Topic: Media
Three months ago, the powers that be that were in charge of the daily operation of the Heart of Darko took a good long look at our flagging readership and noticed that when we posted stuff that you couldn't find on regular sites, we were a hit. Other than that, we sucked, because no one wants to read our stupid little jokes about Lebanon (no seriously. that commentor on Saturday called us a "dick bag" - ed.).
So we decided that unless it was a current event in which our HQ was burning, we'd stick to the news that you'd never hear about in the mainstream press. Partly because they don't have the time, and partly because they can't run a story about the World Series of Strip Poker on CNN.
What does this have to do with anything? When we created this idea in 2004, we were sure that we were going to be a hit. So was Nick Denton, who launched Sploid shortly after. And today, Sploid dies. While you will still be able to view the archives and read past stories, there will be no new support or posting.
While we haven't always agreed with the political and hypocritical message that has come from the site, we have used it to help read the news that falls between the cracks. Their humorous prose either made us wince, scratch our noggin or giggle while peeing.
So thank you Sploid, for being around and proving that a blog without posts will never work. An experiment in futility? Perhaps. Good daily reading? You bet.