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Saturday, 13 January 2007
Chinese Teenager Kills Self After Horrific Blind Date
Topic: World News

Before we get to the meat and potatoes of this story, we wish to share our worst moment of blind date humiliation.  After meeting a girl via the local college internet messaging program (first clue right there - ed.), we agreed to meet up with a girl who had sent us pictures of a quite attractive girl in a prom dress.  We did just that, and realized that the pictures of said girl in the dress, while certainly our blind date at one point in her life, we probably about five years old and that this particular model of female had gained a minimum of 40 pounds and a healthy variety of scars and various uglification to her facial area.

Being the gentleman that we were back in the day (not now; we would've induced vomiting and kicked that cow to the curb), we continued to go on the date, which involved dinner and a movie.  After a stomach-churning dining experience where half of the eating establishment's patrons looked on in horror, we cashed it in, went home and cried, and never talked to this land tank again.  The girl in the following story must have been worse.


A 17-year-old Chinese boy hung himself after coming home from a truly terrible blind date, during which he meant a girl from the internet who described herself as a "beautiful 19-year-old."  As it turned out, she was a very ugly 26-year-old who was nothing like she had claimed.  The teenager then promptly went home, stopped eating, and killed himself four days later.

While this is a tragedy, we understand why this boy did what he did.  Sometimes there are things you just cannot un-see.  Let this be a lesson to you possible internet daters; surprisingly, not everybody on the internet is who they claim to be.  Seriously.  We're actually a six-foot-tall muskrat with an undying love for Spagetti-O's. 



Posted by James at 4:26 PM CST
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Sunday, 31 December 2006
Happy New Year Everyone Else!
Topic: Housekeeping

So we already wished Saddam Hussein a Happy New Year before he was promptly executed.  Now it's our time to wish everyone else the same.

Be safe and party responsibly, hoping for the best in 2007.  And by the best, we mean less of the same shit that happened pretty much from 2003-2006.  We can't fucking take it much more!

We honestly hope that you have a fantastic 2007 and you stick with us throughout the new year, during which time we will hopefully have an opportunity to be here more often.  We miss it.  And you.


Posted by James at 5:35 PM CST
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Friday, 29 December 2006
Happy New Year, Saddam! Time to Die.
Topic: World News

The Iraqi judge overseeing the hanging of convicted mass murderer Saddam Hussein has announced that the deposed dictator will be strung up by the neck no later than this Saturday, insuring that Saddam will not be able to ring in 2007.  The announcement has brought tons of cheers from the Iraqis and Americans, while some are wondering if the violence in the mess of a country will ramp up after Saddam's neck cracks.

While Saddam's defense team works overtime to see if they can't stop this from happening, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has said that to oppose the execution would be an insult to the memory of all the people he has killed and that he's ready to get it over with.

So Happy New Year Saddam!  You won't get a chance to see it you sorry bastard.  Enjoy the feel of nylon and cotton around your throat before your feet frop out from you.  Hopefully your neck won't break and you'll choke to death up there.


AP via YAHOO! 

Posted by James at 1:02 PM CST
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Sunday, 24 December 2006
Welcome to Christmas, We Are Borked
Topic: Housekeeping

Apparently the Jewish mafia (second in anger level only to the gay mafia - ed.) was angry enough with us to partly kill our site.  Not that we're on here that much, but you know, still...

Anyway, before we die completely, we wish everybody a Merry Christmas, as does Mr. Monkey here to the right.  We've had a pretty odd year all in all, but it's turned out pretty well.  Karma exacted some revenge on us for things we have done, and we whipped her lily ass just a bit and escaped from some things completely unharmed.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Festivus, and Horambie! (Kwanza thing) to you all.  Since we also probably won't make it back on here before New Years, we wish you a very safe and enjoyable 2007.  Be safe in whatever it is you do in the holiday season, and thanks for sticking around with us, even through the complete and total droughts.

We cannot die.  Kind of like Meat Loaf's music career.  Seriously, he just released Bat Out of Hell 3.  Who the hell would have thought that?

Posted by James at 12:50 AM CST
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Thursday, 21 December 2006
Only Two More Days Til a Festivus for the Rest of Us!
Topic: National News

That's right people.  It's time to get the pole out of the crawl space and throw away your tinsel, because Festivus is a mere two days away.  Or one day, depending on your concept of time and how you count and... now we've lost our train of thought.

If you need to bone up on your Festivus knowledge, we're providing links below for you to peruse as you see fit.  After all, Jesus was given his mythological standing by spreading the word, and we're not even attempting to do something quite so lofty.



Posted by James at 4:30 PM CST
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Wednesday, 20 December 2006
The HoD Pre-Christmas To Do Guide - Watch an Old Man Get His Brains Bashed In
Topic: Entertainment

Are you as tired of Christmas as we are?  Granted, we work for a company that has been playing holiday music 24 hours a day (no... seriously - ed.) since the day before Halloween, so that's an unfair question.  However, we know that many of you just want to get this over with and move on with the drudgery of 2007.

We present to you Rocky Balboa, the sixth and final Rocky film, which comes out nearly two decades after the abysmal Rocky V, which still makes us want to punch a baby everytime we think about it.

The newest film opened today, and currently sits at a 76 percent fresh rating over at Rotten Tomatoes, a rare feat for any sports movie, much less any sports movie starring Sylvester Stallone.  Actually, it's outrageously rare for any movie starring Stallone.  After all, he was in Judge Dredd.  Even though we liked Judge Dredd.  We have very poor taste.

So go enjoy Rocky Balboa before tormenting your parents with your stories of being drunk and failing at life.  That's what we're gonna do.

Posted by James at 10:06 PM CST
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Friday, 15 December 2006
Jews in the News; Holiday Season Kicks Off Tonight
Topic: World News

People of the Jewish faith kick off their eight day"festival of lights" tonight and light the first candle of their home-burning eight-armed octopus of death otherwise known as a manora.  While we have once attempted to read the Jewish Tanak before passing out in a pool of whisky vomit and half-eaten McRibs, we don't pretend to know either jack or shit about Hanukkah, or Chanukkah, or whatever it's called.

All we do in fact know is that this kicks off the holiday season, which culminated with a day of drunken recovery on January 1, 2007.  So enjoy your time in the light, people of Jewish faith.  Remember, it's only eight days and nights with your families before you can get back to the normal life of running Hollywood the media anything involving money.


P.S. - We apologize if you were offended that we mentioned how Jewish people are money-grubbers.  We have been seriously harmed after watching Borat: Cultural Learnings for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Khazakstan.

P.P.S. - No seriously, we don't care what you think.

Posted by James at 9:14 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 15 December 2006 9:17 PM CST
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Monday, 27 November 2006
Cowboys Keep Winning, Hate Kicker, LIke Idiot Kicker
Topic: Sports

Just because we found this interesting as Dallas Cowboys fans, we're going to let this one out.

The Dallas Cowboys have cut embattled kicker Mike Vanderjagt, who despite the fact that he's still being called "The Most Accurate Kicker in NFL History," has pretty much blown goats all season.  And since they're tired of watching their kicker screw up at his job, they've hired Martin Gramatica, who has recently been replacing Adam Vinateri for the Indianapolis Colts.

You might remember Gramatica as the moronic kicker who seriously injured himself jumping up and down in the air after celebrating a game-winning kick.  This injury pretty much ended his constant NFL career.  But now the Dallas Cowboys are betting that he can fuck things up for their kicking game as well, since they're signing him to an undisclosed contract as soon as tomorrow.



Posted by James at 5:53 PM CST
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Friday, 17 November 2006
Criminal Mastermind Shoots Self During Attempted Kidnapping... Twice
Topic: Stupidity

There are few things that can bring us out of our self-imposed exile; stupidity and animal attacks.  This next story of criminally inclined retards certainly fits the first criterion.

A 23-year-old kidnapper botched the job when after shoving his pistol into his belt, he accidentally set off the trigger, shooting himself in, wait for it... his left testicle.  As he doubled over in pain, the gun fired again, this time striking him in his left calf muscle.

As his 18 and 20-year-old accomplices took off, Ol' One Nut took off, hobbling his sorry ass to the hospital, where he was promptly arrested after being treated.

This is a lesson to all wannabe kidnappers and armed robbers.  You always, always, shove the gun down into your crotch.  After all, we need to rid the world of the possibility of you numbskulls breeding.



Posted by James at 12:02 AM CST
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Saturday, 11 November 2006
Your Heart of Darko Dead People Roundup; Curly and Bradley
Topic: Dead People

The world lost two great people this past week in the likes of Oscar winner Jack Palance and Emmy-winning newsman Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes.  Curly passed away at the ripe old age of 87 at his home, surrounded by his family, while Bradley succumbed to leukemia at the age of 65.

With his leather face and gravely voice, Palance brought his style of gravitas to movies such as City Slickers, Shane, and Sudden Fear.  Bradley covered the Vietnam War in 1975 before becoming a 60 Minutes staple in 1981.

Both were giants of their industries, and both will sorely be missed.  Rest in peace, gentlemen.


IMDB - Jack Palance 

IMDB - Ed Bradley 

Posted by James at 8:17 PM CST
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Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Not Even Close to the End
Topic: Politics

Well, we're done for the evening, but the election is not.  Virginia, Missouri, and Montana aren't even close to being done, and even though Allen is losing in Virginia, he just came out on live TV and pretty much said for everyone to expect 3-4 weeks of lawyers going over every conceivable vote counted to get him the W that he wants.

Other than that, it looks like the Democrats are finished in the House with a +7 margin over the Republicans, which puts Nancy "Wakka Wakka Wakka!" Pelosi as the House Majority Leader.

Yeah, this will be interesting... Goodnight!

Posted by James at 11:52 PM CST
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Tonight Smells of Change and Cheap Scotch
Topic: Politics

There have been many interesting changes in tonight's election since we've last checked in.  First, the Democrats need only three more wins to take the Senate and two more for a W in the House.

Also, Joe Lieberman is actually projected to win, mere months after the Democratic Party labeled him incompetent.  We'll continue our drunken update, but now it's over to Comedy Central for the live and joint (no pun intended - ed.) Daily Show/Colbert Report election update show, featuring everyone's former favorite pontificator, Dan Rather. 


UPDATE: And the Democrats take the House and are +1 for the majority.  Now it just depends on if they can take the three that they need for the Senate.

Oh yeah, and Comedy Central's live show sucks. 

Posted by James at 10:15 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 7 November 2006 10:36 PM CST
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Your Nightly Congressional Upset Watch
Topic: Politics

As we look towards the future in the battleground seats, the numbers have remained pretty stagnant until... well... now.

Pennsylvania just got another Democratic House seat, which means that the party needs only ten more to take control of the House, while key match-ups will soon be decided in the Senate races with only a change of three needed to take charge for the lefties.  Montana, Virginia and Mizzou are still up in the air, so it'll be an interesting call.

We'll keep you updated, but we just pounded a pair of Irish Car Bombs (a shot of Bailey's/Jameson dropped into a Guiness - ed.), so expect the writing to become less and less coherant as the night goes on.

We love Election Night! 

Posted by James at 9:15 PM CST
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CBS Results Site Trumps All Others
Topic: Politics

Wow, how did we not know about this site earlier?  CBS News has a kick ass self-refreshing site showing the results, state-by-state and for the entire nation, with constant updates for all seat changes, elections, and percentage reporting claims.

Check it out.  You can leave it on without worrying about missing Friday Night Lights or Dancing With the Stars or whatever crap TV you have on instead of election coverage.



Posted by James at 8:10 PM CST
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Kinky Not Doing So Hot, Losing to Everyone
Topic: Texas Politics

With merely .58% of Texas polls reporting in, the first numbers for our Governor's election are in, and so far, Kinky Friedman is far behind in the pack, losing even to a bitchy grandma.

The numbers so far:

Rick Perry - 43.76

Chris Bell - 28.11

Carol Keaton Strayhorn - 18.11

Kinky Friedman - 9.52


Just... ouch.

Posted by James at 7:23 PM CST
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Lynn Swan to Stay on Sidelines, Out of Governor's Mansion
Topic: Politics

Every Steeler's favorite player, Lynn Swan, is projected to lose his bid for the Governorship of Pittsburgh.  And by a quite large margin we might add.  We should have a compiled list for you later.

If not, you can get it over on any news site or channel.  Now we make our triumphant return to booze... 

Posted by James at 7:10 PM CST
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As Stolen From The New Republic
Topic: Politics

Here are your damn Congressional returns.  Don't trust these as far as you can toss a full keg of Jaegermeister.

Democrats leading:

Virginia (52-47)
Rhode Island (53-46)
Pennsylvania (57-42)
Ohio (57-43)
New Jersey (52-45)
Montana (53-46)
Missouri (50-48)
Maryland (53-46)

Republicans leading:

Tennessee (51-48)
Arizona (50-46)


Posted by James at 6:22 PM CST
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First Congressional Returns; All Tied Up, Bottom of the First
Topic: Politics

As the first polls close on the east coast, the numbers have been kicked out as quickly as machinely possible, with the vote ending in a tie in two completely non-competitive races.

Kentucky was the first to release its preliminary numbers, which show Democrat Ben Chandler and Republican Harold Rogers easily retaining their seats.  Now that the polls are shutting down and the last votes are being scanned, punched, or tossed in the trash can, we should expect some new numbers coming out pretty steadiliy, so stay tuned.

We're on it like a fly on shit, which is the best analogy that fits this election season.



Posted by James at 6:13 PM CST
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First Round of Useless Exit Polls Finally Released!
Topic: Politics

After waiting all day to see the outcomes of some of the important Gubernatorial and Congressional elections, the first round of exit polls have finally been released, and they conclusively... absolutely nothing.

In fact, the polls don't even mention the races and focus solely on Bush's job approval, which doesn't look good for the sitting President, which could mean a shake-up in Congress and throughout the States.

60 percent of all people polled (respondants were 56% Democrat, 44% Republican - ed.) claim they are not satisfied with Bush's job performance, which 40 percent say they are strongly disapproving of his ability to lead the country.

While these numbers do not show any election results, it would appear that a possible proverbial changing of the guard might take place.  You'll hear more when we hear more.



Posted by James at 5:00 PM CST
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Wonkette's Election Night Drinking Game!
Topic: Embarrassment

We've been creating enough drinking games lately with meteoric popularity (you be quiet... people liked it! - ed.), so now we've decided for tonight's drunken election results debauchery to steal a drinking game from the good alcoholics over at Wonkette.

While this game is a bit short and quite interactive, considering that you must be using both the Internet and the boob tube, it's a good one nonetheless.  So drink up, friends, and remember that election results aren't in until 7:00PM, so don't feel bad when coverage at 6:00 doesn't really show much of anything. 

Take a hit when:

  • DailyKos makes a crazy fraud accusation.
  • Rick Santorum shows up on TV for no apparent reason.
  • Katie Couric mispronounces a U.S. state name.
  • Chris Matthews’ spittle becomes visible to the home audience.
  • A black voter is interviewed about not getting to vote.

And then we get serious, after the jump.

Take two sips when:

  • The Corner makes an even crazier fraud accusation.
  • Matt Drudge calls it for Republicans.
  • First liberal blogger of the night says he’s moving to Canada.
  • GOP incumbent claims Republicans “control spending.”

Take a shot when:

  • Tim Russert’s goddamned sketch-board first appears.
  • Wonkette editor Alex Pareene makes a vulgar gesture while CNN “checks in with the bloggers.”
  • George Allen concedes.
  • Weary Fox News commentator accuses Democrats of wanting to “Cut and Paste.”
  • Kinky Friedman wins.
  • Things are so blurry that you can’t tell Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw apart.
  • Bush tries to concede.

Lightning Round:

  • Brit Hume weeps on-air: Entire bottle of champagne, one Xanax.
  • Jack Cafferty punches Wolf Blitzer in the mouth: Three shots of bourbon, vomit on remote.
  • Katherine Harris wins: Have a “Crying Jesus” — two rails of meth and then give your Republican neighbor a blowjob.
  • Exit polls completely “wrong,” GOP actually keeps the House and Senate and most governorships: Bottle of absinthe, pack of Camels, shoot dog.

You've got mere hours left, and don't forget about campaign parties in your neighborhood.  Our friend Goldfinger will be here tonight with us to attempt to dual-blog this hooker to death and probably end up playing a lot of videogames after we lose interest.



Posted by James at 3:07 PM CST
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