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Monday, 15 May 2006
The Presidential Address Wrap-up! Our Bad!
Topic: Politics

Ha, sorry guys. We didn't expect the entire address to be about immigration. So after the tequila shot, hopefully you guys pounded enough Corona quickly enough to drown out the crap that was flowing from Dubya's mouth.

So what did we think? With the help of our hairy, four-legged interns, we determined that this was political pandering. Actually, it was quite obvious. It was calling out your co-workers in front of a large group of your friends to embarrass them into doing what you want.

It was also an attempt to bring back the "compassionate conservatism" that Bush promised in the 2000 election and hasn't done since. Perhaps some immigration reform will be upheld, but not to the level he called for tonight. There's no way illegal immigrants that are already here are going to out themselves to get "licensed," especially after they were made to sound like terrorists, what with all their "sneaking."

We'll see what the political fallout will be like tomorrow. For now, just sit down quickly before all the liquor kicks in and enjoy Prison Break and 24. Also, don't forget that the Dallas Mavericks and San Antonio Spurs play tonight at 8:30 CST. Go Mavs!

Posted by James at 7:40 PM CDT
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