Topic: Media
CBS News President Sean McManus announced today that after 44 years broadcasting for his network, Dan Rather is indeed leaving, meaning that we get another "Remembering Rather" special that will make light of all the great things the Whistler did during his career.
"There will always be a part of Dan Rather at CBS News," said McManus. "He is truly a `reporter's reporter,' and he has helped to train several generations of broadcast journalists. His legacy cannot be replicated."
Since being removed from his anchor's position last year after the disastrous Bush National Guard Memo report, during which Rather admitted he had never even seen the document in question, the Dan has only filed a handful of reports for CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes, and has been complaining about it the whole way.
Current speculation brings Rather to the HD Network, where he will undoubtedly report fluffy newsstuff about people that most Americans have never heard of. Not exactly the legacy one would expect from the man who taught our country phrases such as "hotter than two rats going at it in a wool sock."
Posted by James
at 11:08 AM CDT