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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
Teenage CSI Students Find Real Corpse in Fake Murder Scene
Topic: Weird Shit

A class of Florida criminology students working in a staged murder scene for their high school class found the real corpse of a dead homeless man who was lying up against a wall in a certain area of the course.

"The students went up to this one area ... and found a man with his back against the wall and he looked dead. They thought it was part of the skit," Fort Lauderdale Police detective Kathy Collins said.

Turns out it was just a bum who had died of natural causes, but that still ranks as the coolest field trip we've ever heard of. Better than our trip to the cracker factory when we were juniors. Man, you'll never eat a cracker again once you see that crap...


Posted by James at 2:08 PM CDT
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