Topic: Politics
We were excited and honored today when we opened our email inbox and, after sorting through the random penic enlargement, Cialis, and porn emails we apparently subscribe to, we noticed this week's DSCC email, with a special surprise; it was from President Bill Clinton himself.
Each week the Heart of Darko takes a look at the email sent by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee for extra spin, "untruths" and falsities put out by those in power in the political party. This service is a provided free of charge. We put ourselves in mental harm way so you don't have to.
On November 7th, Americans will make a critical choice together - will we give this Administration and the Republican Congress two more years of unfettered control over our economy, our security, and our role in the world? - We hate to say it, especially since everyone's supposed to love Slick Willy here, but isn't the economy better than it ever was under his administration? And aren't gas prices dropping? And hasn't terror activity in our country been almost nonexistent? Granted, our role in the world sucks...
You all know what the Republican attack machine can do when it gets going. And they have extreme talk show hosts, the shadowy Swift Boat groups and big corporate interests to fuel their campaigns. We have you. - Actually dude, you have your own smear groups., Cindy Sheehan, everyanot-nosed college theology student. The Republicans just have better organization and don't smoke so much pot that they can't remember what they're protesting.
The consequences of inaction are enormous. Just look around the world. From the simmering war in Iraq to the terrible genocide in Darfur, there is an urgent need for a new American leadership... - Iraq is a fucking mess. Darfur is our country's fault? Really?
Here at home, the stakes are just as high. The wreckage of Katrina laid bare the precipice that 37 million Americans living in poverty cling to every day. A year later, the poverty rate hasn't dropped a bit. - And one year later, out come the Katrina references. "Katrina; the Democrats' 9/11." And perhaps the poverty rate hasn't dropped because those affected by the terrible weather were propely taken care of. Just saying.
We've got terrific candidates running terrific campaigns. I know these candidates. I have campaigned with them, and I am going to campaign with them again. They are winners - Oh boy, more Willy, coming to a stump near you. Tell us what it's like, Iowa.