Topic: Stupidity
A Las Vegas defense attorney who was supposed to argue a kidnapping case ended up receiving a mistrial for his efforts after showing up to court slurring his words and reaking of tequila.
"I don't think you can tell a straight story because you are intoxicated," Clark County District Judge Michelle Leavitt told defense lawyer Joseph Caramango.
After receiving a breathalyzer test, Caramango was found to have a BAC of .075, which is under the legal limit of .08, but still pretty randy for a day in court. The courthouse nurse confirmed that Caramango had been drinking tequila shots just hours before he was scheduled to argue his case and the attorney himself said that he had been drinking the night before.
To make things weirder, Caramango showed up 90 minutes late to court with a woman who he identified as an ex and introduced as Christine. However, the woman said her name was Josephine and that she had met the attorney only 20 minutes beforehand at a local bar and grill.
Caramango was not found in contempt of court, and it is doubtful that he will be disbarred for his actions, as hilariously fucking stupid as they were.