Topic: Stupidity
When we were last in Scottsdale (earlier this January - ed.), the city had just instituted a new system of speed cameras on the 101 to stop people from going over the 65 mph limit. These were also used throughout the town to enforce lower speeds. Even though we were in a rental car, we still respected the cameras... except for these two times when it was just too tempting.
And now, a 32-year-old woman from Phoneix is under arrest and is facing oer $11,000 in speeding fines after throwing away 69 speeding tickets that were sent to her. This undoubtedly extremely slow-witted chick said she thought it was okay to throw away the tickets, apparently not being to get it through her thick skull that tossing fines only gets rid of them temporarily.
Good luck to her, especially since the cops have her picture of her sitting in the driver's seat of her car, even during her 86 mph jaunt through the 65 zone.