America Trying to Fake Out Iran by Giving Nuke Technology
Topic: World News
How stupid does the United States government honestly think that Iran is? Part of the incentive package being offered to the country in order to get them to stop enriching uranium is information on our nuclear technology. Yeah. And the EU is behind it, saying that with the data that the USA will give them, there will be no need to enrich uranium, something that Tehran has said has nothing to do with nuclear weapons, even though everybody knows that's a bunch of crap.
And, in order to make is more acceptable to Iran, all possible sanctions were removed from the package if the country did not stop the enrichment process. So basically, we're giving them all of our technology regarding nuclear power and related fields, without a guarantee that they'll even have to stop their march towards nuclear weapons.
Boy are we happy that America finally started to look at things unilaterally...
Posted by James
at 11:59 AM CDT