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Thursday, 24 August 2006
From the Files of the Stupid: Woman Ganks $2.3 Million to Buy Lotto Tickets
Topic: Stupidity

A bookkeeper in New York has pleaded guilty yesterday to "borrowing" more than $2.3 million from her former boss over a period of three years to keep up her horrible scratch-off lottery ticket problem.  Annie Donnelly admitted that she sometimes spent over $6,000 a day on lottery tickets and meant to pay the money back.

Despite winning jackpots of 25 and five grand, Donnelly never had the amount she had pilfered, and now will face up to 12 years in prison, as well as having to pay every dime back to the doctor she stole it from.  But somehow we think that she'll never get another job as a bookkeeper, and it takes a long time to pay back over two million bucks on a Wal-mart salary.



Posted by James at 4:13 PM CDT
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