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Monday, 12 June 2006
Nebraska Ho!
Topic: Housekeeping

We're preparing for a long drive up to Nebraska and back, which will take us the better part of three days, so there will be a break in posting during this time, mostly because corn can't be made into computers yet. A renewable fuel source, sure, but not a computer.

Peace out.

Posted by James at 12:03 PM CDT
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Friday, 9 June 2006
The Never-Ending Duke Lacrosse Team Scandal! Second Dancer Smacks Down Accuser
Topic: National News

The Duke lacrosse team rape scandal gets odder by the day. First, the captain of the team comes out and blasts the stripper. Then, the team is reinstated. Now, reports are surfacing that the second dancer at the party has called the accusations by the "victim" a "crock."

"She heard that (the accuser) was sexually assaulted, which she stated is a 'crock' and she stated that she was with her the whole time until she left," according to investigator Benjamin Himan's notes. "The only time she was alone was when she would not leave and that time period was less than five minutes."

This is also after reports came out that the other dancer, Kim Roberts, said her partner never even mentioned the rape after they left the house and she dropped her off at a grocery store. Other evidence, such as DNA, has been lacking and the victim has a history of doing retarded things, like stealing police cars and being a habitual drug user.

Also, a nurse has come out saying that the accuser had no signs of the strangulation, beating and sexual assault that she told the police, and that her legs, torso, abdomen, arms and necks were unmarked, which does not corroborate her story.

We love this story. It's by far the most entertaining college sports development in years, especially since it's perhaps the most outrageous thing we've read about in months. We'll keep you posted.


Posted by James at 1:32 PM CDT
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German Man Chokes Woman to Death with Sausage
Topic: Weird Shit

A man in Germany is in some pretty big trouble after he lied to police about how a woman in his apartment died. Originally, he claimed that she choked to death while eating a sausage, but the problem is that if this were true, then she would be eating a whole fucking sausage, because that's what was rammed down her throat.

Police now believe that the man "administered" a Bockwurst sausage to her with the full intent on killing her. He will probably be sent to maximum security prison, where he will be "administered" the sausage for a while by a large man named Hans.


Posted by James at 11:34 AM CDT
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Thursday, 8 June 2006
NBA Finals, Mavs vs. Heat Game 1 Tonight!
Topic: Sports

Starts in a half hour, the current line is Mavs by 5. Watch on ABC and cheer for the Dallas Mavericks! Oh wait, we're journalists and are supposed to be impartial. We meant to say cheer for either team, but secretly root for the Mavs.

Posted by James at 7:35 PM CDT
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Poor Taliban Sympathizer Lacks Car, Makes Donkey Bomb
Topic: World News

An Afghani man who was described as a Taliban sympathizer was arrested on Thursday after local police in Kandahar found that the man had loaded up his prized donkey with 66 pounds of explosives, hoping to use him as a sort of organic car bomb.

After his arrest, the man admitted that he planned to use the donkey bomb on the enemies of the Taliban. That's all we have on that story, but at least he hadn't shoved the explosives up the donkey's ass like you would a coke mule, because that would just be cruel.


Posted by James at 3:17 PM CDT
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Hooray! 24 Will be a TV Show and Movie!
Topic: Entertainment

Our love for all things Jack Bauer and 24 is well known. Much like an illicit drug addict, we attempt to get others around us to feed into our addiction, and now the entire world will see why. Creator and genius Joel Surnow has just inked a deal that will bring 24 to the big screen, which could possibly see the end of the series.

Or not, since Surnow hasn't even written the script yet. Ratings were up 14 percent for the fifth season, which just ended, and helped the series gain a sixth, seventh and eighth season from Fox. Surnow said the film will most likely be shot in between work on the sixth and seventh season and will probably see the end of the real time format that has made the show famous.

No word on whether or not this will be greatest movie ever, but we're RSVPing "yes."


Posted by James at 11:40 AM CDT
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Holy Crap; US Warplanes Kill Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Topic: World News

Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in a US air raid Wednesday evening on his safe house. The body was identified by tattoos, fingerprints and dental records after being hammered by 500 pounds bombs.

While leaders nationwide call the killing a massive blow to the insurgency in Iraq, many in the troubled country are in mourning, causing perhaps a larger problem for US soldiers. Al Qaeda in Iraq leaders are calling for the celebration of al-Zarqawi's life as a martyr, meaning that teenagers will being blowing themselves up in his name across the country, as has already begun.

But at least the dude is dead. He deserved to lose his life, especially after all the beheadings and kidnappings he was part of.


Posted by James at 11:21 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Teenage CSI Students Find Real Corpse in Fake Murder Scene
Topic: Weird Shit

A class of Florida criminology students working in a staged murder scene for their high school class found the real corpse of a dead homeless man who was lying up against a wall in a certain area of the course.

"The students went up to this one area ... and found a man with his back against the wall and he looked dead. They thought it was part of the skit," Fort Lauderdale Police detective Kathy Collins said.

Turns out it was just a bum who had died of natural causes, but that still ranks as the coolest field trip we've ever heard of. Better than our trip to the cracker factory when we were juniors. Man, you'll never eat a cracker again once you see that crap...


Posted by James at 2:08 PM CDT
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Drunk Dude Steals Dunkin' Donuts Truck!
Topic: Cars/Automotive

A drunk 18-year-old in South Portland, Maine decided it would be a good time to go for a joy ride in his stolen vehicle; a Dunkin' Donuts truck. The vehicle, which is shaped like a DD coffee cup and half dozen mixed donuts, led police through the streets at medium speeds until the driver ditched it and tried to escape on foot. He didn't get very far in his stumbling, bumbling manner.

But the capper on this great story is that the Dunkin' Donuts truck was used to steal two cases of Coors Light from a convenience store earlier in the evening, and while we hate thieves, and especially those that steal cars, if you're gonna steal a vehicle, make it either a Dunkin' Donuts truck or the Oscar Myer Weiner-mobile.


Posted by James at 11:25 AM CDT
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Senate Says Gay Marriage Still Not Illegal Yet
Topic: National News

The US Senate has denied a proposed bill to ban gay marriage nationally, proving that not ever body in our government is a stone-hearted bigot. The biggest argument in rejecting the ban is to leave it to the American public, which means that we can expect a higher voter turnout in November when the proposal will most likely make it to the ballot. We're talking like, at least 50% turnout.

"People are going to be responsible for this vote," said Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan. "We are making progress in America on defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman."

Yeah, damn gays trying to live like everybody else. Who do they think they are? Then again, 45 of our states have tried to get certain bans passed in their country, and 19 have succeeded. Not that great of a number now, but remember, politicians define America as Las Angeles and New York, so we'll have to see where this goes from here. We're thinking not to Banana Republic, because their clothes are for stuffy yuppies and not people that like to have fun. What?


Posted by James at 9:49 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Ahhhhhh! It's 6-6-06!!!!!
Topic: Stupidity

Run for your lives! The Apocalypse is here! It's 6-6-06 and the crappy remake of The Omen is opening in theaters! Don't listen to insurance agents trying to sell you life insurance in this time of total destruction. What you really need is soul insurance.

Posted by James at 12:31 PM CDT
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Philly Deli Owner Sells to English Speakers Only
Topic: National News

A deli owner in Philadelphia has decided that he really doesn't like his business or life anymore, as he has put up a sign in his mostly Hispanic neighborhood that reads "This is America. When Ordering, Speak English." No word on whether or not he's been stabbed yet or how many bricks have been tossed through his window.

"If you can't tell me what you want, I can't serve you," Joseph Vento complained. "It's up to you. If you can't read, if you can't say the word cheese, how can I communicate with you -- and why should I have to bend? I got a business to run."

But word of warning; while it's an interesting story, Sploid's account goes a little liberally astray, as most of their writing does, and starts making rationalizations attempting to show how ignorant Vento is before attacking him personally for opening *gasp* a cheesesteak place in Philly. Lighten up Sploid. The guy's an American business owner and has been since 1966. We think he's earned the right to make the rules in his establishment.


Posted by James at 12:13 PM CDT
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America Trying to Fake Out Iran by Giving Nuke Technology
Topic: World News

How stupid does the United States government honestly think that Iran is? Part of the incentive package being offered to the country in order to get them to stop enriching uranium is information on our nuclear technology. Yeah. And the EU is behind it, saying that with the data that the USA will give them, there will be no need to enrich uranium, something that Tehran has said has nothing to do with nuclear weapons, even though everybody knows that's a bunch of crap.

And, in order to make is more acceptable to Iran, all possible sanctions were removed from the package if the country did not stop the enrichment process. So basically, we're giving them all of our technology regarding nuclear power and related fields, without a guarantee that they'll even have to stop their march towards nuclear weapons.

Boy are we happy that America finally started to look at things unilaterally...


Posted by James at 11:59 AM CDT
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Monday, 5 June 2006
Kiev Man Obviously Not Daniel; Gets Killed by Zoo Lions
Topic: World News

A deranged man in Kiev, Ukraine, who decided he would reenact the famous scene from the bible in which Daniel survived in the lion's den didn't get quite so lucky and was mauled to death by a lioness.

The idiot apparently lowered himself by a rope into the lion's enclosed zoo cage and then shouted "God will save me, if he exists!", before being instantly mauled and killed by a lioness.

So after centuries of war, it only took one odd Ukrainian dude to get killed by a lion to prove the non-existence of god. The irony...


Posted by James at 4:28 PM CDT
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Mickey Rourke a Bush Fan? It's True
Topic: Entertainment

Tough guy actor Mickey Rourke, lately of Sin City and Domino, has come out to President Bush's side, saying he supports the Pres in his Iraq campaign. The only reason we report this is because we never thought we'd ever say the name Mickey Rourke in a sentence with President Bush.

"George is doing a hell of a job during very difficult times, more power to him. Screw all them people who don't like him."

This makes us wonder if Bush has ever watched 9 1/2 Weeks, which makes us kind of nauseous.


Posted by James at 2:33 PM CDT
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Duck Eats Alien
Topic: Weird Shit

Researchers attempting to save a duck's life noticed after an x-ray was taken of the duck that it appeared to have recently eaten an alien, or at least its head.

"Marie looked at it and all she could say was 'unbelievable,'" said Karen Benzel, public affairs director for the rescue center.

As you can see in the photo, the duck appears to have consumed something that looks a lot like the head of an extraterrestrial. However, the duck was unable to be examined further, since it died shortly after coming to the rescue center. We think it died because something that it ain't didn't agree with it, but we can't imagine what that would be.

The x-ray will be sold on eBay to raise funds for the center, proving once again nothing is too weird not to sell online.


Posted by James at 1:45 PM CDT
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Idiot Youths Crawl Inside Massive Balloon, Promptly Die
Topic: Stupidity

Two early twenty morons from Florida who were looking for a cheap way to get high climbed inside an 8' helium balloon, passed out and died on Saturday. Police say that they had no chance and the balloon was a latex cocoon of death, as there would've been no way the two jackasses would've had sufficient oxygen to breathe and would have lacked the strength to climb their way out.

"Sure, we've all inhaled [one small breath of] helium from a balloon, but when you do anything in extreme it can always be harmful," concurred Dr. Preeti Jois-Bilowich of Tampa General Hospital.

And even after the tragedy, families are blaming the girl, saying that she talked the boy into doing this dangerous stunt, and that he never would do something like this alone. This just goes to prove once again, ladies and gentlemen, that WAPCE is the truth. Women Are Pure Concentrated Evil.


Posted by James at 11:23 AM CDT
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Friday, 2 June 2006
Ohio University Football Coach Not DUI, Just Roofied Up!?!?!
Topic: Sports

Six months ago, Ohio University head football coach Frank Solich pled no contest to DUI charges after being found slumped over his car's steering wheel with the car still in drive facing the wrong way down a one way street. He was not breathalyzed and was too incoherent to tell officers where he was heading or coming from.

Guess what? He was on GHB, otherwise known as Roofies. A toxicology report taken a month after the affair occurred confirmed he had the date rape drug in his system, and in fact Solich can't recall even touching the substance.

So now, he's fighting his conviction on grounds that there's no evidence he was drunk and that he wasn't mistaken when he thought the 300 pound waitress at the local gin house really did want to take him home no matter what. Fight it Frank, fight it!


Posted by James at 1:48 PM CDT
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The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Anne Likes To Quote Things
Topic: Politics

This week's DSCC email returns to us from the long gone Anne Lewis, someone that we would say we missed, but that would be a lie. Besides making the least sense of everybody who sends us these, Anne also begs for money more and clouds her arguments in stupidity. This email is no different. Here are some choice statements from a woman who has never met a quote or stat she didn't want to bang in your face.

The most recent poll shows that Arizona Democrat Jim Pederson has pulled within 7 points of Republican incumbent Jon Kyl.

This race was hardly on the radar screen when the cycle began, but Pederson has cut Kyl's lead by 22 points, just since January. We are now within striking distance in Arizona.
- However, the stat she's using is with the + or - five for margin of error added in where necessary and subtracted when needed to fit in to her point. And even though Kyl's lead is fading, it's because there was a Democratic primary, and he didn't know who he was facing.

Remember that shady Republican advocacy organization - Americans for Job Security - that has poured more than $1.5 million of TV advertising into the campaign? Well, they're back again this week with a brand new ad targeting Bob Casey.

AJS is nothing more than a front group for Rick Santorum's most unsavory friends. They have known ties to Karl Rove, those Swift Boat Veterans, and the pharmaceutical industry. They also seem to have a lot of money that they're willing to spend in support of Santorum's reelection.
- Welcome to the land of 527 groups, lady. This is what they do, so just get yours ready and you'll come out fine. Just keep pounding the point that Santorum is a lying weasel and he'll lose.

And that's pretty much it, because then Anne, who apologizes for the amount of optimism she always brings to the emails in the opening paragraph, turns to her money-begging ways, and while we know this is a fund raising organization, she's the most upfront about wanting it.

Sorry Anne, you haven't convinced us yet. Our money's staying right where is belongs; in our wall of DVDs, or as we call them, "entertainment investments."


Posted by James at 12:45 PM CDT
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Thursday, 1 June 2006
Mexican Immigrants Being Tagged by US Government?
Topic: National News

Government officials are beginning to begin discussing implanting Mexican immigrants with RFID radio trackers that can be traced by border patrol agents and officials in Washington D.C. This basically lowers the standing of human beings to that of a caribou in the wilds of Africa.

This also doesn't bode well for Bush's upcoming "not amnesty" plan, as it just proves that our government stopped trusting immigrants to the USA when the Irish came in and started mobbing up Boston. Way to go US. Write a letter about this to Iran. They'd give you a pen pal high five.


Posted by James at 3:19 PM CDT
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