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Friday, 23 December 2005
Happy Festivus and All the Rest!
Topic: Housekeeping

We're outta here for the holidays. Well, at least until Tuesday, December 27, when we step out of the bathtub, turn on the lights and wear something other than a robe all day. The egg will be nogged and our lungs will be blackened with the constant inhalation of the Christmas spirit. Or American Spirits. It depends on how much we spend on booze.

So remember the holiday schedule and you'll be fine. December 23 is Festivus, December 25 Christmas of course. And that's pretty much all that matters. And remember, if your holidays are going badly, they could always use more racism.

Posted by James at 11:09 AM CST
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Thursday, 22 December 2005
The Pope is a Creepy Santa
Topic: Embarrassment

Seriously, we don't call him Pope Joey Rat exclusively because of his name. Ew.


Posted by James at 2:33 PM CST
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NYS Striker's Tired of Getting Blamed for Economic Woes, Being Spit On; Return to Work Tomorrow
Topic: National News

The strike is over! New Yawk transit workers will return to work tomorrow after three days of screwing the city over by stranding millions of people at home and giving them a pre-holiday holiday. Over three million dollars in fines have been levied and jail time has been threatened, but it wasn't until Governor George Pataki found his misplaced balls that the union decided it was best to get off their lazy, snoozing asses and get back to work.

Mediator Richard Curreri said that the city's 33,000 transit workers will return to their jobs before negotiations will continue.

“Both parties have a genuine desire to resolve their differences,” said Curreri, head of a three-member state mediation panel. “They have agreed to resume negotiations while the TWU takes steps to return its membership.”

So thank your local transit workers for giving you a six or seven day weekend, New Yorkers, because without them, you would've had to have trudged your sorry asses to the subway or bus stop and cried into your coffee while working for peanuts and living in a massively overpriced cesspool of a city.


Posted by James at 2:22 PM CST
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Happy Festivus! It's Time to Get the Pole Out of the Crawlspace!
Topic: Housekeeping

With Bill O'reilly and Jon Stewart going head to head in the "War on Christmas" debate, we turn to the legendary Frank Costanza, founder of the greatest holiday of them all: Festivus.

You don't know of Festivus? The hell you say! Let us write of its origins, somewhere in the land of Sears...

Frank: Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way.

Kramer: What happened to the doll?

Frank: It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born . . . a Festivus for the rest of us!

So pull the aluminum pole out of the crawlspace and prepare of the Airing of Grievances, because Festivus is only one day away! So Happy Festivus, and for more information on our editorial staff's chosen holiday celebration, the link to an excellent page describing all the traditions resides at the bottom of this page.


Posted by James at 10:51 AM CST
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Senate Goes Pree-Christmas Bonkers!
Topic: National News

The House of Representatives pulled an all-nighter so that they wouldn't have to stay in Washington too late and could still make it home for the Festivus tradition of the "Airing of the Grievances" with their family and mistresses. The Senate however, just goes ape shit and starts putting their stamp of approval/rejection on everything they can get their grubby little hands on.

ANWR drilling? Get that shit outta here.

Patriot Act? Give us six more months to tamper with that thing.

Decreased spending bill? Why the hell not? But only if Cheney can give the tie-breaking vote.

So what's the next move for the Senate? To take all of your money and start gearing up for re-election, of course. So you've got that to look forward to in 2006. We will, of course, have drowned ourselves in a bathtub full of gin before that time comes. But we'll resurrect ourselves after the election.


Posted by James at 10:42 AM CST
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Wednesday, 21 December 2005
New Yorkers Finally Losing it Over Striking Workers; Perhaps Mass-Scale Violence Only so Close? We Can Hope
Topic: National News

It's day two in the TWU/MTA worker's strike. New Yawkahs are PISSED. Judges are threatening jail time. Fines up are up to $2 million and some change now. No wide scale violence has been reported yet, but if cushy restaurant Pershing Square has anything to say about it, it'll happen soon.

Welcome back Jim Crow. It's been a while.


P.S. - By cushy, we meant overpriced.

P.P.S. - Who are we goddamn kidding? Everything in NYC is overpriced.

P.P.P.S. - Except for the rats. They're free, but they'll kick your monkey ass.

Posted by James at 4:28 PM CST
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Quackity Quack Quack Treated Patients With Insecticide And Weed Killer
Topic: National News

You feel ill, so you take a trip to the doctor's office, hoping that your stomach cancer hasn't regressed and become malignant again. If you're a patient of Dr. Totada Shanthaveerappa, you might die, but your corpse is going to fertilize the most beautiful, weed-free roses anyone in the cemetery has ever seen.

Dr. Shouldnthavetospellhisname and a medical assistant are both being charged with treating extremely ill patients with weed-killer and insecticide and then pocketing the money they charged for expensive procedures they did not perform. They also filed false insurance claims in hoping of getting even more money to launder. Which, by the way, is another crime they've been charged with.

So any former patients of Dr. Seeyouinfivetoten should make sure that they haven't been peeing dried up bean sprouts, just to be sure.


Posted by James at 4:07 PM CST
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Canadians Free to Group Hump in Public Until They Go Blind
Topic: World News

A Canadian judge has lifted the ban on swingers clubs, once again allowing its liberal citizens to bang in private venues in large groups until they die of disease and dehydration.

“Consensual conduct behind code-locked doors can hardly be supposed to jeopardize a society as vigorous and tolerant as Canadian society,” said Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin.

Vigorous? Is she trying to turn us on? And tolerant? Well yeah, they allowed the French to stay.

So go ahead and start re-enacting scenes from Nip/Tuck, Canadians. You've earned it you freaky bastards.


Posted by James at 3:34 PM CST
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Note to Our Parents; And Yuo Thought WE Drank a Lot
Topic: Stupidity

A man in Latvia who was run over and killed by a car in front of his home had 17 times the legal driving limit of alcohol in his system. And twice the lethal amount.

Police did confirm that the drunk, who had been drinking some sort of homemade moonshine for days when he stumbled outside, was in fact alive when he was run over. But considering that the legal blood alcohol concentration in Latvia is 0.9, do the math and you'll get that this record holder had a 15.3% BAC.

15.3% BAC.

This guy was better at drinking than God. Maybe that's why he was taken... to give God a good drinking contest.


Posted by James at 11:11 AM CST
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Cindy Sheehan Blames Media For Her Being An Idiot; Go Figure
Topic: National News

Everyone remembers the opportunistic bitch Cindy Sheehan and her plight to get a "face-to-face" with President Bush to discuss her son, even though she already had one, and her continuing idiocy that has been popping up here and in the media.

Well guess what? The media is to blame for her looking like a stupid attention whore. Wait, what? Pretty sure she always made sure she had cameras around her at all times, "wrote" a book, and tried to get in every anti-war protest available. Here's a part of the NEWSWEEK interview:

But the peace movement in the U.S. remains small. Why?
One thing that has prevented the peace movement in America is the media. I spoke with 5,000 people in North Carolina on March 19, 2005, and the press called the protest "insignificant." They covered the Terri Schiavo case instead.

You feel like you were mistreated by the press?
They got hold of everything I've ever said and scrutinized it so carefully. They never scrutinized what Bush said. No one said, "Why did you lie to the American people and say there was WMD?" The press found an easy target in Iraq, and they found an easy target in me.

We hate to break it to Cindy, but a woman being starved to death in Florida is kind of bigger than a bunch of hippies in North Carolina spouting the same crap they have been over and over. And she also made herself an easy target by being SO. FUCKING. OPPORTUNISTIC. Can anyone mention anything worse a mother could do then use her dead son's good name to become famous? No? We thought so.


P.S. - We usually put up a photo to the right, as you know, but she doesn't deserve to have anymore photos on our site. Eat a dick, Cindy, and Merry Christmas.

Posted by James at 10:34 AM CST
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Tuesday, 20 December 2005
Judge Slaps NYC Transit Union, Workers With $1 Million Fine... Per Day!
Topic: National News

Want to go on strike in a town where the actual law says you can't? Guess what you get? A million dollar fine. Plus, your workers' union also gets hit with a $25k fine.

And that's not total. Ugh ugh lazy bitches. That's per day. Plus, Judge Teddy Jones might hit you up with some jail time tomorrow. Still want to strike? Especially when there are pictures of you sleeping on your $50,000 a year job. Where you get health benefits. And lots of time off. No good lazy bitches. Hell, we'll drive your damn bus for $50k a year and health insurance.



Posted by James at 3:41 PM CST
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Coke Grower Winning Bolivian Election! Punch Bowl of Blow Expected at Inauguration Party
Topic: World News

While many in America believe that calling cocaine "blow" is truly the epitome of cool, we have always preferred to call it "Bolivian marching powder." It appears now that the coca grower turned politician my actually win the Bolivian presidential election. But by a very thin margin.

Evo Morales is set to win the election, forcing out the interim government and beginning a new era of who knows what in the South American country. With his close ties to Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, it could be an interesting time of diplomacy in America, even though Morales said he would not legalize the growth of coca. He said he would, however, stop the USA in their plight to eradicate the plant in the country.

But since the country uses coca primarily for medicine and not for drugs, they currently allow only 29,000 acres (only? - ed.) of the product to be grown each year. Morales might look to up that. However, it's the other million or so acres that the country doesn't know about that might cause a problem for anti-drug officials across the Americas.

Either way, if Morales really does win, there's gonna be a lot of high fools running around Bolivia for a while. And we're getting some vacation time coming up. Time to dust off the passport!


Posted by James at 1:44 PM CST
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Bush Approval Skyrockets! Guess People Really Like Being Spied On
Topic: Politics

Out of the blue, the new poll numbers show that despite the recent stumbles for the Bush administration, the President's approval rating has shot up to 47%, from the previous week's low of 39%. While 52% still think he's fucking shit up, the eight point jump in approval is big news for the embattled POTUS, who saw angered reactions over Harriet Miers, Iraq and the economy.

But there is concern for a fall-off, since year end optimism has happened before. With people buying up crap for Christmas, the economy is looking up, but might seriously drop off after the new year. Even though there were elections in Iraq, after people forget about that, they still might realize that, hmm, we're still stuck over there.

So be careful before touting these numbers, unless you want to eat some serious crow. And nobody wants to eat crow except for homeless people, because they'll eat anything.


Posted by James at 9:28 AM CST
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Monday, 19 December 2005
Hemingway Heirs Pissed About Bar; Want Money/Name Change/Publicity
Topic: National News

Perhaps a better name for the Greensboro, North Carolina bar "Hemingway's Downtown" would've been "Stupid Concept." The upscale drinkery, where an older crowd pays a membership fee to drink overpriced martinis and smoke cigars, is now being sued by the heirs of celebrated author and booze hound Ernest Hemingway's over the name of their bar, which the owner said was monikered such because of a dog he had a younger age.

"We're actually the kind of bar he would despise coming to," Owner Jeff Schleuning said. "From what I know of him, he liked little dive-type bars."

So there you have it, drunkards. The Hemingway's name is copywrited, so before you think about naming your shithole-in-the-wall bar something like, "Stoker's" or something equally as witty, check up to make sure that the name isn't taken, because if it is, you're gonna be paying out of your ass for the oversight of using a dead person's name. Also don't name it "Todd," because the people that run Todd's estate are just dickheads.


Posted by James at 2:15 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 19 December 2005 2:16 PM CST
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House Sneaks ANWR Drilling Into Hurricane Relief, National Defense Bill
Topic: National News

Congratulations to the GOP Congress. Mere days after being called "the most corrupt Congress in our history" by Democratic douchebag and Senate minority leader Harry Reid, you did what no one expected: you proved him right.

By paper clipping an ANWR drilling bill to a national defense and hurricane relief bill, Congress pretty much assured that it would go through as the President wishes, making it a quick "ha ha!" before leaving Washington today during the close of this year's Congressional business. But the Democrats can't bitch, since the bill passed 308-106. We're pretty sure that there are more than 106 Democrats in Congress, so besides the usual suspects that refuse to agree with anything that the majority of Congress wants to do (we're looking at you, Nancy Pelosi! - ed.), it appears that many of the lefties voted for the bill as well.

Oh yes, and before you ask, yes, the bill also contained bird flu preventative measures. So looks like Harry Reid, no matter how much of a hypocritical son of a bitch he is, was right about Congress this time.

Damn you Congress! How dare you make us agree with Harry Reid! That is just. not. right.


Posted by James at 11:45 AM CST
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Nearly Four DOzen Drunken Santas Rampage Through New Zealand
Topic: Embarrassment

Poor Wellington, New Zealand. A riot of 40 Santas, all drunk off their jolly asses, acted as a scourge of god Sunday in Wellington, punching security guards, throwing beer bottles and stealing from stores. The group, which was comprised of both men and women, terrorized the town, probably in a salute to hero Billy Bob Thornton, who showed the world the kind of drunken lout Santa really is in the holiday film Bad Santa.

Witnesses, surprisingly, cannot tell police which of the Santas did what, since they all pretty much look the same.


Posted by James at 10:21 AM CST
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Friday, 16 December 2005
Bob "Douchebag of Liberty" Novak Leaving CNN for FOX NEWS; No One is Shocked
Topic: Media

Robert Novak, that glorious vaginal hair who outed Valerie Plame before shrugging his shoulders as if saying "feh," who most recently walked off of a CNN set and was thusly suspended, has just announced that after his contract is up with the 24 hours news station, he will in fact take his circus act of douchery to FOX NEWS.

Did this honestly surprise anyone? We like FOX NEWS better than CNN. It doesn't insult us as much. But CNN is about as liberal a news organization as they come, and FOX just suits Novak's form of slobbering idiocy better.

So good luck Robert! Maybe you can out someone important over there too. *cough, Tom Cruise, cough*


Posted by James at 4:49 PM CST
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Senate Pimp Slaps Patriot Act! Democrats High Five Each Other
Topic: National News

Perhaps on the news today that President Bush allowed the National Security Agency to monitor the phone calls and e-mails of thousands of foreigners living in America, the Patriot Act reauthorization was slammed down by the Senate only a day after its drunken brother, the House of Representatives, overwhelmingly approved its provisions.

“In the war on terror, we cannot afford to be without these vital tools for a single moment,” White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. “The time for Democrats to stop standing in the way has come.”

Yes Scotty Mac, yes! Get out of the way of probings and wire taps, you looking-out-for-our-rights sons of bitches! But seriously, the Patriot Act is necessary, just so long as my balls are still my own. So figure it out government! We elected you, we can remove you. Remember Gray Davis and California? Fix it!


Posted by James at 4:06 PM CST
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Howard Stern Bids Farewell to Terrestrial Radio; Sirius Claps Its Grubby Little Hands With Joy; Fratboys Cry
Topic: Entertainment

Howard Stern, the self-proclaimed "King of All Media," (dream on, egomaniac - ed.) bid farewell to Earth-bound radio today with his final broadcast for Infinity, who has played home to show for way too long.

Thousands of fans sat outside in the cold drizzle while Stern had his final broadcast inside the studio before taking a "victory lap" around Midtown in a double decker bus, while unemployed idiots cheered wildly for him.

We will freely admit that when not on his program, Howard Stern can be as hilarious as any person living or dead. See, for example, his The Daily Show with Jon Stewart interview on Wednesday. Great television. But his brand of radio was old in high school, so we still fail to see how he became loved by over 12 million listeners a day.

Seriously, when he brings on a chick and makes her get naked, do you sit in your car and think, "oh, she sounds hot" or what? Just go rent any of the National Lampoon movies for the same experience, except with the opportunity to see bare breasts. But good luck on Sirius, Howard. They've tied their flag to you, so feel free to ramrod it home. Personally, we're an XM radio subscriber and haven't listened to you since 1997, but then again, you're filthy fucking rich, so good for you.


P.S. - For you Stern fans, you have until January 9, 2006, to go buy your Sirius radio, because that's when his show picks back up.

Posted by James at 11:39 AM CST
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Chicago Bar Offers $950 Drink for All You Chi-town Douchebags
Topic: Stupidity

Are you single, rich, full of yourself and living in Chicago? Then Pete Gugni, a former jeweler who currently manages the trendy (i.e. full of tools - ed.) Reserve club, has got the perfect drink for you: the Ruby Red, a combination of orange vodka, cognac, pomegranate liqueur, champagne, orange juice, and a one carat ruby.

The $950 cocktail (probably takes more like "ass" than "tail") has been purchased three times since it was first offered, and all three times, it was purchased to impress a woman. The last time, it was ordered by some huge toolbag that was trying to impress a chick and her friends on a first date.

"She was loving it," Gugni said. "All her friends were looking at it trying to see the stone."

So there you have it guys. All you have to do to impress the women is buy them a one carat precious stone. And drop it in some booze. We say fuck that. Miller High Life is $7.14 per twelve pack at Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market, and broken glass can look really pretty when the blood is cleaned off of it.


Posted by James at 10:09 AM CST
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