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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Vietnamese Farmer Has Not Slept in 33 Years!
Topic: Weird Shit

Vietnamese farmer Thai Ngoc once awoke with a bad fever in 1973... and never fell asleep again. Now, not even sleeping pills, homeopathic remedies or even booze can knock out this hardworking man, who guards his property and tends his livestock and crops while everyone else sleeps.

And he has no side effects.

“I don’t know whether the insomnia has impacted my health or not. But I’m still healthy and can farm normally like others,” Ngoc said.

And it's not like the dude is out of shape and sluggish. He carries two 50kg sacks of grain home every day after work. We can't do that, and we work out! This guy is a superhero! INSOMNIMAN!


Posted by James at 4:39 PM CST
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Slut Trifecta Wins of Wal-Mart! Get Post-Drunken Tryst Birth Control Stocked
Topic: Stupidity

The three skanks from Massachusetts that we reported about a short time ago (link here - ed.) won their case against the retail monster, forcing the stores to stock the so-called "morning after" birth control pill, which we would market as "Fetus Flush" if it weren't so graphic.

The Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy ruled unanimously that the pill was common enough of a prescription to force Wal-Mart to carry it.

So now the three tramps are free to hump to their hearts' content, with only the worry of a random disease to stop their fornicating. Give us a shout ladies! Did we call you tramps? We meant to write "freedom fighters."


Posted by James at 3:14 PM CST
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Cheney Turning Into Aaron Burr; Shooting Victim Has Heart Attack
Topic: Embarrassment

A completely embarrassing week for Dick Cheney has just gotten worse, as complications have arisen in his shooting victim's recovery as 78-year-old Harry Wittington had a "silent heart attack" today due to some errant birdshot either touching his heart or lodged inside his heart.

But now we at least have an official statement about what the hell happened, and it's not nearly as menacing or promising for comedy as once thought. Wittington stepped in front of Cheney to retrieve a killed quail, seconds before another covey sprung out of the brush. Cheney raised his shotgun as Wittington stood up and unloaded into the attorney.

Oh well. We were hoping that we had many more jokes able to make it out how Cheney had shot one of Scooter Libby's defense attorneys, but it appears to be just another routine hunting mishap. What the hell do we care? Who are we trying to kid? Cheney's the reincarnation of Aaron Burr!

You remember Aaron Burr, right? Dude who shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel? Hamilton died of complications from being shot in the gut a short time later. Let's just hope that Wittington doesn't die. Because the jokes might be good, but not good enough for a man's life.

Wittington was responsive and wished to go home after the heart murmur, but doctor's convinced him to stay in the hospital another week after saying, "Dude, the Vice President shot you and you had a heart attack. Milk this."


Posted by James at 2:45 PM CST
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Die Hard Comes to Aide of James Frey
Topic: Entertainment

Embattled memoirist James Frey, who was thisclose to having been drank out of our memory forever, has a new attack dog, and Oprah and her cohorts in attack (looks like we'd better watch out too - ed., you said it... that dude is old and pissy!) better watch their backs, because you can't kill Bruce Willis off. That guy can take a beating like no one else.

Here's what Bruce had to say:

That’s a great book and so is the follow up book. And just because his publisher chose to say that these were memoirs, it took it out of being a work of fiction, a great work of fiction and very well written to this guy having to go be sucker punched on OPRAH by one of the most powerful women in television just to grind her own axe about it. ‘Hey, Oprah. You had President Clinton on your show and if this prick didn’t lie about a couple of things I’m going to set myself on fire right now.’

James Frey is a writer, okay? He can write whatever he wants. It’s fiction, and it’s just hard, it’s just shameful how he was treated in some of these things. It’s just shameful and it’s just not fair and not right, but Justin Timberlake had a really, really good response when he was asked about that because I think that he was asked to play James Frey in the making of that book and he waited and waited and listened to everyone and he said – ‘Have you heard of this magazine called In Touch’ magazine or US Weekly or In Style or People or any of these magazines? They lie about people and they just make up shit all week long and you have to sue them to get it changed. This is the world that we live in. That’s approved and people go ‘that’s okay’ and people go, ‘Ooooo, someone is boning this person over here. Someone did this over here.’ And they’re all lies and no one is yelling at them. So let’s leave James Frey alone. How about it?’ I’m pissed off today.

Bruce, dude, Die Hard was great. Second one, not so much. But With a Vengeance kicked ass. You were in Sin City for Chrissake. But it wasn't his publisher that said it was a memoir. JAMES FREY SAID IT WAS A MEMOIR. The publisher just believed him.

The author lied dude, not the publisher. We know you've got millions of dollars and have humped most things in LA with a vagina, but we're poor. $30 to a millionaire is what you find in your sock at the end of a drunken night at Prey. 30 bucks to us is a phone bill.

Relativity, my man. Relativity. And don't piss off the O. She doesn't give a fuck who you are. She'll still hire someone to rip your head off. Be careful Bruce!


Posted by James at 11:38 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 14 February 2006 11:39 AM CST
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Virginia Sheriff's Deputies Getting Handjobs from Hookers Before Arresting Them
Topic: National News

Some Virginia county Sheriff's deputies, as well as Sheriff Howard D. Smith, are in some pretty hot water after it was learned that they engaged known prostitutes and received hand jobs before arresting the women, all in the name of evidence.

"If I thought we could get the conviction without that, we wouldn't allow it," Smith said. "If you want to make them, this has to be done."

So there you have it. Need an arrest? Well, your neighborhood law enforcement officer will have to get his rocks off, because the lassies aren't saying anything incrimination.

Yeah, we're goddamn sure of that.

So now there's a brouhaha stewing in Virginia and nearby Maryland over whether or not the officers violated the law in the name of getting these chicks off the street for at least a day or so. You know, until they make bond and then head back to their "massage parlors."

"It's insane," said Charles J. Key Sr., a retired Baltimore police lieutenant who trains police officers and federal agents across the country. "If you allow officers to go through with the act, they've violated the law. You don't get an exception for participating in a violation of law."

You hear that Dallas police? When you bust our Asian "massage parlors" there's no sucky sucky in it for you. You just wait until they're about to, then call for back up.


Posted by James at 10:52 AM CST
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"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Program Costs $363,000,000; Thank Bill Clinton for This Show of Expensive Homophobism
Topic: National News

Former President Bill Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding homosexuality in the military has cost the government an estimated $363 million discharging (not a pun - ed.) some 10,000 servicemen after they were discovered to be gay.

While these are still estimated numbers, what is more important is that a recommendation is gearing up to get rid of this blatantly discriminatory program that was pushed through a Democratic-controlled Congress. Once again another way by the Clinton administration to put off a major decision and let someone else take the heat for it.

But that's neither here nor there. The $363 million to kick out willing soldiers, dishonorably, mind you, because of their sexual orientation is pretty shitty of any administration.

As the joke goes, we personally want gays in the military. Not because we're gay, but if we're in a firefight, we want the guy covering our ass to think that our ass is pretty cute and worth saving.


Posted by James at 10:21 AM CST
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Monday, 13 February 2006
Peter Benchley, Author of "Jaws," Passes Away; Death Unrelated to Sharks
Topic: Entertainment

Peter Benchley, the author who created the beast that became synonymous with bad facial hair and holy terror on the high seas, "Jaws," died Sunday at age 65. The acclaimed writer died of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive and fatal scarring of the lungs, instead of being devoured alive by a Great White shark, which most of the world would have preferred, just for the freakiness.

So thanks Mr. Benchley, for all the terror, and for Quint, and for the phrase "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat." You will certainly be mourned by your fans and even by those that hate you for causing them to never go near the water again.


Posted by James at 4:10 PM CST
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Vice President Cheney Shoots a Guy "Just to Watch Him Bleed"
Topic: National News

We're sure by now everybody out there in Internetland knows about VEEP Cheney taking a shotgun to a 78-year-old Austin attorney in a quail hunting accident. But after drinking a cocktail of a half a bottle of bleach thinned out with some Tito's Handmade Vodka late last night, we were able to travel to that mystical world where Cheney resides and speak to him before the EMTs jump-started our heart back to life.

According to the Vice President, or "Mr. President" as he prefers to be called, he "did it to watch him bleed."

No, we're kidding. We've been shot in a hunting accident and know many people who have as well. In fact, it might be a requirement now to shoot someone while hunting in Texas. You're allowed six birds and one human ass cheek a day.

But for those of you that would like to spin this in some way that the VEEP is an attempted murderer (we're looking at you, lefties! - ed.), the man is fine and in stable condition. And give Cheney a break; the dude runs Hell all day, so do you honestly expect him to be able to keep a shotgun aimed at its correct target? Just be thankful they were hunting quail, and not illegal immigrants, because you would've had a real mess on your hands then.


Posted by James at 9:17 AM CST
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The Olympic Update; America... Number 2?
Topic: Sports

We know that other countries excel at the Olympic Winter Games, especially in places like Finland and Norway, where our NFL is their... K125 ski jumping. But America has fallen behind in the medal count early int he games, with the Norwegians taking the lead.

The full medal count is over at Yahoo! Sports. We just wanted to give this to you before we get entirely into the VEEP Cheney trying to blow away a friend on a quail hunting trip.


Posted by James at 8:57 AM CST
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Sunday, 12 February 2006
2006 Olympics! The Heart of Darko Party!
Topic: Sports

The 2006 Olympics are in full swing, and as major winter Olympics fans, we've been watching all weekend. Despite everything that goes on during the years between games, the world comes together in sport, to join hands and watch as AMERICA KICKS ASS.

Event hough Michelle Kwan left this morning from the figure skating competition, she was replaced by an heir apparent for American Olympic sports, as Shaun White won the half pipe snowboarding competition tonight, about six minutes ago (well, six minutes ago American time - ed.). Danny Kass came in second, but we didn't sweep for a second Olympics in a row.

As someone who has skied once but loves the snow and is jealous of the northeast right now as they get 21+ inches of snow, we give props to White and Kass. Way to go guys. You deserve it. If there were an Olympics based on drinking and smoking, we'd be gold medalists right there with You.

All of us at Heart of Darko salute you, and we'll continue to watch until the flame is extinguished.

Peace folks.

Posted by James at 10:13 PM CST
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Friday, 10 February 2006
Fox Murders Arrested Development Slowly Over Two Hours Tonight
Topic: Entertainment

Tonight sees the last four episodes of this season (and probably forever, at least on Fox - ed.) of Arrested Development, perhaps one of the funniest programs ever made.

After deciding not to kill AD, Fox cut down their order from 22 episodes to 13 and then mercilessly threw it all around the schedule, confusing even us die hard fans. But tonight starting at 7:00PM CST, Fox will broadcast the final four episodes in order.

Go watch, and save our Bluths!

Posted by James at 5:26 PM CST
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Bush, Congress Suck; New Approval Ratings Released
Topic: Politics

Why we here at Heart of Darko are always interested in approval polls is beyond us. They serve as no barometer for anything, considering that the survey is of 1,000 people at random, and having a sample size of 1,000 in a country of hundreds of millions is like looking at ten M&Ms in a two pound bag to see what the color break down is.

Regardless of that, here are the new returns:

Bush: 40% approval - stagnant from previous week

Bush on Economy: 39% approval - see above

Bush on Terror: 47% - up from 42% as the wire tap thing fades away

Congress: LOW - 47% want Democratic control, 36% want Republican

So there are your numbers, worthless as they are. Perhaps we'll get something big next time, like a one or two point raise or drop. Anything to get us out of the doldrums of mid-term polling. But the mid-term elections are also coming up, so hopefully we'll be able to get some good ads, speeches and stupid comments.


Posted by James at 2:32 PM CST
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New Criminal Fad; Drive-Thru Bank Robbing
Topic: World News

A team of Athens, Greece, bank robbers turned genius really quick, probably after their last heist was almost foiled by an unreliable car. Well, no more of that. This time they just figured out they wouldn't even get out of the car.

"The raiders used a stolen Fiat car to smash into a Piraeus Bank branch in the Peristeri region of Athens," a police official told Reuters. "Two men got out of the car, took out guns and robbed the bank."

Of course, we never would've thought that a Fiat would be able to survive that sort of pummeling, but what do we know? We're not bank robbers... that you know of.


Posted by James at 10:54 AM CST
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
Idiot Arkansas Woman Saves Goddamn Chicken With CPR
Topic: Weird Shit

A woman in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, saved an "exotic" chicken named Boo Boo by giving it mouth to mouth after it was found, um, beak down in a swimming pool. After blowing twice in the chicken's dirty, vile mouth, it began to breath again.

"I breathed into its beak, and its dad-gum eyes popped open," Marian Morris said. "I breathed into its beak again, and its eyes popped open again. "I said, 'I think this chicken's alive now. Keep it warm.'"

The woman said dad-gum. And is from Arkansas. And has family who owns an "exotic" chicken. And saved the "exotic" chicken by making out with it. This woman is a winner.


Posted by James at 1:07 PM CST
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Wayne Gretzky, the FBI and the Great Gambling Operation of 2006
Topic: Sports

Is The Great One, Wayne Gretzky, currently coach of his beloved Phoenix Coyotes (we made that up - ed.), involved in a national gambling ring? Federal wire taps may say yes, even though Gretzky came out yesterday and said he knew nothing of it. The FBI has his voice on tape discussing it.


Now his wife, Janet Jones, is not the only one in trouble. Over $1.7 million has been bet through the ring in the past six weeks, including Jones' $500,000 tab. The Great One had not made a bet through the syndicate, but it appears that he certainly knew about it.

So now the question is whether or not Gretzky will turn into the Pete Rose of hockey. Perhaps, because he was the best player to ever grace the NHL, he will be spared. Or maybe his head will hit the chopping block. Whichever it is, it's going to be fun to follow. Or sad, depending on how much you watch hockey. Personally, we're curling fans.


Posted by James at 12:07 PM CST
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Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Topic: Cars/Automotive

The GM death throes seem to be continuing, as a rare "sell" rating was put on the embattled company today, a first from Deutsche Bank for the automaker, which continues to stumble.

You can read the full story on Yahoo! News, but we just thought it was interesting to see one of America's biggest corporations dying. Or at least taking a firm downward aim towards bankruptcy.


Posted by James at 5:02 PM CST
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GOP's Pulls a Boner With Boehner
Topic: Politics

While we merely wanted to say "boner" in a headline, perhaps the Republicans should've chosen someone else as the new House Majority Leader, as it's been announced today that their new selection, John Boehner (pronounced BAY-ner - ed.) rents his D.C. apartment from a lobbyist and his wife. After the Abramoff crap, this might have not been such a slick move.

Boehner's spokesman Don Seymour Jr. had this to say:

“It is conceivable that John Milne may have lobbied Boehner on a few occasions over the years, but we are not aware of any specific instances of it, and we are certain no lobbying has taken place during the time in which John Boehner has been renting the property.”

So will this bite the GOP in the ass? Who can honestly say? Someone could fling a random criminal's name at a Republican congressman now and it could be linked like you were playing "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." Not that it's all undeserved or anything. Just remember that the Democrat congressman aren't angels either. Ted Kennedy. Need we say more?


Posted by James at 4:56 PM CST
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More Die in Riots Over a Goddamn Cartoon; Grow Up Muslims!
Topic: World News

Outrage over sarcasm is nothing new in our world. Cartoons, comedy, a well-poised t-shirt can even set people off. But the Muslims are taking this too far.

Every day, we read and hear awful, belligerent diatribes about Jesus and God from other religions across the globe. Even from our fellow Americans, i.e. this wonderful shirt.

But seriously Muslims, you people are fucking crazy. Someone made a cartoon involving Allah and you're so outraged that you start... KILLING? We understand that the Islamic faith doesn't permit drawing Muhammad since it could lead to idolatry, but the dude that drew the cartoon IS. NOT. MUSLIM. He can do was he wishes.

Plus, when did murder in the name of a PROPHET not equal idolatry? If you're willing to kill for him, guess what? He's an idol!

So we're with President Bush on this one. There's no point in burning shit and killing people in the name of your "peaceful" religion. Every time you murder for your faith, you bring a bad light on it. So stop. Please. Or else our President will have to invade your country too.


Posted by James at 12:42 PM CST
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Wal-Mart is Going to Own Your Home
Topic: National News

Wal-Mart, that decidedly un-redneck department store where one can purchase twenty pairs of tube socks for three dollars before walking over to see if your oil change is completed and if the donuts are fresh in the bakery, has decided that 3,200 stores is not enough, and are in fact planning a nationwide takeover of the retail market by open another 1,500 stores in the coming years, including about 350 this year. Say it with us: Wal-Mart owns by soul.

"We are really focused on opening new stores right now. We see so many opportunities to open new stores that that's where our capital is going first," company chairman John Menzer said.

So the plan is pretty much to dominate the American retail market, destroying CostCo and then urinating on the ashes. Die, rivals, die!


Posted by James at 10:18 AM CST
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Tuesday, 7 February 2006
Exxon to President Bush; "Shut Up, Stupid."
Topic: Politics

We'll freely admit that we didn't watch Bush's State of the Union address. And not because we thought it was a dumb movie about the Presidency or terrorism. We just didn't give a crap.

But everyone now knows about Bush's statement about being "addicted to oil" and getting away from foreign sources of oil. Well, Exxon-Mobil, mere days after posting record earnings for ANY American company, held up their middle finger to President Bush, all the while laughing and rubbing their nipples (or so we imagine them doing so - ed.).

"Americans depend upon imports to fill the gap," Exxon Mobil Senior Vice President Stuart McGill said. "No combination of conservation measures, alternative energy sources and technological advances could realistically and economically provide a way to completely replace those imports in the short or medium term."

"Realistically, it is simply not feasible in any time period relevant to our discussion today."

He also went on to say that it would be a misconception that this can be accomplished. Our question is, what percentage of oil that Exxon-Mobil refines comes from foreign sources? We'd like to know that number, just to see what they've got at stake here.


Posted by James at 2:26 PM CST
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