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Friday, 30 June 2006
First Idiot Myspace Teen Won't be Supervised by Court
Topic: Technology

The idiot Michigan teenage girl who attempted to fly to the West Bank to be with a dude she met on networking Web site won't have to be supervised by the court because she's retarded. Instead, she'll be remanded to her parent's custody and will have to forfeit her passport, all because she couldn't get a date in America.

Katherine Lester, now 17, went on Good Morning America last week and announced her plans to marry the 20-year-old Palestinian, who works for her dad delivering products to bodegas and stores throughout the West Bank. Because of her mom's inability to keep her from sneaking out of the house and flying to Amman, Jordan, Lester is now living with her dad, which probably isn't the smartest idea in the world considering her intentions.

Now if only the idiot teenage girl who is suing Myspace for her own stupidity would take a lesson, we wouldn't be that upset with today's current youth population. Until then, we'll continue to pelt them with water balloons while they're playing hopscotch. Also, that's really fun and we don't want to stop.


Posted by James at 1:46 PM CDT
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