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Wednesday, 8 February 2006
Topic: Cars/Automotive

The GM death throes seem to be continuing, as a rare "sell" rating was put on the embattled company today, a first from Deutsche Bank for the automaker, which continues to stumble.

You can read the full story on Yahoo! News, but we just thought it was interesting to see one of America's biggest corporations dying. Or at least taking a firm downward aim towards bankruptcy.


Posted by James at 5:02 PM CST
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GOP's Pulls a Boner With Boehner
Topic: Politics

While we merely wanted to say "boner" in a headline, perhaps the Republicans should've chosen someone else as the new House Majority Leader, as it's been announced today that their new selection, John Boehner (pronounced BAY-ner - ed.) rents his D.C. apartment from a lobbyist and his wife. After the Abramoff crap, this might have not been such a slick move.

Boehner's spokesman Don Seymour Jr. had this to say:

“It is conceivable that John Milne may have lobbied Boehner on a few occasions over the years, but we are not aware of any specific instances of it, and we are certain no lobbying has taken place during the time in which John Boehner has been renting the property.”

So will this bite the GOP in the ass? Who can honestly say? Someone could fling a random criminal's name at a Republican congressman now and it could be linked like you were playing "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." Not that it's all undeserved or anything. Just remember that the Democrat congressman aren't angels either. Ted Kennedy. Need we say more?


Posted by James at 4:56 PM CST
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More Die in Riots Over a Goddamn Cartoon; Grow Up Muslims!
Topic: World News

Outrage over sarcasm is nothing new in our world. Cartoons, comedy, a well-poised t-shirt can even set people off. But the Muslims are taking this too far.

Every day, we read and hear awful, belligerent diatribes about Jesus and God from other religions across the globe. Even from our fellow Americans, i.e. this wonderful shirt.

But seriously Muslims, you people are fucking crazy. Someone made a cartoon involving Allah and you're so outraged that you start... KILLING? We understand that the Islamic faith doesn't permit drawing Muhammad since it could lead to idolatry, but the dude that drew the cartoon IS. NOT. MUSLIM. He can do was he wishes.

Plus, when did murder in the name of a PROPHET not equal idolatry? If you're willing to kill for him, guess what? He's an idol!

So we're with President Bush on this one. There's no point in burning shit and killing people in the name of your "peaceful" religion. Every time you murder for your faith, you bring a bad light on it. So stop. Please. Or else our President will have to invade your country too.


Posted by James at 12:42 PM CST
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Wal-Mart is Going to Own Your Home
Topic: National News

Wal-Mart, that decidedly un-redneck department store where one can purchase twenty pairs of tube socks for three dollars before walking over to see if your oil change is completed and if the donuts are fresh in the bakery, has decided that 3,200 stores is not enough, and are in fact planning a nationwide takeover of the retail market by open another 1,500 stores in the coming years, including about 350 this year. Say it with us: Wal-Mart owns by soul.

"We are really focused on opening new stores right now. We see so many opportunities to open new stores that that's where our capital is going first," company chairman John Menzer said.

So the plan is pretty much to dominate the American retail market, destroying CostCo and then urinating on the ashes. Die, rivals, die!


Posted by James at 10:18 AM CST
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Tuesday, 7 February 2006
Exxon to President Bush; "Shut Up, Stupid."
Topic: Politics

We'll freely admit that we didn't watch Bush's State of the Union address. And not because we thought it was a dumb movie about the Presidency or terrorism. We just didn't give a crap.

But everyone now knows about Bush's statement about being "addicted to oil" and getting away from foreign sources of oil. Well, Exxon-Mobil, mere days after posting record earnings for ANY American company, held up their middle finger to President Bush, all the while laughing and rubbing their nipples (or so we imagine them doing so - ed.).

"Americans depend upon imports to fill the gap," Exxon Mobil Senior Vice President Stuart McGill said. "No combination of conservation measures, alternative energy sources and technological advances could realistically and economically provide a way to completely replace those imports in the short or medium term."

"Realistically, it is simply not feasible in any time period relevant to our discussion today."

He also went on to say that it would be a misconception that this can be accomplished. Our question is, what percentage of oil that Exxon-Mobil refines comes from foreign sources? We'd like to know that number, just to see what they've got at stake here.


Posted by James at 2:26 PM CST
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Fake Writers Are the New Black
Topic: National News

Are you a struggling writer desperate to find a job before your car is repoed and you really ARE living on the street like a character in your book? Well, adopt a fake name or story.

After the James Frey fracas and ensuing Oprah enragement that followed, JT LeRoy hit peak popularity. A 25-year-old male hooker and addict, JT sucked in a nation with another drug-laden tale of misunderstood youth and unreached potential.

Are you interested now? Good.

JT LeRoy is fake too.

Laura Albert has been outed as the creator of LeRoy, who she supposedly rescued from the street. Now it appears that Albert's ex-lover and ex-lover's sister were involved as well, even going so far as to call the Associated Press to claim that LeRoy was real.

Well, literary backlash is a bitch. While LeRoy's books might not have made the best seller list, one is currently being made into a movie and all have sold rather handsomely. Not Harry Potter handsome, mind you, but pretty handsome. Like, maybe Curious George handsome.

So what's the lesson here? James Andresen is ceasing to exist as the author of this site. Tomorrow, editing duties will be taken over by Andy Delacroix, a nineteen-year-old ex-stripper who used to rub heroin in between his toes before performing at the local Denny's. That should make us some money.


Posted by James at 10:27 AM CST
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Monday, 6 February 2006
Superbowl XL Earns Biggest Ratings Since 1996; Fallout Continues
Topic: Sports

Despite having two of the worst quarterback performances in recent years, Superbowl XL seems to still have posted the largest ratings for the championship game since the Steelers last appeared in the big game, way back in 1996. In that fateful game, they lost to the Dallas Cowboys. Ha. Ha.

It appears that 90.7 million people tuned in, according to preliminary reports. The largest group watching was Pittsburgh, followed closely by Seattle. 141.1 million of you watched at least some part of the game, so ABC got their money's worth. Hopefully Diet Pepsi, with their overtly racial "Brown & Bubbley" campaign, did not.

Grey's Anatomy, the medical "drama" that followed, was watched by 35 million people, making it the most watched non-sporting event program this year, beating ever the craptacular whippings of American Idol. It's just too bad that GA kind of sucked. Way to be entertained America. First Desperate Housewives, now this. *sigh*


Posted by James at 4:23 PM CST
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Teen Reciprocates and Saves Life of Nurse; Irony Alive and Well in Western New York
Topic: National News

A teenager who was revived by a nurse at a baseball game in 1998 after being hit in the chest with a baseball bat saved the exact same nurse, herself a victim of choking on some shitty food at the local grease pit where Mr. Hero works.

So major props goes to Kevin Stephan of Lancaster, NY. An Eagle Scout, baseball player and volunteer firefighter at the tender age of 17, he can now add hero to his resume.

And Penny Brown, who was already a hero, is now a part of one of the oddest stories of reciprocation and heroism that we've ever read. Hopefully this story will get these people out of western New York, because from what we've heard, that place is like living in Boondock, Tennessee: full of inbred moonshiners.


Posted by James at 12:26 PM CST
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British Man Lacks Balance, Wrecks Three Priceless Vases
Topic: Stupidity

When people speak of taking a trip to the museum, they usually do not mean they're going to fall down and break expensive stuff. A London man, apparently, didn't see it this way.

"I snagged my shoelace, missed the step and 'crash bang wallop,' there was a million pieces of high quality Qing ceramics lying around beneath me," Nick Flynn told BBC radio.

Flynn broke three 17th century Chinese vases in his fall, which museum employees said they would glue back together. But don't expect to see Flynn admiring the exhibit when they're all put back together and back up on their Humpty-Dumpty wall; the director of the museum wrote him a letter asking him not to come back.

Ouch. Off to the Louvre with you! We hear they have many staircases directly in front of priceless art that are wonderful for rolling down.


Posted by James at 10:09 AM CST
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Sunday, 5 February 2006
The Heart of Darko Superbowl Party!
Topic: Sports

We love football. No shame in that, unless you're talking about the Canadian Football League. Then you're nothing but a sad, wimpy hoser.

So the Heart of Darko Superbowl XL party is in full swing. We have a fridge full of cheap beer and a beef pot roast stew in the oven, since there's nothing manlier than stew. Except for stabbing a guy. That's pretty manly too.

As a Dallas Cowboys fan, we hate anyone in the NFC that does better than the Cows. So we're rooting for the Steelers. We also liked the Ben Rothlesberger "Drink Like a Champion" photos, so that's just a bonus for us. So we say go Steelers! Kick the crap out of the Seahawks and bring a championship back from the Motor City. Your bullet-laden fans are waiting for the Lombardi trophy.

Have fun and be safe today everyone. And no burning cars! We're not French!

Posted by James at 2:08 PM CST
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Friday, 3 February 2006
Uber-Orthodox Jewish Rabbis Are Sex Offenders
Topic: Stupidity

There's really nothing we can say except what follows is truly one of the most disturbing images we ever had go through our head. So here's what David Caruso (huh? he quit CSI: Miami? - ed.) of the Associated Press was braver than us to write:

For thousands of years, rabbis performed a simple procedure to cleanse the wound during a ritual circumcision: Like outdoorsmen treating a snake bite, they sucked blood from the cut and spit it out.

Everyone say it together:


We've never had anything against people of the Jewish faith. Point of fact, we had an interesting, i.e. fun, but crazy, relationship with a very, VERY sweet Jewish girl. But now we see why the Palestinians hate them. They do, in fact, suck dick. Baby dick. Bloody... baby... dick...

Honestly, we don't even care what this goddamn story was about. It could be very well written, but we just can't past the bloody baby penis sucking. That's just about the worst thing we've ever heard. Excuse us, we have to go vom now.


Posted by James at 11:56 AM CST
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Bond Movie Director Arrested in H-Wood Prostitution Sting... In Drag!
Topic: Entertainment

Die Another Day was not a great James Bond movie, but it was Pierce Brosnan's best since Goldeneye. Much of that credit can be given to Lee Tamahori, who had previously made the awesome adventure/survival movie The Edge and then went on to make cinematic crap like XXX: State of the Union.

Most would have thought that making a movie with Ice Cube as the star would be an embarrassment, but Tamahori showed all of them up, as he was arrested in a Hollywood prostitution sting. We think the arresting officer pretty much sums it up.

"Mr Tamahori was arrested for soliciting. I can confirm he was dressed in women's clothing at the time of the arrest," Officer Jason Lee of the Los Angeles Police Department said.

But wait! The pot gets sweeter.

"He was arrested after approaching an undercover officer who was sitting in his car and offering to perform a sex act," Frank Mateljan of the Los Angeles City Attorney's office.

"The defendant was dressed in drag, loitering on the sidewalk," the spokesman said.

Ha! Awesome. Guess XXX2 hit him harder than we had suspected. Must suck to go from being a respected action director to a cross-dressing Hollywood hooker.


Posted by James at 9:21 AM CST
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Thursday, 2 February 2006
Heart of Darko Presents... Brokeback to the Future
Topic: Entertainment

Just because we found it on YouTube. Enjoy.

Posted by James at 3:04 PM CST
Updated: Thursday, 2 February 2006 3:05 PM CST
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We Like Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, But Come On...
Topic: Weird Shit

Nothing interests us today unless it involves some bodily function either in a human or puppy, so here's your next goddamn story:

A 100-pound woman in New York ate 26 grilled cheese sandwiches in 10 minutes to win the crown of World Grilled Cheese Eating Champion. The woman, Sonya Thomas, took home eight grand for beating our her competition by a half of a sandwich. Her current eating records also include 46 dozen oysters in 10 minutes, 11 pounds of cheesecake in 9 minutes, 48 chicken tacos in 11 minutes, 37 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes and 56 hamburgers in 8 minutes (all numbers/times from the AP - ed.). So apparently the girl has the metabolism of a ferret on meth.

Since it's Groundhog Day though, we would've been a lot more impressed had she eaten 26 live groundhogs, but that many grilled cheeses is pretty good. Dammit, now we have a craving for one.


Posted by James at 12:01 PM CST
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Columbian Smugglers Turning Puppies Into Drug Mules
Topic: World News

Everyone has a story about having some sort of drug shoved up your ass so that you can get them into this country to sell to rich white kids. Wait, you don't? Anyway, these people are called drug mules, and instead of shoving bags of coke and heroin up your ass, they swallow them. We shove them up our ass, but that's because we're old school.

The Columbian drug cartel located in Medellin has a different idea to transport their drugs into New York: puppies. Yes, puppies. DEA officials found six puppies with over 3 kilos of heroin sewn inside their stomachs by a veterinarian. Sadly, three of the puppies died after having the smack removed from their innards.

The other three, however, will have their revenge. The Columbian drug police force has adopted them and begun their training to turn them into lethal, drug-sniffing furballs with a chip on their shoulder and a score to settle. Watch out you wannabe Pablo Escobars! Rover's on your trail for what you did to his brothers...


Posted by James at 10:38 AM CST
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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Trifecta of Sluts Sues Wal-Mart to Carry Morning After Pill
Topic: Stupidity

Three skankified women from Massachusetts have filed suit against Wal-Mart for failing to stock the emergency morning after birth control pill. Yeah, they sued for birth control.

However, these women don't want money to buy more shoes. And none of them are pregnant with any unwanted fetuses. All they want is to force the retail giant to stock the pill, which the company has denied to do, since they have the right to "choose not to carry many products for business reasons" and that the pills were not a "commonly prescribed" pharmaceutical drug.

The three women are arguing that state law says Wal-Mart has to carry all common pharmaceutical pills, but we have a different opinion of their motivations:

They're whores. But they're embarrassed by it. Which is why they buy their prescriptions at Wal-Mart. The pharmacist at Wal-Mart fills thousands of requests a day. Jon's Pharmacy on the corner remembers your face and name. And Jon's son is cute and you want to bang him in the back of your Honda. So you can't let his dad know that you're a tramp who doesn't use contraceptives so you carry a supply of emergency morning after pills, especially since they put those stupid rubber tips on the end of coat hangers anymore, rendering them only capable of retarding a fetus instead of killing it.

You're right. Better sue. If not for you, then for your potentially retarded orphan baby.


Posted by James at 5:17 PM CST
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An Open Dialog About Politics and John Kerry with James Andresen and The Heart of Darko
Topic: Politics

We've noticed lately that it's coming off that we're massive Bush supporters who hate everything liberal and want nobody but the rich to survive. This is entirely not true. We're going to vote for Kinky Friedman in the Texas gubernatorial election, think Bush is pretty much half retarded, yet still loathe Hillary Clinton. What does that make us? Correct, a libertarian or moderate, depending on which political way you lean.

But we can't help Senator John Kerry being stupid. He's doing it to himself. After an abysmally run presidential campaign during which time he should've cleaned up, he came out with a "Message of the Day" platform that torpedoed himself. Then the excuses came and he looked like a sniveling spoiled elitist brat who wanted to take his ball and go home.

Now he's gone completely against every statement he made during the campaign (and people say that campaign promising is no longer alive - ed.) and just said some of the most dumb things we've ever heard a politican say. It continued in a post-State of the Union interview this morning with Katie Couric on Today.

COURIC: He wanted to train 70,000 additional teachers in math and science.

KERRY: That's terrific. But 53 percent of our children don't graduate from high school. Kids don't have after-school programs... He didn't ask America to sacrifice anything to achieve great goals and the biggest example is making the tax cut permanent for the wealthiest people in America. The average American struggles to find time to take carry of families, working two or three jobs... It's a disgrace. He did not tell the real state of the union.

What? 53% don't graduate from high school? Honestly Senator Kerry, did you just pull that number out of your ass? 85.9% of 20-24 year olds graduated from high school, and graduation rates are at an all time high. So what the hell are you talking about?

Do you see now why we dislike this man so much? He makes up facts that don't even seem to be close to correct. We think he's given us the right to make fun of him... constantly. Douche.


P.S. - And no, that is not us in the picture. It's some dude from the Duke physics department.

Posted by James at 11:49 AM CST
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Frey-Watch! Dropped By Oprah, Now By Agent!
Topic: Embarrassment

James Frey, author of the fake memoir A Million Little Pieces, has faced the humiliation of first being outed by The Smoking Gun, then shut down by the big O on national television. Now, he's gonna have to find himself some new representation if he ever comes out with another memoir. Sorry, we didn't mean to say memoir. We meant to say collection of bullshit.

“In the last week, it became impossible for me to maintain a relationship once the trust had been broken. He eventually did apologize, but I felt for many reasons I had to let him go as a client,” said former manager/agent Kassie Evashevski.

Frey better hope that his editor doesn't leave, because that's like the other half of your brain leaving you in a lurch. Of course, his book's currently #5 on Amazon books, up from #6 yesterday, so it's not like he's ever going to be hurting for money. But whatever, we just want our $35 back you liar.


P.S. - Don't forget to sign Jenny Pietrowski's petition to get your money back from Random House, the purveyor of lies!

Posted by James at 9:04 AM CST
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Tuesday, 31 January 2006
The State of the Union Drinking Game... Stolen!
Topic: Politics

We were at first angered when we found out that FOX would not be showing House tonight because of some crappy movie called State of the Union. Of course, then we realized that this wasn't a shitty Chris Rock flick, but instead the President's State of the Union address.

Well, because of our blog's previous life as an exotic, odd look at politics with a biting sense of utter profranity and stupidity, we've decided to bring back that unnamed editor and turn him loose again on the frey. So we have continued the tradition started over a year ago and have stolen a drinking game for you to play. This one is from the new Wonkette's, who, sadly, are now two guys. So think of a 20-year-old and a failed Beltway attorney while funneling liqour, because the days of AMC are gone.

Drink up suckas!

* Every time Bush mentions Iran: 1 drink
* Hamas: 1 drink
* North Korea: 1 drink
* Bush begins a sentence with “British Intelligence…”: Drink an entire bottle of whatever you were drinking three years ago, throw it at the TV
* Bush mentions the people of New Orleans: Cry into your beer, then drink it.
* Bush mentions the people of New Orleans in a positive light: Shot of bitters.
* Bush mentions Hurricane Katrina: Tell person sitting next to you that you’ll refill their glass, leave town for a couple days.
* Bush mentions Hurricane Katrina in a positive light: Check the label.
* Every time Bush makes reference to a previous President’s SOTU address: 1 drink.
* If the reference is to a Democratic President’s speech: 2 drinks.
* To Grover Cleveland’s 1888 address: Finish the bottle.
* Bush mentions Coretta Scott King: pour out a 40 on the curb.
* Chris Penn: Pour out a 40, a steak, and a milkshake on the curb.
* “Health Savings Accounts”: Enjoy the freedom to choose a drink you can’t afford.
* Bush ends the speech with “Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”: A billion drinks.


Posted by James at 3:47 PM CST
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Oscar Nominations Announced; Somehow, Hostel Receives None...
Topic: Entertainment

We liked Hostel. A lot. There was blood. Lots and lots and lots of blood. And an Asian chick with one eye jumping in front of a train to end her miserable, scarred life. That movie rocked.

We also saw Brokeback Mountain. That movie was okay. No chicks in front of trains, but Jake Gylellehallennehallal's character was the only cowboy sexual predator we've ever seen. Pretty decent movie.

Well, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science appears to have loved it, as they heaped eight nominations on it, beating out every other movie. So now we're back in to our yearly red state vs. blue state throwdown. Will the blue staters win, pulling it out (no pun intended - ed.) in all the big categories?

Who gives a shit? We like movies, and we hate award shows, so whatever. As long as War of the Worlds didn't get anything, we're happy. That movie totally blew in only a way Brokeback Mountain could've dreamed of.


Posted by James at 12:46 PM CST
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