Topic: Weird Shit
Are you a horny Australian man whom has just spent way too much money filling up your Ute or similar vehicle? Well then take your receipt to either The Site of Madame Kerry's brothel for a 20 percent discount on their wide (no pun intended - ed.) selection of prime chippy.
"If you come in and spend time with one of our lovely ladies, we'll give you a discount of 20 cents a liter," Kerry, manager of Sydney brothel The Site, told Reuters Wednesday.
With sessions starting at $150AU for 30 minutes, the discount can come (again, no pun intended) to $30. Now, The Site has taken out ads in newspapers and magazines offering the discount, which, according to Kerry, has increased not only more johns, but media exposure. Once again, Australia trumps all with its legal, and now discounted, hookers.