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Friday, 29 September 2006
Squirrels Join Giant Pandas, Chinese Pandas, Fish With Human Teeth, Gators, Sting Rays in War on Humans
Topic: Animals vs. Humans

The Heart of Darko's Animals vs. Humans series continues today as a report has surfaced from California which tells of violent squirrel attacks on people in the past months.  These unprovoked acts of violence have risen to a fever pitch in Mountain View, Cali., where a small boy was acosted by a furry rodent last week, bringing the total of attacks to a "fingers and toes" counting method.  And with the recent loss of animal expert Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin at the hands of a sting ray assassin, the world is now looking for a new hero to rise up and quell this rapidly growing series of violence against humans.

Now, the city's Department of Fishing and Wildlife department has announced a counterstrike on the violent beasts, saying that they will begin trapping and destroying the rogue squirrels.  However, many wildlife scholars in the area are not so sure that this will work.

"The squirrels will be back," South Bay wildlife rehabilitator Norma Campbell said. "For every one you take out, two more will come in. It could be a never-ending project that isn't going to accomplish anything."

Strong, strange words, from undoubtedly a very odd woman.



Posted by James at 4:32 PM CDT
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International Volleyball Thrives Between Mexico and US in California!
Topic: World News

International relations just got a little more informal, as the world's first game of international beach volleyball just recently took place between the United States and Mexico, with the Mex/US border fence being used as the net.

After showing up for the match, the United States quickly was able to form a team, as were the Mexicans on the other side, selecting two gentlemen named Larry and Jerry, who, despite the lack of points-keeping, fully schooled the US team of some dude and some writer from LA Weekly.

Of course, just like anything fun in America, it was soon broken up by "the man," this time in the guise of the Border Patrol, who was "friendly but firm" in his orders for the two teams to clear the area.  Good for the US though, because it sounds like we were getting our asses kicked.



Posted by James at 12:37 PM CDT
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Transexuals Crash Chinese Ethnic Minority Games
Topic: Weird Shit

The Chinese Ethnic Minority Games came to a screeching halt after a group of cross-dressing transexuals kicked off mob violence throughout the games, which were meant to celebrate the athleticism of China's 55 different minority groups.  After noticing that the winning team in something called the "dragon-boat race" were composed of overly large women with adam's apples as large as their testicles, minority groups from around the country quickly turned the games into a scene of mob violence, proving that America is not the only country that hates cross-dressers.

However, coaches were still touting their athletes after the blood-shedding ended, saying that despite the fact that their women lacked balls, this did not make them any less of stellar, shat-upon minority sports nobodies.



Posted by James at 12:15 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Mavs Fans Rejoice! Dirk is Here Through 2011!
Topic: Sports

Just a brief note to all your Dallas Mavericks fans out in cyberland tonight pushing your personal internet through the series of tubes; Dirk Nowitzki has signed his contract extension through the 2010-11 season, meaning that at least for the next five years, our big German isn't going anywhere!

And Mavs training camp opens in less than a week, meaning that soon you'll be able to watch Dirk, the Jet, and all the rest rip up the hardwood in a few short months.

Go Mavs!



Posted by James at 10:47 PM CDT
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Golf Legend Byron Nelson to Permanently Play 19th Hole
Topic: Dead People

Golfing hall of famer and all around legend Byron Nelson died at the ripe old age of 94 on Tuesday morning.  He was found by his wife at his wood-working bench on the back porch, after dying of natural causes.

In 1945, Nelson won a massive 11 major tournaments in a row, which is a huge achievement in any major sport.  After winning 31 of 54 tournaments from 1945-46, Nelson retired to his Texas ranch at the age of 34, proving that not only can a professional athlete have an outstanding career, but doesn't have to play into his late years to cement his name in history.

Byron Nelson's swing made golf fan's hearts flutter, and made this humble writer attempt to pick up the sport, despite the fact that we have the attention span of a ferret on crystal meth.

Rest in peace, Byron Nelson.  May your record never be broken and we hope heaven has some fantastic golf courses that you set even more records on.



Posted by James at 10:44 PM CDT
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Thursday, 21 September 2006
Political Backlash Begins Against Chavez Bush Comment; Led by... Nancy Pelosi?!?
Topic: Politics

Since making the comment at the U.N. that Bush is the Devil, multiple columnists, blogs and random people have struck out at Hugo Chavez for opening his fat, dumb mouth.  And now comes the political backlash, even from odd sources, such as Democratic insane-monger Nancy Pelosi.

"Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern day Simon Bolivar but all he is an everyday thug," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference, referring to Chavez' comments in a U.N. General Assembly speech on Wednesday.

"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had, speaking at the United Nations," said Pelosi, a frequent Bush critic. "He demeaned himself and he demeaned Venezuela."

From the Bush side of things, there's not been any sort of word, as Condi Rice said she wouldn't even dignify Chavez's comments with a response.  We've also heard rumors that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad called Chavez and said "Damn.  You fucked up SA.  Don't call me anymore, homey." 



Posted by James at 2:10 PM CDT
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Garden Gnome Having More Fun Than Owner
Topic: Stupidity

When West Virginian Allen Snyder lost his garden gnome, at first he thought it was a simple case of thievery.  However, Snyder has been receiving multiple letters from "Gnomey," who has been traveling the country lately, and now even made it to the Pittsburg Steelers football game this past Monday.  He still seems to hold a grudge against Snyder for not taking him anywhere.

"You never took me to any games," the note said. The letter ended: "Have to go now. Boarding a plane. Now, finally, broadening my travels."

While first thoughts may turn to Travelocity's own Roaming Gnome as a culprit in the kidnapping/freeing of Gnomey, spokesmen from the company have announced that they had nothing to do with the disappearance.

"While we know that your dear friend, Gnomey, can never be replaced, we're sending the enclosed Roaming Gnome to keep you company in his absence," wrote Michelle Peluso, president and chief executive officer of Travelocity, based in Southlake, Texas. "Hopefully your friend will find his way out of trouble and back to your front yard soon, although we can't help but admire his sense of adventure and love of travel."

Enjoy your travels, Gnomey.  God knows that keeping all those goddamned pink flamingos from eating the hydrangias can be a taxing job. 



Posted by James at 12:36 PM CDT
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Updates From the U.N. - Iran Really Not Wanting the Bomb? Chavez Tries to Fix His Stupidity
Topic: World News

We were fortunate enough to catch President Bush's speech yesterday on our cell phone during a break during which he called out Iran and said that he was appointing a special official to look into Iran's nuclear, or "nucular," program.  Or both of them, if the dude has time.

Now, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken as well, dropping his massively stupid rhetoric about destroying America and Israel and saying that his country's nuclear program is nothing other than peaceful and that his country has never tried and will not try to create a nuclear weapon.

This turn has also caused Saudi Arabian prince Saud al-Faisal to say that the peace process is very soon to start anew, while Venezuealan idiot in charge Hugo Chavez made his remarks more clear about what he meant when he called Bush the Devil and said he should be charged with war crimes.

"I'm not an enemy of the United States. I'm a friend of the United States ... the people of the United States," Chavez said during his speech to an audience including union organizers and professors. "They're two very different things — you the people of the United States, and the government that's installed there."

Ah, so that explains it.  Chavez has aligned himself with Iran and other countries that house terrorists because he needs support in case he angers the USA enough to blow his shit up.  So now he's attempting to backpedal his own stupid self so that he won't get caught with the backhand of American justice, which he's closely stepping up to.  As for Mahmoud and the rest of Iran, we'll believe he doesn't have nukes when the U.N. sends in inspectors who will actually do their job, unlike the previous Iraq debacle.  Other than that, we're sure it was a very exciting time to be sitting in a large room listening through a baby monitor to your translator.   



Posted by James at 12:29 PM CDT
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Friday, 15 September 2006
Researchers Finally Prove Drinking Helps Your Wallet
Topic: Embarrassment

Are you tired of people at work telling you that you drink too much at happy hours and that you're ruining your life?  Screw em.  You'll end up with more in the bank.

Researchers at San Jose State University have discovered that social drinkers become better at networking and are more apt to receive promotions and raises due to their unique "skills."

"Social drinking builds social capital," said Edward Stringham, an economics professor at San Jose State University and co-author of the study with fellow researcher Bethany Peters.

"Social drinkers are out networking, building relationships, and adding contacts to their BlackBerries that result in bigger paychecks."

While it's easy to prove that in a group of friends, the ones that drink are most likely to talk to new people (chicks - ed.), for a long time everyone assumed their worth was less because of all the money they spend on booze.  Now we drunkards can officially respond to questions of why we're drunk with a proper answer; we're trying to network... into some chick's pants.




Posted by James at 3:37 PM CDT
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Grumpy Granny Gets Grabbed in Heist Gone GaGa
Topic: Stupidity

A nearly eighty-year-old woman was arrested in Chicago after her attempt to rob a bank with a toy gun backfired.  She now faces 20 years in prison for her botched attempt at crime.

According to the police report, Melvena Cooke walked into the Bank of America dressed in a long black trenchcoat and visor that said "Princess."  She told the teller that she had come from the doctor and could barely speak, so when the young lady leaned forward to hear her more closely, Granny Gun struck, weilding her plastic weapon and demanding $30,000.

However, the young lady was not scared and noticed the fakeness of said weapon, so she simply pressed the silent alarm and walked away from the old bag, who paniced and ran out of the bank, choosing to duck into a neighboring store, where she was soon discovered, mostly since she's an old lady wearing a trenchcoat and a visor that says "Princess."

Sigh.  When will old people learn?



Posted by James at 12:08 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 15 September 2006 12:09 PM CDT
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Thursday, 14 September 2006
Columbia Changes From coke for Coke to Guns for Guitars
Topic: Weird Shit

Columbian musical instrument manufacturer Luis Alberto Paredes has begun a brand new and totally kickass program in which he is using former guerilla AK-47s to create a new series of rosewood electric guitars.  Paredes said that every single musical axe will be made from a once-used fully automatic rifle.

"This used to hit a target at 800 meters (yards)," Paredes said holding up one of the guitars which still has a Kalashnikov rifle's distinctive, banana-shaped magazine. "Now the target will just depend on the concert stage."

Now the musician and instrument creator is working with the UN to receive decommissioned AKs which have had all of their moving parts welded together to stop him from using them on dogs, cats and his groupies.  And now musicians from across Columbia have announced that they're going to use Paredes' odd creations in a live concert that will help promote peace and possibly safe gun use, but we're only guessing about the second part of that.



Posted by James at 4:24 PM CDT
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The Damn Weekly DSCC Email; Pulling Out the Big Guns as Slick Willy Comes to Bat!
Topic: Politics

We were excited and honored today when we opened our email inbox and, after sorting through the random penic enlargement, Cialis, and porn emails we apparently subscribe to, we noticed this week's DSCC email, with a special surprise; it was from President Bill Clinton himself.

Each week the Heart of Darko takes a look at the email sent by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for extra spin, "untruths" and falsities put out by those in power in the political party.  This service is a provided free of charge.  We put ourselves in mental harm way so you don't have to.

On November 7th, Americans will make a critical choice together - will we give this Administration and the Republican Congress two more years of unfettered control over our economy, our security, and our role in the world? - We hate to say it, especially since everyone's supposed to love Slick Willy here, but isn't the economy better than it ever was under his administration?  And aren't gas prices dropping?  And hasn't terror activity in our country been almost nonexistent?  Granted, our role in the world sucks...

You all know what the Republican attack machine can do when it gets going. And they have extreme talk show hosts, the shadowy Swift Boat groups and big corporate interests to fuel their campaigns. We have you. - Actually dude, you have your own smear groups., Cindy Sheehan, everyanot-nosed college theology student.  The Republicans just have better organization and don't smoke so much pot that they can't remember what they're protesting.

The consequences of inaction are enormous. Just look around the world. From the simmering war in Iraq to the terrible genocide in Darfur, there is an urgent need for a new American leadership... -  Iraq is a fucking mess.  Darfur is our country's fault?  Really?

Here at home, the stakes are just as high. The wreckage of Katrina laid bare the precipice that 37 million Americans living in poverty cling to every day. A year later, the poverty rate hasn't dropped a bit. - And one year later, out come the Katrina references.  "Katrina; the Democrats' 9/11."  And perhaps the poverty rate hasn't dropped because those affected by the terrible weather were propely taken care of.  Just saying.

We've got terrific candidates running terrific campaigns. I know these candidates. I have campaigned with them, and I am going to campaign with them again. They are winners - Oh boy, more Willy, coming to a stump near you.  Tell us what it's like, Iowa.



Posted by James at 12:31 PM CDT
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Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Rides Her Harley Straight to Heaven
Topic: Dead People

Yesterday evening saw the death of former Texas governor Ann Richards, who became nationally known for being the creator of the "make fun of a Bush" policy for the Democratic party, as well as being only the second woman elected to Governor of any state in our country's history.

Richards became known as a no bullshit type of political broad, who liked to rile up her Republican counterparts and had no problems discussing her drinking days and alcoholism from the early 1980s.  One of Ann Richards' favorite things to say was "Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels."

So take care on your eternal easy ride, Ann Richards.  You helped to usher in a new wave of politics and proved that not all politicians are boring.



Posted by James at 12:20 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Hillary Clinton Supported by a Jackson; Her Political Aspirations are Over
Topic: Politics

Despite Time magazine's glowing praise of Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States (she's been on more covers than J-Lo - ed.), the junior Senator from New York might be in some big trouble with her latest endorsement.  This time it comes from another big-time jackass in the form of Janet Jackson, the boob-popping "less crazy" Jackson.

"Hillary Clinton as president -- that would be great," Jackson said in an interview with German press agency DPA Monday. "Then she could show all those people who wouldn't trust a woman with such a job."

This is from the singer who has had more awful songs than the entire early 90's grunge movement.  Get away Hillary.  Nothing good can come of this support.



Posted by James at 11:38 AM CDT
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Malaysia Has a Space Program!?
Topic: Weird Shit

When next year's Malaysian astronaut attempts not to explode in outer space in a Russian-made rocket, he will also attempt something even more dangerous: making boiling hot tea inside the multi-million dollar tube full of wiring and things that explode.

"The physics experiment is to see what happens to teh tarik in space," Haniff Omar, head of Malaysia's astronaut selection program, said. 

What is interesting is that not only will this be the first time that a Malaysian is in space, but that they'd think it would be fun and neat and all that to make a pot of boiling hot tea that has been known to burn people on Earth... where there is gravity... because it's extremely difficult to make... on the ground.  Malaysians are stupid, yo.



Posted by James at 11:21 AM CDT
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Monday, 4 September 2006
Crikey! Crocodile Hunter Felled by Stingray, not Croc!
Topic: Dead People

We first came to know of The Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin while at our college friend Amanda's house, who was a massive fan of the catchphrase spewing insane Australian.  Well now the entire world is emitting a shocked "Crikey!" after hearing that Irwin was killed during a diving accident over the weekend when the barb of a stingray pierced his heart.

We will sorely miss Steve Irwin.  In recent years, while his television show might have been quietly idling away on Animal Planet, Irwin was a regular on late night talk shows, where he would always bring a menagerie of animals to terrify the hosts and guests, bringing us great glee in the process.  It is with heartfelt sadness that we at Heart of Darko come out of hiding and say goodbye to a man who entertained and educated us to know end, and also showed us that Lennon-style sunglasses would not protect your eyes from spitting cobra venom.

RIP Crocodile Hunter.

Steve Irwin, February 22, 1962 - September 4, 2006



Posted by James at 1:30 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 August 2006
Radio Shack Execs are a Bunch of Sissies When it Comes to Firing People
Topic: National News

The first time we lost our job, our boss gave him the opportunity to yell and scream athim by giving us a face to face confrontation surrounding the whole "deal." Executives at Radio Shack, who previously announced upcoming job cuts, apparently don't have any balls to speak of, as they let 400 employees go yesterday by a mass email notification, creating ire among remaining employees of the company and setting off a sense of outrage throughout the nation.

A Radio Shack spokesman said that they previously alerted their work force that the layoffs would come electronically, and even though it's not as rough as the woman in England who was notified of her firing by text message, it's pretty reprehensible.  If we were a Radio Shack employee who had received this email when we first sat down at our desk, we would have swiftly put our fist through our flat screen before lighting everything in our office on fire.  Only fair, right?



Posted by James at 3:50 PM CDT
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Australian Hookers Taking the "Suck" Out of Gas Prices
Topic: Weird Shit

Are you a horny Australian man whom has just spent way too much money filling up your Ute or similar vehicle?  Well then take your receipt to either The Site of Madame Kerry's brothel for a 20 percent discount on their wide (no pun intended - ed.) selection of prime chippy.

"If you come in and spend time with one of our lovely ladies, we'll give you a discount of 20 cents a liter," Kerry, manager of Sydney brothel The Site, told Reuters Wednesday.

With sessions starting at $150AU for 30 minutes, the discount can come (again, no pun intended) to $30.  Now, The Site has taken out ads in newspapers and magazines offering the discount, which, according to Kerry, has increased not only more johns, but media exposure.  Once again, Australia trumps all with its legal, and now discounted, hookers.



Posted by James at 3:45 PM CDT
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Monday, 28 August 2006
Colbert Report Lands Two Words on TV's Most Popular Buzzwords of '06 List
Topic: Entertainment

Congratulations go out to Comedy Central's brilliant The Colbert Report, for adding another notch on their belt of creating satire.  Both "truthiness" and Wikiality" have been added to TV's most popular buzzwords by the Global Language Monitor, which also added "Dr. McDreamy" and "Katie" to their list this year.  Because we're all about pop culture (until it gets annoying - ed.), definitions are as follows:

Truthiness - Truth unencumbered by the facts

Wikiality - From Wikipedia, meaning reality as determined by majority vote

Dr. McDreamy - A "dreamboat" physician, originally used in Grey's Anatomy

Katie - Leaving what made you popular for more money and publicity, i.e. Katie Couric going to CBS

So there you are, dear readers.  Use at your leisure, and remember that these words will get annoying over time.  We're off again, so until we know when we'll be back, keeping checking up, because your hits keep us alive!



Posted by James at 4:55 PM CDT
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From the Files of the Judiciary; Don't Trust Creepy Dudes Who Want to Escape Thailand
Topic: National News

Our planned hiatus has taken a break, allowing us a moment or two to post some stupidity from our own judiciary system, once again focusing on professed JonBenet Ramsey Killer John Mark Karr, who was extradited from Bangkok, Thailand, earlier last week to face possible murder charges in the decades-old case.  Turns out he just wanted to get the hell out of Thailand before child indecency charges were brought against him there. 

Attorneys in Boulder, Colorado, have announced that the case against Karr has been dropped, as his DNA doesn't even come close to matching that of the sample found by JonBenet's murderer.

"The warrant on Mr. Karr has been dropped by the district attorney," public defender Seth Temin said outside the jail. "They are not proceeding with the case.  "We're deeply distressed by the fact that they took this man and dragged him here from Bangkok, Thailand, with no forensic evidence confirming the allegations against him and no independent factors leading to a presumption that he did anything wrong."

While we semi-agree with Mr. Temin, we have to ask him a simple question; what the hell were they supposed to do?  The Thai wouldn't DNA test him and offered an extradition treaty for a dude who's a convicted pedaphile who had just admitted to raping and killing another child.  Was our government supposed to sit on its hands and wait for a cheek swab?  We understand that Mr. Temin is a crimindal defender, and part of his job is acting outraged, but damn man.  Common sense?


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 4:47 PM CDT
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