit from us.

Posted by James at 4:07 PM CST
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Hollywood Dirty Cop Movies Come to Life in LA Corruption Bust
Topic: National News

In what will no doubt become a series of a dozen shitty cop movies over the next two years, half of which will star Steven Seagal, five former LAPD officers have been arrested for carrying out false searches and warrants on drug houses and then stealing money, guns and dope to sell on the streets.

"While this story sounds like a script from 'The Shield' or 'Training Day,' it actually happened here in L.A.," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas O'Brien.

See? They even agree with us on it!

Only five of the 19 people arrested are former officers, but their ring leader supplied the group with uniforms, badges and even squad cars to help carry out the raid. The group stole over 600 pounds of marijuana, TVs, jewelry, money and rifles during their "raids," which were carried out using false search warrants.

The leader of the group, Officer Ruben Palomares, is already serving jail time for drug trafficking. What's sad is we wrote a novel about this exact thing back in 2000. This happened in 2001. Those sons of bitches stole our idea! Plagiarism!


Posted by James at 1:59 PM CST
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Florida Cat Shot Six Times; Still Alive With Three to Go
Topic: National News

A south Florida cat that was used as point blank target practice by some asshole with a .22 will carry six bullets with her for the rest of her three remaining lives as police search for the perp.

"This was target practice -- point blank target practice," owner Lynne Gradus said. "There were three (bullets) on one side, two on the other and one on his stomach. So, this was not one shot. This was a person who enjoyed shooting a little helpless pet."

The four-year-old cat, Mushki, is in fine health after a local veterinarian said it would be more dangerous to try to remove the bullets from kitty's body. We're big fans of finding this person, tying them to a tree, and then shooting them in every joint in their body with a bow and arrow. Somehow we think that would be a deterrent against this sort of animal cruelty.


Posted by James at 9:42 AM CST
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Thursday, 2 March 2006
Many NFL Veterans Already Victims on "Bloody Thursday"
Topic: Sports

Because they have their "best interest's at heart," the NFL player's union rejected the final salary cap proposal given today by the owner's union, thus throwing many of their revered and celebrated veteran football players under the wheels of a speeding bus because they wanted more mediation money.

And to make matters worse, players are calling all sorts of media outlets saying that they didn't even know anything about the negotiations failing until Tuesday evening when it was officially announced. Oops.

Some possible victims before the slaughter is over could be as big as future Hall of Famer Brett Favre and shitty NY Jets quarterback Chad Pennington. Our team (and America's Team - ed.), the Cowboys, have already cut Pro Bowl lineman La'Roi Glover to make room under the salary cap restrictions.

So go to the link below to learn more about what's going on and how the cap works, and pray for your favorite players and their jobs on what is now known as Bloody Thursday.


Posted by James at 4:58 PM CST
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British Police Arrest 14th Person Involved in $90+ Million Heist!
Topic: World News

As we reported late last month, the world's largest heist ever took place in London and involved a kidnapping, two teams of thieves, and no gunfire.

Now the British police have really gotten cracking, especially after they lost over $92 million during the robbery. In fact, they've arrested their 14th person in connection with the crime and are currently combing a farm for either money or bodies or drugs or something.

This is awesome. We're so subscribing to this story.


Posted by James at 11:48 AM CST
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NBC White House Correspondent and Today Show Seat Filler Calls Imus Radio Show While Drunk
Topic: Media

Oh David Gregory, you madman of NBC. Besides being a massive chop dick who is so obviously in love with Katie Couric that you should just lick her the next time you fill on for Matt Lauer on Today, you're also notable for being the White House correspondent for NBC who called Scotty McClellan a jerk after you attacked him on not knowing the answer to one of your questions.

So what have you done now to make it to the pages of Heart of Darko? You called Don Imus's radio show... while you were drunk. Dude, the show's on at 5:00 in the morning. We hope that you were in the back of a limo with some strippers on your way home from the China Club, because if you were just drunk in the morning for no reason, you've got a problem bub.

GREGORY: i was -- remember that movie "Arthur" with Dudley Moore where he just thinks funny things and that's what was going on. If i could find this sheet, actually i just found it. Anyway.

IMUS: You have any news? [Laughter]

IMUS: we got to go, we'll get back to you.

GREGORY: I'm sorry.

IMUS: That's all right.

IMUS: Well, call us back will you?

GREGORY: Anyway. There are serious things going on here which i know you're very interested in.

IMUS: We don't have any time for them now. Quickly.

GREGORY: Big deal between India and the United States. The upshot is we're going to provide nuclear know-how and fuel to India which they need for their economy to grow. But since they never signed the nonproliferation treaty it's a real turn around and critics worry that it sends the wrong message to other parts of the world.


GREGORY: I would add, i would add that this is how you say thank you.

IMUS: What is it again?

[Speaking foreign language]

IMUS: Well that's great. But we have to go. It's always nice to hear from you.

GREGORY: I'll call you after dinner.

IMUS: NBC Chief White House correspondent from New Delhi, India. Clearly drunk.


Posted by James at 11:20 AM CST
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