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Friday, 14 October 2005
ABC Survery for Commander in Chief Insulting to ABC... and Hillary Clinton
Topic: Entertainment

As proven by Defamer, sometimes you know a show will not strike a certain member(s) of the audience. However, ABC crossed their own line and decided it was time to insults not only their own program, but their own network. They also threw in Hillary Clinton for good measure.

We know it's hard to read, but click on the link below to be taken to the whole survey, where you can read see checked boxes for reasons not to like the show, such as "It reminds me too much of Hillary Clinton, and the fact she might run for President in 2008." Good stuff ABC, good stuff indeed.


Posted by James at 1:34 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 14 October 2005 1:34 PM CDT
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We're Popular! Or So We Think...
Topic: Cars/Automotive

Editor Mike Spinelli of the great auto blog Jalopnik (which has been linked to the left for over eight months, and if you haven't clicked on it yet, then shame on you) has recently decided to join the rest of Gawker Media and allow for comment posting on his site.

We thank Mike for the invite and hope that our brand of idiotic tipsterism can be of some use in the coming times. Look for posts by commentator TexansAreHot, because we are, in fact, hawt.


Posted by James at 1:12 PM CDT
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Embattled Ump Speaks Out! So Stop Emailing Us, Because the Braves Lost and We Don't Care!
Topic: Sports

Ravenous fans hurl angry obscenities and comments at umpires all the time. However, now that people have finally remembered baseball is still being played and is available to watch free of charge on TV, a small outcry has grown over the supposed "blown call" from the umpire in the Angels/White Sox game from a few nights ago.

For those that either don't remember or couldn't give two shits, White Sox catcher A.J. Pierzynski struck out swinging and ran to first, as the ump ruled the pitch in the dirt. He ended up scoring, and the entire fan base of the Angels blamed it on a blown call. Well, after days of being escorted everywhere by security guards, the official in charge of the call has spoken out about it... and pretty much kept the going. *sigh* This is why we drink.

"The only thing I'm down on myself is I should have sold it either way," Doug Eddings said. "I should have either said, 'No catch,' or, if I did have a catch, that he was out. Which I never said: 'He's out."

So there you have it sports fans; dude was not out. Don't read into it too much. He was not out. At least you didn't get a foul ball stolen away from you like the Cubs did a couple of years ago. That poor from back then probably had to legally change his name to Shithead Screwsupalot.


Posted by James at 1:09 PM CDT
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Thursday, 13 October 2005
Cartoon of the Day! The Birds 3; Influenza Over Pecking to Death
Topic: Political Cartoons

With the sudden hysteria over the avian flu (oh my god, it can kill anywhere from 5 people to 150 million! oh my god, what are the odds??? - ed.), we're going to give you a cartoon that should pretty much show you how we're feeling nowadays; pissed off at the President. We think this bird flu shit is a bunch of hysteria produced by Bush enemies, but we're going to listen to it, because the President has turned into a religious retard, not the straight up retard that America re-elected. So here's Robert Ariail's cartoon about the situation for your enjoyment.

Posted by James at 1:25 PM CDT
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Approval Ratings In; God Not Helping Much
Topic: Politics

The recent Bush approval ratings have come in, and God has apparently tired of being brought into the President's speeches, as our leader's approval has dropped to 39%, a new all time low. With 54% disapproval and only 28% thinking the country is going in the right direction, it might be a good time to stop being so absolutely bat-shit nuts.

And speaking of nuts, bringing in people like your personal attorney to become a new Supreme Court Justice isn't smart either, since only 29% of all people think that was a good idea.

There is a bright side, however. Over 48% of people think that a Democratic Congress would do better than a GOP-run ship. Because this matters and people know what they're talking about, we say give them a chance. After everything remains just as screwed up and we get some more natural disasters, it'll allow everyone on the right to shrug and say "we told you so."


Posted by James at 10:25 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Tom DeLay's Attorney Subpoenas Prosecuting Attorney; We Don't Know Why, But Whatever
Topic: Texas News

In an attempt to stop himself from ever having to go to trial, Tom DeLay had his attorney subpoena the lead prosecutor and two prosecuting attorneys about possible misconduct with the grand jury that indicted DeLay late last month. And now the two sides are at odds on whether or not the subpoena was even received.

Serving someone means that they have to physically take the paper in their hand. However, DeLay's attorney, Dick DeGuerin, seems to think someone has to sign for it. While that would be a first for such a document, DeGuerin doesn't care and is pissed, PISSED I TELL YOU, that DA Ronnie Earle didn't sign the paper that came with the subpoena and only accepted the document.

Now, the grand jury foreman has come out on behalf of Earle, making this case even more of a cluster fuck. While he said that he gave interviews after the jury deliberated, he never told any details of the case to the public or Earle, something that was cited in the subpoena.

"That's a bunch of (expletive) there," Gibson said. "That man did not talk to me."

Ah, you've gotta love Texas. He's indicting you? Sue that son of a bitch back! He's trying to play a politics game! This is gonna be a great frigging case.


Posted by James at 1:21 PM CDT
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We Were Wrong; Bush is a Zealot
Topic: National News

We didn't believe that President Bush said that God wanted him to attack the Middle East. There was no feasible way that someone could be that... fucked up in the head. But apparently we proved that we were wrong yet again.

Today, President Bush said that his main choice of Harriet Miers as Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement as SCOTUS was "part of Harriet Miers’ life is her religion."

Holy Mary mother of god, he's making his decisions for our country's future based on religion. Please, Senate, please, deny him this confirmation. This bitch is as obviously nuts as he is. He gave up booze for god, so she must've given up something too. Crack? PCP? Who knows? We apologize for ever trusting in this crazed administration, and we now change our views on whether or not Bush actually said that god sent him to the Middle East. Even if Bush didn't say it, you know he's thinking it. Help!


Posted by James at 1:10 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 11 October 2005
How to Use Less Gas, Courtesy of The Onion

Thanks to The Onion for letting us know that we're not the only one doing the third thing on this list. Yeesh.


Posted by James at 5:24 PM CDT
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Mythbusters! Iraqi Constituion Agreement Reached?
Topic: World News

Reports are coming from Baghdad claiming that the Iraqi Congress has finally reached a Constitution agreement between the sparring religious factions, only after the Sunnis gave in and said that they would vote yes if the next year they could vote for amendments. What the Sunnis don't realize is that the Kurds and Shiites will still be in power and will crush every amendment they put forward. Whoops.

So is this real? Are Brad and Angelina really getting married? Did Nick and Jessica split? Who's banging Big Foot? We'll believe it when we see it.


Posted by James at 4:39 PM CDT
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Frist Stock NOT Only in Blind Trusts; GOP Considering Forfetting 2008 Elections Now
Topic: Politics

The Associated Press has discovered that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist not only earned money from his family-controlled HCA corporation by dealing with blind trusts, but also from thousands of shares of HCA stock controlled outside of the trusts by his brother, the president of the hospital chain. This conflict of interest could mean that Frist was voting illegally for health care issues while having a stake in the actual health care market.

And let's not forget the SEC going after him for possible insider trading, i.e. "Pulling a Martha," as it is now called. Now we're not going to preach and pretend that we know fuck-all about the stock market, because we're basically retards when it comes to that, so we're going to use some quotes from the AP to help explain what is going on.

Edmond M. Ianni, a former Wilmington, Del., bank executive who established blind trusts for corporate executives, questioned why the senator's brother was able to manage assets "when the whole purpose of a blind trust is to ensure lack of not only conflict of interest — but appearance of conflict of interest?"

Umm, did you get that? Here's a statement from Frist's people:

"His interests in the family partnership were not held by his Senate blind trusts because Senate rules did not permit it. Senator Frist did not control the assets in this partnership and he annually disclosed his interests to the public as required," Frist spokesman Bob Stevenson said.

Okay, so we're gonna keep on this, even though we don't know what any of it means. We know it's not good for the GOP during their time of everyone screwing up, but then again, as long as no one finds a half-eaten baby under John McCain's desk, he should be cool for 2008.


Posted by James at 4:02 PM CDT
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New James Bond Chosen! Go Rent Layer Cake Before It's Too Late!
Topic: Entertainment

We know that we're not known for being an entertainment blog, but we were very excited about the new choice today to play James Bond, so we had to tell everyone. It's Daniel Craig, of Road to Perdition and Layer Cake fame. He's been in tons of movies and television overseas, but hasn't found his niche here.

Well, now he will as James Bond in Casino Royale, which will soon begin filming for an expected release date Christmas of 2007. Congrats Daniel! And now to all of you; go rent Layer Cake and Enduring Love to brush up on your Daniel Craig!


Posted by James at 11:54 AM CDT
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Texas Rep. Kevin Brady Arrested for DUI; North Texas Hangs Its Collective Head in Shame
Topic: Embarrassment

What the hell is wrong with Congressmen nowadays? Corruption, underage sex, and now drunken driving? U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady was arrested over the weekend for driving under the influence of alcohol in South Dakota while attending a homecoming football game at his alma mater, The University of South Dakota.

No word on what his BAC was, but it was definitely above a .08, the legal limit in the state. And what was great was that he was pulled over for a "problem with his tail lights."

First Bush, then Frist, then DeLay, now Brady. Are there any other Texas politicians out there who can embarrass the crap out of us? John Cornyn, I'm talking to you!


Posted by James at 9:35 AM CDT
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Monday, 10 October 2005
Shield Law Sponsor Turns Prick; Bloggers "Probably Not" Journalists
Topic: Media

Senator Richard Lugar, the sponsor of the proposed Shield Law, which would, in essence, protect freedom of the press while licensing journalists, has recently made statements saying that most bloggers would not fall under the protection of the shield law. However, after looking at the terms of the first draft of the Free Flow of Information Act of 2005, there's no reason to see why this wouldn't cover our pitiful kind.

From the draft:

"covered person" protected by the bill's terms includes "any entity that disseminates information by print, broadcast, cable, satellite, mechanical, photographic, electronic, or other means and that publishes a newspaper, book, magazine, or other periodical in print or electronic form; operates a radio or television station (or network of such stations), cable system, or satellite carrier, or channel or programming service for any such station, network, system, or carrier; or operates a news agency or wire service." The legislation also covers employees, contractors or other persons who "gathers, edits, photographs, records, prepares, or disseminates news or information for any such entity."

Not that you read all of that. Shit, we didn't read all of that and we're writing about it. So pretty much, our reporting of this fact to you, the readers that otherwise would not have checked their email box to notice this had been forwarded to them, is not in itself journalistically protected. Therefore if we said something to the effect of licensing journalists is the first step to a socialist society and Richard Lugar blows goats, we would be in pretty big trouble with the government. Thank god we didn't say that. Oh crap...


Posted by James at 4:45 PM CDT
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Rich, Idiot Actress Worried About Poor People Affected By Hurricanes
Topic: Stupidity

We do not like Susan Sarandon. We're sure she's a very nice person and all of that normal shit that people say, but she's a retard. Not quite as bad as Sean Penn, but mildly retarded nonetheless.

After a complete deluge of news revolving around the hurricanes since they first formed, you cannot go one minute during a news broadcast without hearing some new information regarding anything regarding the two long gone storms. But Sarandon seems to think this is not enough.

"You had these really dramatic TV pictures and little sound bites of people standing in the rain. What happens when the rain stops and the water goes down - then you're getting to the heart of following through where the relief money is going, who's getting the contracts to rebuild and how the money is being spent."

We have a suggestion that Sarandon might actually like. Take Al Gore's awful CURRENT TV and turn it into the 24-hour Hurricane 2005 Channel. It could use the ratings, and then it would be like C-SPAN. If you want useless information, you know where to ignore it at.

Sarandon's final statement though, is the real kicker.

"Now, at least, we're aware and America is aware about how other Americans have been living. Nobody's been paying any attention to them."

Says the rich actress from behind the secure walls of her Hollywood mansion. Susan, we're not poor, and yet we don't have enough money to live well, so we suggest either giving your money to those "other Americans" or shutting your big dumb mouth.


Posted by James at 12:55 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 10 October 2005 12:56 PM CDT
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New Orleans Police Just Can't Stop Screwing Up
Topic: National News

Mere weeks after being caught on video looting a Wal-mart and stealing some 200+ cars for "patrol" purposes, the New Orleans police are in trouble again, this time for beating a 64 year old man who was being arrested for public intoxication. Then, to make matters worse, an officer slammed an AP producer up against a car before punching him in the stomach and letting loose on him for not stopping filming. Way to go NOLA PD.

“We have great concern with what we saw this morning,” Captain Marlon Defillo said after he and about a dozen other high-ranking police department officials watched the APTN footage Sunday. “It’s a troubling tape, no doubt about it. ... This department will take immediate action.”

And surprisingly, they did. The four officers involved in the case have all been dismissed without pay and charged with battery. The drunken 64-year-old was charged with a PI, resisting arrest, assaulting an officer and being black. The excuse for the behavior from the police, as quoted directly from the video tape, was "I’ve been here for six weeks trying to keep ... alive."

Ah. Sure, that's an... excuse.

Link to the video is below. Proceed with caution tough, as it is pretty violent and you'll have to deal with Ann Curry at the beginning of it. I swear, that girl is so dumb you can look into her eyes and through the back of her head.


Posted by James at 10:12 AM CDT
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McCain in 2008? Finally, Someone From the Right We'd be Willing to Vote For
Topic: Politics

Will John McCain run for president in the 2008 election, mostly against rival and now-friend Hillary Clinton? Possibly, says him. Yes, says us.

While McCain has completely ruled out running as the undercard on a presidential ticket, he has alluded to a possible run at the White House. And if he does and he has to face Hillary Clinton, there's nothing that Hill and her attack womb can do against the Senator from Arizona. Especially since her credibility has been rocked ever since she was born, while his is still completely intact.

McCain will let everyone know whether or not he is running after the 2006 elections, so we're finally getting closer to what we already know; the Democrats are screwed.


Posted by James at 9:45 AM CDT
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Friday, 7 October 2005
Housekeeping! Escaping the Invading Football Fans
Topic: Housekeeping

Because of the descent of thousands of drunken idiot UT and OU football fans invading our small slice of hell that is downtown Dallas this weekend for the 100th annual Red River Shootout, we're getting the crap out of here early today without a single story posted so that we may stock up on ammunition and beer while we still have some time.

So everyone have a safe weekend, and stay away from Dallas. Especially if you come in our neighborhood, because we'll shoot a mofo just for looking lost.

Posted by James at 11:30 AM CDT
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Thursday, 6 October 2005
Rove to Fly Over From Transylvania and Give Last Minute CIA leak Testimony
Topic: National News

Bush's chief aide and architect Karl Rove will indeed give a last minute testimony to federal prosecutors investigating the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity. While the prosecuting attorneys said that there wouldn't be any guarantee that he wouldn't be indicted, we all know that they work for the same boss as Rove (Satan), so it's all good.

So now that the Rove is cooperating voluntarily, it'll be interesting to see how easy they go on him. The fact that most people in the Beltway are scared as hell of him is a pretty good thing for the Master too, so we'll keep you updated on who gets flayed alive in a secret chamber in the White House and who doesn't. DRINK BLOOD!


Posted by James at 3:39 PM CDT
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Where Can We Get One of These? NOW.
Topic: World News

Some of you may complain that this item has little or nothing to do with real news. To that we tell you to look on this damn site and tell us anything on there that DOES have anything to do with real news.

Two students at the University of Saarbruecken outside of Berlin, Germany, have invented a coaster with sensors inside of it that weigh a pint of beer and automatically send a signal to the bar when the drinker is out of alcohol. The creators also claim that a motion sensor inside the plastic mat can also be activated behind the bar if waved around. Of course, this action worked just fine with a regular coaster, t-shirt or towel, but hey, if they want motion sensors, they can have motion sensors.

At 84 euros, the prototype is a little steep, but the team thinks they can mass produce it for under 10 euros. Word has it a distributor in North America is interested in purchasing the rights to distribute it. They're called us.


Posted by James at 11:54 AM CDT
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Telephone Voting? Get Your Slide Whistles Ready to Throw an Election!
Topic: National News

How would you like to pick up your home telephone, enter some simple information, and vote for who you think should run the country into the ground. Well, not the country, but maybe your county.

The Wall Street Journal reported today that my 2006, all states will have local phone-voting that could possibly change to full service national voting as phone encryption gets better. Vermont will be the first state to enact this measure of voting, but only in polling places, thus making absolutely no sense for even attempting this method. You don't have time to vote, so you can simply drive to your polling place, pick up the phone and call. Then you can drive home and realize you've wasted more time than necessary. Ah America.


Posted by James at 10:43 AM CDT
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