Topic: Technology
A team of British scientists have hit out against vitamin tablets, especially C and E caplets, claiming that they will harm you more than help you, possibly creating extra illnesses. Also, the amounts that people take have been proven to offer no extra help in real life and only work on much smaller cultures in test tubes and lab tests.
"You name it, if it's an anti-oxidant, we'll swallow it by the bucket-load. We have become anti-oxidant devotees. But are they doing us any good? Evidence gathered over the last few years shows that, at best, antioxidant supplements do little or nothing to benefit our health," noted New Science magazine.
Apparently an American team of scientists have also warned that multi-vitamins, such as Centrum Silver and the Wal-Mart off brand we use (anything to save 46 cents - ed.), can be very harmful if taken too much, as one could easily overdose on them, creating a higher possibility of organ failure.
This just goes to show you that George Burns was right; three dry martinis and cigars a day and you'll live to be 100.