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Thursday, 27 July 2006
Charles Barkley Might Ruin Alabama by Running for Governor
Topic: Politics

Former NBA star and current NBA talking head Charles Barkley has decided that he might possibly in the future run for the Governorship of Alabama.  But the big switch in his thinking is that he's going to run as a Democrat instead of a Republican, which he has identified himself as since he got into the NBA.  Here's Sir Chuck's reasoning, which in true Charles Barkley fashion, makes barely an iota of sense.

"I was a Republican until they lost their minds."

This doesn't really fit Barkley though, because we don't think he's never even known where his own mind was.  But this development will probably not take place in Alabama's next election cycle, as Barkley has stated his only goal is to get his teenage daughter through high school and into college before turning to politics, where he will most likely be laughed out of the Democratic primary.

Seriously.  Can you imagine having Charles Barkley in some position of power in any government?  He might've been a fantastic basketball player, but he has the speaking ability of a semi-retarded mule, and when he does say something, you have to analyze it deeply.  And not because it's an intricate point.  You must analyze it to figure out what the shit he's talking about.



Posted by James at 2:12 PM CDT
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