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Friday, 16 June 2006
The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Senate Committee for Congress?
Topic: Politics

Today's molasses slow news day was broken up with an email from one of our country's premier WAPCEs (women are pure concentrated evil - ed.), Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has long been a harborer of insanity, a black hole for all things ludicrous. We bet she's best friend with Barbara Boxer.

But today she's taken over the DSCC's email system for use by Congress, and not the Senate. What was her purpose? To tell us that she'll be signing us up for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Great...

In short, Miss Pelosi is looking to kill all Republicans, which she says at the very beginning by saying "No Republican is safe in 2006." We think hunting humans is wrong, but if you're going to have to hunt something with two legs and the ability to fight back, it might as well be people who walk a party line.

What is most interesting about this email is that it's not a call for money. In fact, it's only a call to join the DCCC in killing Republicans, something that we can get behind. No word yet on anything from the GOP. We find it interesting that after attempting to get on their email list, we've received nothing. Geez, guess they don't want people to think they're annoying or something.


Posted by James at 1:11 PM CDT
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