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Saturday, 11 November 2006
Your Heart of Darko Dead People Roundup; Curly and Bradley
Topic: Dead People

The world lost two great people this past week in the likes of Oscar winner Jack Palance and Emmy-winning newsman Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes.  Curly passed away at the ripe old age of 87 at his home, surrounded by his family, while Bradley succumbed to leukemia at the age of 65.

With his leather face and gravely voice, Palance brought his style of gravitas to movies such as City Slickers, Shane, and Sudden Fear.  Bradley covered the Vietnam War in 1975 before becoming a 60 Minutes staple in 1981.

Both were giants of their industries, and both will sorely be missed.  Rest in peace, gentlemen.


IMDB - Jack Palance 

IMDB - Ed Bradley 

Posted by James at 8:17 PM CST
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Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Not Even Close to the End
Topic: Politics

Well, we're done for the evening, but the election is not.  Virginia, Missouri, and Montana aren't even close to being done, and even though Allen is losing in Virginia, he just came out on live TV and pretty much said for everyone to expect 3-4 weeks of lawyers going over every conceivable vote counted to get him the W that he wants.

Other than that, it looks like the Democrats are finished in the House with a +7 margin over the Republicans, which puts Nancy "Wakka Wakka Wakka!" Pelosi as the House Majority Leader.

Yeah, this will be interesting... Goodnight!

Posted by James at 11:52 PM CST
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Tonight Smells of Change and Cheap Scotch
Topic: Politics

There have been many interesting changes in tonight's election since we've last checked in.  First, the Democrats need only three more wins to take the Senate and two more for a W in the House.

Also, Joe Lieberman is actually projected to win, mere months after the Democratic Party labeled him incompetent.  We'll continue our drunken update, but now it's over to Comedy Central for the live and joint (no pun intended - ed.) Daily Show/Colbert Report election update show, featuring everyone's former favorite pontificator, Dan Rather. 


UPDATE: And the Democrats take the House and are +1 for the majority.  Now it just depends on if they can take the three that they need for the Senate.

Oh yeah, and Comedy Central's live show sucks. 

Posted by James at 10:15 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:36 PM CST
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Your Nightly Congressional Upset Watch
Topic: Politics

As we look towards the future in the battleground seats, the numbers have remained pretty stagnant until... well... now.

Pennsylvania just got another Democratic House seat, which means that the party needs only ten more to take control of the House, while key match-ups will soon be decided in the Senate races with only a change of three needed to take charge for the lefties.  Montana, Virginia and Mizzou are still up in the air, so it'll be an interesting call.

We'll keep you updated, but we just pounded a pair of Irish Car Bombs (a shot of Bailey's/Jameson dropped into a Guiness - ed.), so expect the writing to become less and less coherant as the night goes on.

We love Election Night! 

Posted by James at 9:15 PM CST
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CBS Results Site Trumps All Others
Topic: Politics

Wow, how did we not know about this site earlier?  CBS News has a kick ass self-refreshing site showing the results, state-by-state and for the entire nation, with constant updates for all seat changes, elections, and percentage reporting claims.

Check it out.  You can leave it on without worrying about missing Friday Night Lights or Dancing With the Stars or whatever crap TV you have on instead of election coverage.



Posted by James at 8:10 PM CST
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Kinky Not Doing So Hot, Losing to Everyone
Topic: Texas Politics

With merely .58% of Texas polls reporting in, the first numbers for our Governor's election are in, and so far, Kinky Friedman is far behind in the pack, losing even to a bitchy grandma.

The numbers so far:

Rick Perry - 43.76

Chris Bell - 28.11

Carol Keaton Strayhorn - 18.11

Kinky Friedman - 9.52


Just... ouch.

Posted by James at 7:23 PM CST
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Lynn Swan to Stay on Sidelines, Out of Governor's Mansion
Topic: Politics

Every Steeler's favorite player, Lynn Swan, is projected to lose his bid for the Governorship of Pittsburgh.  And by a quite large margin we might add.  We should have a compiled list for you later.

If not, you can get it over on any news site or channel.  Now we make our triumphant return to booze... 

Posted by James at 7:10 PM CST
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As Stolen From The New Republic
Topic: Politics

Here are your damn Congressional returns.  Don't trust these as far as you can toss a full keg of Jaegermeister.

Democrats leading:

Virginia (52-47)
Rhode Island (53-46)
Pennsylvania (57-42)
Ohio (57-43)
New Jersey (52-45)
Montana (53-46)
Missouri (50-48)
Maryland (53-46)

Republicans leading:

Tennessee (51-48)
Arizona (50-46)


Posted by James at 6:22 PM CST
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First Congressional Returns; All Tied Up, Bottom of the First
Topic: Politics

As the first polls close on the east coast, the numbers have been kicked out as quickly as machinely possible, with the vote ending in a tie in two completely non-competitive races.

Kentucky was the first to release its preliminary numbers, which show Democrat Ben Chandler and Republican Harold Rogers easily retaining their seats.  Now that the polls are shutting down and the last votes are being scanned, punched, or tossed in the trash can, we should expect some new numbers coming out pretty steadiliy, so stay tuned.

We're on it like a fly on shit, which is the best analogy that fits this election season.



Posted by James at 6:13 PM CST
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First Round of Useless Exit Polls Finally Released!
Topic: Politics

After waiting all day to see the outcomes of some of the important Gubernatorial and Congressional elections, the first round of exit polls have finally been released, and they conclusively... absolutely nothing.

In fact, the polls don't even mention the races and focus solely on Bush's job approval, which doesn't look good for the sitting President, which could mean a shake-up in Congress and throughout the States.

60 percent of all people polled (respondants were 56% Democrat, 44% Republican - ed.) claim they are not satisfied with Bush's job performance, which 40 percent say they are strongly disapproving of his ability to lead the country.

While these numbers do not show any election results, it would appear that a possible proverbial changing of the guard might take place.  You'll hear more when we hear more.



Posted by James at 5:00 PM CST
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Wonkette's Election Night Drinking Game!
Topic: Embarrassment

We've been creating enough drinking games lately with meteoric popularity (you be quiet... people liked it! - ed.), so now we've decided for tonight's drunken election results debauchery to steal a drinking game from the good alcoholics over at Wonkette.

While this game is a bit short and quite interactive, considering that you must be using both the Internet and the boob tube, it's a good one nonetheless.  So drink up, friends, and remember that election results aren't in until 7:00PM, so don't feel bad when coverage at 6:00 doesn't really show much of anything. 

Take a hit when:

  • DailyKos makes a crazy fraud accusation.
  • Rick Santorum shows up on TV for no apparent reason.
  • Katie Couric mispronounces a U.S. state name.
  • Chris Matthews’ spittle becomes visible to the home audience.
  • A black voter is interviewed about not getting to vote.

And then we get serious, after the jump.

Take two sips when:

  • The Corner makes an even crazier fraud accusation.
  • Matt Drudge calls it for Republicans.
  • First liberal blogger of the night says he’s moving to Canada.
  • GOP incumbent claims Republicans “control spending.”

Take a shot when:

  • Tim Russert’s goddamned sketch-board first appears.
  • Wonkette editor Alex Pareene makes a vulgar gesture while CNN “checks in with the bloggers.”
  • George Allen concedes.
  • Weary Fox News commentator accuses Democrats of wanting to “Cut and Paste.”
  • Kinky Friedman wins.
  • Things are so blurry that you can’t tell Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw apart.
  • Bush tries to concede.

Lightning Round:

  • Brit Hume weeps on-air: Entire bottle of champagne, one Xanax.
  • Jack Cafferty punches Wolf Blitzer in the mouth: Three shots of bourbon, vomit on remote.
  • Katherine Harris wins: Have a “Crying Jesus” — two rails of meth and then give your Republican neighbor a blowjob.
  • Exit polls completely “wrong,” GOP actually keeps the House and Senate and most governorships: Bottle of absinthe, pack of Camels, shoot dog.

You've got mere hours left, and don't forget about campaign parties in your neighborhood.  Our friend Goldfinger will be here tonight with us to attempt to dual-blog this hooker to death and probably end up playing a lot of videogames after we lose interest.



Posted by James at 3:07 PM CST
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Weighing the Options; Not Disclosing the Exit Poll Data
Topic: Politics

By now we all know of the Republican's supposed plan to take down the voters of this country, since obviously we're all too stupid to vote.  Even though we proudly wore our "Vote F*cker" shirt to the polls today and received some nasty looks from the surrounding Hispanic people that couldn't read and gay guys that thought the colors were tacky, we proudly said we would not vote a party line, and then proceeded to scream out "take that, bitch!" after every bubble we filled in with our pen, until we were asked to leave because we were disturbing a kindergarten class or something.

Anyway, we've got pretty much nothing to report, since nobody's jumping the gun with any numbers for us to take a look at and scrutinize.  This is a bit frustrating, since WE WANT INFO, PEOPLE.  COME ON!

But not as frustrating as what happened to South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who was turned away from the polls and his televised voting this morning because he forgot his voter's registration card and ID.  This helps to prove once again that politicians are, in fact, dumber than us.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 1:48 PM CST
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The Miracle of Voting Irregularities; Blame it All on Diebold
Topic: Politics

In these early hours of election day, some voting irregularities have already begun to "disenfranchise" voters, which undoubtedly the Democrats will blame on the Republicans, even though some of the problems include heavy flooding in Washington State (not caused by Republicans - ed.) and one person oversleeping and causing the polls to open five minutes late in Indiana (probably caused by Republicans).

Then there's the case of the poll worker choking a voter in Kentucky, but that's just another day living in that state, we don't think it's any sort of sordid way to stop people from voting. 

Also, there's some weird lawsuit going on in Tennessee by a Democratic lawyer whom is claiming that since black people don't do anything until after dark, the polls should stay open later.  Seriously, that's not a racist joke on our part.

That's his actual goddamn argument.

But regardless of these problems and quite a few more, we're pretty sure that neither of the two parties are attempting to win a mid-term election with shady actions.  They're saving the big guns for 2008, when it will actually matter.



P.S. - No exit poll numbers yet, thank God.  Guess people realize how badly they were off last time.  Plus, both sides are saying don't trust them, since the Dems are still stinging while the GOP is hoping the numbers aren't correct. 

Posted by James at 12:34 PM CST
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"The Man" Sucks, Wants to Keep Bloggers Down
Topic: Housekeeping

Quick note for all of you unfortunate fucking souls that don't get the day off to vaccuum your undersized apartments and drink cheap beer all day while attempting to find the latest exit poll information and drown yourself in political stupidity; exit pollers hate bloggers.

That's right.  We're not getting exit poll information until about 11:00AM CST, which means you'll be out of completely useless and probably falsified data until after your first smoke break of the day.  We, however, will be up at the crack of 10:00, since we have to restock the Natural Light and cigarettes before falling onto the couch for an all day blogathon (we made up a word!  hooray! - ed.) regarding political theory, current polls, and mostly Xbox.

But fear not, for when we figure out the information that has been passed to us on prison toilet paper, we will create a cypher that is easy for you, our blessed eight readers, to compile in your own brains.  If there's something you're looking for and we don't have it, check out Wonkette or Drudge Report.  The former is a noted left-leaning blog which gets better info than us, while the Drudge Report is fucking Matt Drudge, so draw your own conclusions.

Until tomorrow... 

Posted by James at 1:51 AM CST
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Monday, 6 November 2006
Last Polls Before Tomorrow's Exit Idiocy!
Topic: Politics

Sure, we've been out of the loop for a while after going on our hiatus.  But we took two days off from our menial labor job to break things down for you today, but most importantly, tomorrow.  From our humble beginnings as a truly awful political blog to our current standing is a mildly distracting stupid news site, we've been reading thousands of pages of politial hooey for over two years.

And this evening, we give you the last round of USA Today/Gallup polls, which were found to be so horribly off during last election cycle that we don't know if we can trust them.  But it's fun to do so anyway.  However, we'll be quick about it, since Seinfeld is coming on TBS in a minute and we bought two four packs of Guiness to finish the day.   So here's your breakdown:

Congerssional Races - Democrats lead in five polls, including Ohio and Pennsylvania.  But that's not good news for them yet.  Even if they take every single one of those, they're still one seat off of a majority.  But a nationwide poll shows the Lefties running up on the Righters by a 51-44% majority, meaning little, since only residents of the districts with seats up for election can vote.

Stem Cell Voting - In the Missouri Second Amendment vote which we profiled earlier, we noted Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox, for your non-fans of 80s movies - ed.) and his ads supporting embryonic stem cell research.  74% of people are in support of this, proving again that the GOP doesn't know its people at all.

Overall Thoughts - Too close to call.  State-wide elections weren't mentioned in the poll, and each state's gubernatorial elections weren't addressed, but it should be an interesting day tomorrow.  We'll be braving the crackheads and muggers to get to our polling place tomorrow when we wake up (say, about noon or so), and we recommend you do the same. 

Remember to get drunk afterwards and check in here often, as we will continually update you on the exit poll madness and political speculation that will be going on as soon as the polls open up at 8:00AM.  And we'll try to be as impartial in our television viewing as we can by watching CSPAN's coverage.  But towards the evening, we'll be drunk enough to be switching to CNN and Fox News, since our minds will require some sensationalism after all the boring shit we've justs watched on the SPAN.




Posted by James at 5:07 PM CST
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"You're Breaking My Balls Here;" The Heart of Darko Stem Cell Voting Guide
Topic: Politics

Thanks to everybody's favorite Teen Wolf, Michael J. Fox, and his idiot counterpart, Rush "The Prince of Douchebags" Limbough, stem cell research voting has come to the fore front of an election year again.  With both the right saying it's a thing of murder and the left saying that the right are Biblical morons, there isn't much middle ground left.

We at Heart of Darko are turning to the facts and judgements in the case with the hope that you good people of America will come to your own decision about the merits or lack thereof for allowing stem cell research.  While our opinion is that of the Star Trek mind (the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - ed.), there are many differing opinions.  Here are some thoughts and issues you must look at if you are in a state where stem cell issues will be voted on tomorrow.

Missouri and the Second Amendment - This anti-cloning petition allows researchers to use stem cells to help create cures of disease, as well as genetic problems, while pretty much saying that any sort of cloning ability is halted.

Wisconsin - Both candidates for Governor are taking different sides on the stem cell case, with Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle supporting stem cell research and his GOP counterpart Mark Green leaning against using embryonic stem cells for research and only allowing adult stem cells to be used, which pretty makes absolutely no sense.

Iowa and Michigan - Same deal as Wisconsin.  Democrats say kill the babies, Republicans say kill the adults, blah blah blah.

So there you have it, national voters.  We're with Marty McFly.  Who are you with?



Posted by James at 4:04 PM CST
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GOP Thanking God the Terminator is Still Loved for Killing Children, Being Governor
Topic: Politics

As we head into the home stretch for the midterm elections, the GOP is squeezing their balls hoping for some out-of-their-ass wins to help win some important gubernatorial elections throughout the nation, including biggies in Texas and California.  While candidates in our home state such as Kinky Friedman and Chris Bell are expected to offer current Governor Rick Perry a little less than a whiff at the polls (unfortunately - ed.), it's Arnold Schwarzenegger in Cali who is offering a bright ray of hope for the party, who expects to cruise to a win in the massively Democratic state.

They're encouraged by this fact based on the reality that they will lose many of their stronghold states, including Ohio and New York.  But with all of this looking into the future of their party, remember that these are still preliminary polls and thoughts.  After all, who would've thought that John Kerry could've fucked up his campaign as badly as he did?

The GOP is hoping that people forget that Schwarzenegger attempted to perform an on-screen abortion of Sarah Conner in Ther Terminator, because man, that could come back to haunt him.  That and the whole "Hitler wasn't too bad" thing from his younger years.



Posted by James at 2:25 PM CST
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What the Anus? Naked Man Arrested for Carrying Concealed Weapon
Topic: Weird Shit

A Pittsburgh man proved that humans are capable of anything in the name of pleasure, as he was arrested recently after being found naked on top of a tree stump, pleasuring himself in the cold morning air.  But the story gets weirder.

As the police began to question the nude man, he admitted that he had a 6-inch metal punch shoved up his ass, which caused the officers, who had just confirmed that the man was a recently paroled ex-con, to draw their weapons and call the fire department.  You know, because firefighters have a month of "pulling things out of people's asses" training.

Regardless, the man sure enough removed a half foot metal awl that was wrapped in electrical tape, which makes us think that he had merely forgot to remove it when he was releases from prison, which could just be an honest mistake.  Good luck, naked convict with something shoved up your butt.  You'll land on your feet some day.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 12:47 PM CST
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Saturday, 4 November 2006
Your First Warning! Last Free Weekend Before Mid-Term Election Madness!
Topic: Politics

You'd better go out and enjoy your last free weekend before Monday and Tuesday's absolute barrage of last-minute voting updates, commercials, phone calls, and total media blitz for the mid-term elections on Tuesday, November 7.

Even though this isn't as big as a presidential election year, there are a lot of important things being done, including the possibility of having a complete and total change in power in Congress and some new governors in multiple states, including our own (Texas, for those of you who have not been paying attention these past three years - ed.).

So enjoy your weekend, and trust that we've taken off our regular job on Tuesday to keep you updated about all the fake, false, and way off exit polls throughout the day, as well as live blogging the booze-soaked results evening.  If you have any tips or rants between now and election day, feel free to drop us a line or throw up a comment.  We'll run them down for you and then make you feel like a retard for evening suggesting as such.

Or we'll promise to give you a present for giving us a good tip, but then never do so, claiming that the Postal Service lost the package.  After all, we're stingy little bitches.

Posted by James at 12:13 AM CST
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Wednesday, 1 November 2006
Vagrants Steal Dennis the Menace Statue; Bart Simpson Suspected
Topic: Weird Shit

A three-foot-tall Dennis the Menace statue worth approximately $30,000 was stolen by unknown suspects from its Montgomery, California, home on Wednesday or Thursday last week.  Police currently have no idea who could have walked off with the 125-lb. bronze sculpture, but are offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to its return.

We're expecting Milhouse Van Houten to turn in one Bart Simpson any day now.  Also, Judge Harm will probably throw the book at him.  Christ we watch too much TV.



Posted by James at 1:18 PM CST
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