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Wednesday, 23 August 2006
DUI Defendant Shows Up to Court Drunker than When Previously Arrested
Topic: Stupidity

DUI defendant Joshua J. Beury made a huge mistake when showing up in court to plead not guilty to his charges yesterday afternoon; he showed up drunker than when he was previously arrested.  He had blown a .17 when he was taken into custody after crashing his car in November, but in court, he decided the best way to calm his nerves was to drink so much beer that he blew a .20.

Beury was convicted twice and sentenced to 30-90 days in jail for both counts, and even admitted in court that he was bipolar and drank over a twelve pack of beer each day.   He also said that he regularly takes medication which heightens the drunkeness from the beer.

This takes the criminal stupidity factor to all new levels, and we thank Mr. Beury for being a dumbass and giving us a good early afternoon laugh.



Posted by James at 1:59 PM CDT
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