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Monday, 28 August 2006
From the Files of the Judiciary; Don't Trust Creepy Dudes Who Want to Escape Thailand
Topic: National News

Our planned hiatus has taken a break, allowing us a moment or two to post some stupidity from our own judiciary system, once again focusing on professed JonBenet Ramsey Killer John Mark Karr, who was extradited from Bangkok, Thailand, earlier last week to face possible murder charges in the decades-old case.  Turns out he just wanted to get the hell out of Thailand before child indecency charges were brought against him there. 

Attorneys in Boulder, Colorado, have announced that the case against Karr has been dropped, as his DNA doesn't even come close to matching that of the sample found by JonBenet's murderer.

"The warrant on Mr. Karr has been dropped by the district attorney," public defender Seth Temin said outside the jail. "They are not proceeding with the case.  "We're deeply distressed by the fact that they took this man and dragged him here from Bangkok, Thailand, with no forensic evidence confirming the allegations against him and no independent factors leading to a presumption that he did anything wrong."

While we semi-agree with Mr. Temin, we have to ask him a simple question; what the hell were they supposed to do?  The Thai wouldn't DNA test him and offered an extradition treaty for a dude who's a convicted pedaphile who had just admitted to raping and killing another child.  Was our government supposed to sit on its hands and wait for a cheek swab?  We understand that Mr. Temin is a crimindal defender, and part of his job is acting outraged, but damn man.  Common sense?


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 4:47 PM CDT
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