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Friday, 12 May 2006
Fake Writer Watch! James Frey Admits Lying in Second Book Too
Topic: Embarrassment

After the media hullabaloo has finally blown over after it was reveal that the memoir of James Frey should have really been called A Million Little Lies, what else is there to do besides take your millions of dollars and hide out somewhere nobody will know you? Sit on a beach and get drunk? Bang a Thai hooker?

How about come out and admit your second "non-fiction" book, My Friend Leonard, should also be titled My Friend Lies? Sure, that'll work.

"To call this book pure nonfiction would be inaccurate," the author writes. "It is a combination of fact and fiction, real and imagined events."

Goddammit James Frey! What the hell is wrong with you? Jesus Christ! Truman Capote wrote things like this as well, but he acknowledged it. You just make shit up, like the entire opening of My Friend Lies involving Porterhouse and the 90 day jail sentence.

Man, shit. We actually read your books. Let's take a guess at what's true in these books; you are a real person. Is that the end of the truths?

We hate you James Frey. You're the biggest fraud in the literary world. That's right, we said it. Why don't you just kick us in the nuts while you're at it? As was said on the episode of South Park that wasn't nearly as hard on you as it should've been, "you're a towel."


Posted by James at 9:50 AM CDT
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Saturday, 7 April 2007 - 2:10 PM CDT

Name: "anonymous"

im sorry to say that although i believe what you say is true .. i think your being a little judgmental towards james frey.. though you and i both dont know him... i believe that his book isnt all fiction. yes im sure he has made quite a few mistakes... but to say that he is quote "the biggest fraud in the literary world.".. i mean come on! you dont know him and as a matter of fact neither do i. but sure he probably did over exaggerate many things in his book but if it wasn't somewhat over exaggerated would it have been as good as it is? honestly, what he did was wrong i and i agree with your viewpoints, but most authors do somewhat fib in their books i think your just being a bit ridiculous. But those are your opinions and this letter is my opinion. 

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