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Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Americans Hate Hillary Clinton
Topic: Politics

Hillary Clinton's possible 2008 Presidential run just took a shot to the balls today as a recent CNN poll showed 47 percent of all respondents said they would "definitely not vote for her" if she were to win the Democratic nomination. The same number said they would definitely not vote for John Kerry either, who has desperately been trying to keep his name in the papers.

The GOP front runners are faring slightly better, with 30 percent saying they would definitely not vote for Rudy Giuliani and 34 percent saying the same for McCain.

So now the question is who will get the nomination from both parties. While the Republican candidates might number fewer, only McCain is seen as a real candidate. The Democrats however, seem to have been picking random people from the street to throw in to the ring, as there are something like 8,293,389 candidates for the spot.

Oh boy, only a year to wait to see who gets the nomination. We can barely wait (and sarcasm is a second language to us - ed.).


Posted by James at 1:58 PM CDT
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