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Monday, 26 June 2006
Who Isn't Pissed at The New York Times?
Topic: Media

Last week, The New York Times decided it would print a story regarding the United States using a Belgium-based organization to look for possible terrorist messages in international funds transfers. The organization, SWIFT, Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, has worked with the Bush administration to locate possible terrorist activity and halt it. However, the NYT figured this was a bunch of crap and violation of privacy and decided to run the article, which crippled, and possibly killed the program.

Now people in the government and media are PISSED. Since the organization does not look at private accounts, ATM transactions or personal banking transactions and only at international funds transfers, its advocates are claiming that the NYT's choice to run the story because it was "of interest" did significant harm in stopping possible terrorist funding.

Now politicians like NY Rep. Peter King have come out against the Times, as well as have numerous other publications, lawmakers and people across the country.

"We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous," King told The Associated Press.

And the Editors of the National Review aren't too happy either, and have decided it's time to pull the NYT's press credentials. Bush spokesman Tony Snow had this to say:

"The NEW YORK TIMES and other news organizations ought to think long and hard about whether a public's right to know in some cases might override somebody's right to live."

So now there's a press war going on. After the Rove leaks and everything else that's happened at The New York Times, their credibility with anyone that isn't a far left winger is getting a little shaky. While we don't particularly care of the Times (too many words, not enough pictures of puppies - ed.), we think it would be wrong to pull their charter. However, they should think about other things besides creating outrage. After all, we're all people in this country, right?



Posted by James at 3:08 PM CDT
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Viagra Maker to Sell to New Company; Your Baby's
Topic: National News

American pharmaceutical firm Pfizer, makers of such wonder drugs as Viagra and probably a bunch of others, has announced that they're joining your baby's favorite company, Johnson & Johnson, to create possibly the creepiest drug and medical manufacturing firm in the world. The $16.6 billion deal will give Pfizer a whopping $13.5 billion in profits, all of which will be spent on literal ten-foot-tall solid gold penises for all executives at the company.

"These are extraordinary assets that will bring sustainable long-term value to the shareholders of Johnson & Johnson," Johnson & Johnson Chairman and Chief Executive William C. Weldon said. "We felt these were very important to us and we should make sure we bring them in."

Jesus Christ, is it just us, or does anything that anybody says about the company that makes Viagra just sound creepy?


Posted by James at 11:37 AM CDT
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Got Multiple Older Brothers? Congrats Homo...
Topic: Weird Shit

A Canadian study has just come to the conclusion that the more older brothers a man has, the more likely he is to be a homosexual, proving that your brothers being dicks doesn't just make you a criminal anymore.

After years of tests on 944 subjects, the overall homosexual population (in Canada, nonetheless - ed.) is about 3 percent of those tested. Of those with multiple older siblings, and especially brothers, this increases to 5 percent. To further lead credence to the results, the study also found that men who had several adopted or half-brothers did not have this same increase.

So the question that remains is whether this is due to an overuse to straight male semen or if your mother teaching your youngest brother how to make a quiche at the age of six and buying him pretty new clothes with sequins for his birthday turned him this way. Whichever it is, go easy on him... he's sensitive.


Posted by James at 11:30 AM CDT
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Friday, 23 June 2006
German Hookers Pissed at Lack of World Cup Business
Topic: Entertainment

When the 2006 World Cup rolled into Germany, the sex workers were primed. Vaginas were clean enough to, gulp, eat off of and everything except the head was waxed. But now, the hookers, strippers and dominatrices are pissed, because World Cup fans have driven off the regulars and stayed away themselves, choosing to celebrate or mope in public, rather than in houses of ill repute.

"The pent-up sexual demand of horny fans from around the world which has been widely anticipated has not materialized at all," said Karolina Leppert, president of Germany's association for sexual service providers BSD. "Business is pretty dead, even the regulars stay away because of all the crowds and the hype."

Man, when the President of your nation's Hooker Association is saying it's bad, you know it's a rough time. Good thing Leppert is a dominatrix, but her next john better be prepared to sleep on his stomach for a while, because his back and ass are gonna be messed up.


Posted by James at 3:16 PM CDT
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The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Obama Been Beggin'
Topic: Politics

Our weekly DSCC email arrived just as it does every Friday morning, but this time we were a bit more subdued, seeing that Senator Barack Obama was the "author" of the email (this only means that someone wrote it and then put his name to it - ed.), and since we enjoyed his last note, we were sure this would be the same.

Not so much. He gets a little paranoid and blame crazy, even going so far as to link HMOs to Saudi oil. Just check it out for yourself.

We don't have to settle for a Republican agenda that tells us we can find the money to give Paris Hilton more tax cuts, but we can't find enough to protect our ports or our railroads or our chemical plants or our borders.
- He says Paris Hilton and the kids laugh because they know this skank. And Obama also tried to reject Bush's border plan. Just saying.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice." - We understand that MLK was a great man, but why must every black politician quote him? How about quoting another famous black leader? Or just a leader in general? Just as long as it's not Al Sharpton, cause we hate that guy.

When Democrats retake the Senate, we will show that we don't have to settle for the Republican agenda of fear and division anymore. - Right! Instead we can settle for the Democratic agenda of blaming someone else and racism. Sweet!

The point of this email was once again a fundraiser. We've come to expect this, however, so we don't care. But what we find interesting is that none of these people who email us have anything to say as a solution. Never. All they do is complain about the GOP and say we'll make it better. Before the November, we'd like to hear how they're planning on doing this.


Posted by James at 10:42 AM CDT
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Thursday, 22 June 2006
Has U.S. Finally Found WMDs in Iraq?
Topic: World News

A statement from noted jackass Rick Santorum today has been picked up across the nation, as the Senator claims that U.S. troops have found over 500 WMDs in chemical weapon form since 2003 spread throughout Iraq. True or not?

Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

So there we have it. Nerve gas and mustard gas. Will this calm naysayers, or will Michael Moore re-edit the report and change "gas" to "puppies?" I guess we'll see.


Posted by James at 5:04 PM CDT
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Dirt Prison Guards Killed in Shootout with FBI!
Topic: National News

Six Florida prison guards who were set to be arrested for trading drugs for sex with female inmates answered the FBI's call for their surrender with a hail of bullets. When the firefight was over, three of the guards had been shot and two of them killed.

The guards had been working an elaborate scheme involving listening in to inmates' private phone calls to monitor potential criminal activity and contraband exchange and blackmail them for sex and money. This plan involved using other inmates as lookouts so they dirty guards could have sex with their cellmates without anybody bothering them.

This just proves that sometimes the best job reference to have to be a law enforcement officer is a criminal background. One FBI agent was wounded in the exchange, and no inmates were injured. Too bad.


Posted by James at 11:48 AM CDT
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Canadian Contractor Costs Chemical Coop 11 Mil
Topic: Stupidity

An electrical contractor working inside a Canadian chemical plant decided to flip a shutdown switch, stopping production for at least two weeks and doing a large amount of damage to the machinery. The company, Nova Chemicals Corp., said in a statement they will lose about $11 million in revenue while repairing the machinery affect adversely when the emergency shutdown switch was turned to the off position.

"The switch is a safety thing so if anyone sees something going wrong they have the opportunity to shut down the plant," said Nova spokesman Greg Wilkinson. "But that's not what happened here. It was not a safety issue. It was simply inadvertent."

There hasn't been word yet on whether or not the contractor who initiated the shutdown lost his job or not, but Wilkinson did say he felt sorry for the guy, since it obviously not intentional. We know someone that got fired for stealing an ink cartridge, so we can imagine an $11 million screw up would probably end your career there.


Posted by James at 11:27 AM CDT
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USA Eliminated From World Cup! We Continue to be Heartbroken
Topic: Sports

Tuesday's Mavericks loss to the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals and this morning's 2-1 USA loss to Ghana in the World Cup has only showed us that we should root for the team we don't want to win, as it seems the teams we love seem to not be able to pull it out.

Se la vi, and good look in the next round against Brazil, Ghana. You'll need it.

Posted by James at 11:21 AM CDT
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USA vs. Ghana!
Topic: Sports

Tomorrow (today, actually idiot, it's after 1:00AM - ed. whatever prick) is the USA's last chance to get into the second round of World Cup Soccer with their match against Ghana at 8:55AM CST. We played soccer recreationally in college, and for those of you that haven't been keeping up with our blog in the past couple days, have been watching every match possible.

If USA beats Ghana and Italy beats the Czech Republic, then we move into the second round to get the crap kicked out of us by Brazil. But at least we'd advance. The game is on ESPN2 and you know we'll be there watching, so you should as well. Call in sick, don't show up, whatever you gotta do. This is the big one, and for those that don't quite understand, it only comes along once ever four years, like an election, so you gotta love it.

Posted by James at 1:15 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 21 June 2006
Boca Bimbos Can Now Have a $100 Burger
Topic: Stupidity

When we first heard of the $1000 martini, we weren't really surprised. There are enough ultra premium alcohols in the world that this is possible. And since every cocktail comes with a ruby in it, this made sense.

However, a Boca Raton private restaurant decided to include a burger on their menu for the first time, and to go nuts with it. Featuring American prime beef, Japanese Kobe beef and Argentinian cattle, the burger is priced at $100. And all you get for garnishing is rare mushrooms and tomatoes.

You'd think for a hundred bucks you'd at least get an emerald on the side.


Posted by James at 3:18 PM CDT
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Mavericks Lose, Our Depression Stands Firm
Topic: Sports

Forgive us in our morning of non-posting, but after a heartbreaking Maverick's loss in the NBA Finals to a superb Miami Heat team, we needed some extra time to recover. Plus, we were up late talking trash on the Internet and watching reruns of Entourage.

We'll have some news for you shortly.

Posted by James at 3:02 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Mavericks Need Your Help Tonight!
Topic: Sports

The NBA finals come back to Dallas, after a controversial series in Miami which saw multiple phantom calls, rough Miami play, a Jerry Stackhouse undeserved suspension and some of the worst officiating of the post season. The Heat lead the Mavericks 3-2, even though two of the three last games ended with Dallas losing by a total of three points while playing like dreck, meaning that the Heat will have a tough time in the Mavs house tonight and then on Thursday after the Mavericks victory tonight.

So watch, because this is going to be a great game! GO MAVERICKS!


Posted by James at 3:56 PM CDT
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Sweden Pulls Out MASSIVE World Cup Tie
Topic: Sports

We've been waiting to watch the England vs. Sweden World Cup soccer match since this morning when we realized it was coming on at 2:00 today. To update, England was leading 2-1 in the 90th minute of the game. For those of you that aren't sure what that means, it means there was less than a minute to play.

And Sweden humped in a desperation attempt to tie it with 40 seconds left. Three minutes of penalty play finished it up tied, and Sweden and England both advanced to the second round of play, with England coming thisclose to pulling an upset on the Swedes. Damn exciting match.

Posted by James at 3:52 PM CDT
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Americans Hate Hillary Clinton
Topic: Politics

Hillary Clinton's possible 2008 Presidential run just took a shot to the balls today as a recent CNN poll showed 47 percent of all respondents said they would "definitely not vote for her" if she were to win the Democratic nomination. The same number said they would definitely not vote for John Kerry either, who has desperately been trying to keep his name in the papers.

The GOP front runners are faring slightly better, with 30 percent saying they would definitely not vote for Rudy Giuliani and 34 percent saying the same for McCain.

So now the question is who will get the nomination from both parties. While the Republican candidates might number fewer, only McCain is seen as a real candidate. The Democrats however, seem to have been picking random people from the street to throw in to the ring, as there are something like 8,293,389 candidates for the spot.

Oh boy, only a year to wait to see who gets the nomination. We can barely wait (and sarcasm is a second language to us - ed.).


Posted by James at 1:58 PM CDT
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Chinese Woman Stabs Husband for not Cooking
Topic: World News

A 25-year-old wife in China killed her husband after he refused to cook her dinner. The woman had been practicing swordsmanship for the past three years and had apparently been known to threaten him with death by ginsu if he didn't do as she wanted.

This time she wanted a home cooked meal, and instead of backing down like a spineless weasel, her husband decided to stand up and use his balls. Unfortunately for him, the woman put the sword to his chest and stuck him like a pig.

Once again, this proves why women should only be allowed to use a spoon.


Posted by James at 12:17 PM CDT
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Rather Out at CBS!
Topic: Media

CBS News President Sean McManus announced today that after 44 years broadcasting for his network, Dan Rather is indeed leaving, meaning that we get another "Remembering Rather" special that will make light of all the great things the Whistler did during his career.

"There will always be a part of Dan Rather at CBS News," said McManus. "He is truly a `reporter's reporter,' and he has helped to train several generations of broadcast journalists. His legacy cannot be replicated."

Since being removed from his anchor's position last year after the disastrous Bush National Guard Memo report, during which Rather admitted he had never even seen the document in question, the Dan has only filed a handful of reports for CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes, and has been complaining about it the whole way.

Current speculation brings Rather to the HD Network, where he will undoubtedly report fluffy newsstuff about people that most Americans have never heard of. Not exactly the legacy one would expect from the man who taught our country phrases such as "hotter than two rats going at it in a wool sock."


Posted by James at 11:08 AM CDT
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Monday, 19 June 2006
Stupid Girl, Mom Sue Myspace for Own Stupidity
Topic: Technology

We have just recently found a story that has pulled us out of hibernation (beer drinking - ed.) to post about the stupidity. And it occurs in Texas, so it's of double importance.

An Austin teenager and her mother are suing, the insanely popular networking Web site, for, wait for it... $30 million, because she began talking to and then met a 19-year-old who sexually assaulted her. The suit states that Myspace does not give enough security for underage users. Our opinion on why this is absolutely the most retarded lawsuit in YEARS is following.

This is tragic. She's only 14 and was sexually assaulted. BUT... she agreed to meet with the man, and not only that, but agreed to get in his car when he, cough, PICKED HER UP FROM SCHOOL and then, double cough, TOOK HER OUT TO EAT, before taking her to his apartment complex and engaging in some sexual activity. While this pedo deserves to burn in a special place in Hell reserved normally for Satan's turds, the girl's mother should sue herself for not instructing her daughter in certain things she should not do, including meeting strangers from the Internet alone without any protection.

Lauren Gelman, associate director of the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, has perhaps the best comment we could find without going into as many smutty details as we have.

"If you interact on MySpace, you are safe, but if a 13-year-old or 14-year-old goes out in person and meets someone she doesn't know, that is always an unsafe endeavor," Gelman said. "We need to teach our kids to be wary of strangers."

This is dumb shit that deserves to be thrown out of court if only for the reason that the mother deserves the blame for this, not a Web site. Personally, we think AOL Instant Messenger is more dangerous. And a bigger time waster.


Posted by James at 11:58 PM CDT
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World Cup Soccer Fan? You're Gonna Have a Coronary
Topic: Sports

FIFA is one of the oddest sports governing bodies in recent memory. Besides messing with the design of the classic soccer ball and creating a scoring system that would take a physicist years to figure out, they're sanctioning research studies on fans from around the world. The reason? To see which ones will die from the excitement.

Officials at the stadiums in Germany are taking blood samples from anyone who passes out during the matches to see if they've had heart attacks. This study has apparently been in hiding for a while, since details released today showed that heart attacks increased by 25 percent during the 1998 World Cup, while 2002 saw a hike of 60 percent in Swiss fans, even though Switzerland didn't have a team competing.

Does this mean soccer fans are more prone to dying because of their passion? In our opinion, no more than Dallas Cowboys fans. Then again, most Cowboys fans weigh over 250 pounds, so that really doesn't count.


Posted by James at 11:17 AM CDT
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Hooray! More Politicians Love (Want Money From) Us!
Topic: Texas Politics

After months of complaining that we've only been receiving emails from the DSCC, current Texas Governor Rick Perry came through, sending us an email message begging for support, probably because he's realizing that people finally know he's a total boob. But also because he's losing ground to the Jewish cowboy that is Kinky Friedman. So what's in the email? Let's take a look:

Hmm, everything that Bush campaigned on for the 2004 Presidential election: tax reform, securing the border and tort reform. Now many of you are asking, what's Perry's plan to unfuck what he already dicked? That, my friends, is privileged information and you must pay to play, with a minimum of $25. However, Governor Perry is taking a page from the Bush playbook and offering to cut 33% off of home owners property taxes. Not bad, but pretty shaky to set a campaign on that.

The funniest sentence, however, is this one:

Recently, Governor Perry also announced that Texas would utilize technology to further help protect our border by placing cameras on private land in strategic areas that would allow law enforcement an additional set of tools in securing our border.

Of course! That's the reason our borders are so insecure. There aren't enough grainy cameras stuck remotely on random fence posts across our southern border. Sometimes we get really depressed with our state's political, umm... state.

Posted by James at 10:41 AM CDT
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