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Friday, 9 June 2006
The Never-Ending Duke Lacrosse Team Scandal! Second Dancer Smacks Down Accuser
Topic: National News

The Duke lacrosse team rape scandal gets odder by the day. First, the captain of the team comes out and blasts the stripper. Then, the team is reinstated. Now, reports are surfacing that the second dancer at the party has called the accusations by the "victim" a "crock."

"She heard that (the accuser) was sexually assaulted, which she stated is a 'crock' and she stated that she was with her the whole time until she left," according to investigator Benjamin Himan's notes. "The only time she was alone was when she would not leave and that time period was less than five minutes."

This is also after reports came out that the other dancer, Kim Roberts, said her partner never even mentioned the rape after they left the house and she dropped her off at a grocery store. Other evidence, such as DNA, has been lacking and the victim has a history of doing retarded things, like stealing police cars and being a habitual drug user.

Also, a nurse has come out saying that the accuser had no signs of the strangulation, beating and sexual assault that she told the police, and that her legs, torso, abdomen, arms and necks were unmarked, which does not corroborate her story.

We love this story. It's by far the most entertaining college sports development in years, especially since it's perhaps the most outrageous thing we've read about in months. We'll keep you posted.


Posted by James at 1:32 PM CDT
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