Topic: Stupidity
When we were the tender age of 12, our grandmother gave us a drink from her beer, and our love affair with Coors Light began. 14 years later, we've discovered other liquified forms of the beverage, but we still always find ourselves purchasing a fresh 12 pack of the Silver Bullet every now and then.
And perhaps Pete Coors needs to slow his roll a bit and put the Bullet down. After being arrested in late May for drunk driving, it appears that the former Senatatorial candidate is heading to court for his DUI. Now the full story is finally out.
After leaving a wedding reception in Colorado, a state trooper watched as Coors drove his green Jaguar straight through a stop sign and then proceeded to continue to his house. The trooper administered a breathalizer and the beer empresario was arrested for blowing a .88, barely higher than the .8 maximum allowed. He was taken into custody and released three hours later after not being formally booked.
For another little bit of included irony, Coors had advocated the lowering of the drinking age to 18 from the current 21, which was met with major oposition from his detractors, who claimed (correctly, it appears - ed.) that he was doing this to simply make more money.
We feel bad for supporting this man, so we're proud to announce that sitting in our fridge is a 12 pack of frosty Miller High Life Lights. And a pint of Monty Python's Holy Ale. Yes, we're weird.