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Monday, 15 January 2007
24 Set to Blow up America with Nuclear Weapons? Sure, Why Not
Topic: Entertainment

As our favorite television show of all time kicks into gear again, 24 has decided to slap down any thoughts about what direction the show will take in its still-young season by introducing nuclear weapons going off in tonight's continuation of the show's four-hour season intro.  Or are they?

According to Drudge Report (always a reliable source - ed.), 24's producers decided to "wake up America" to the possibility that this could happen, as low yield nukes will be brought ot light on the show, with a successful strike against the country.

It's okay though, readers, because we have faith in Jack Bauer.  Jack has never let us down before, so we're sure he's going to stop this from happening.  We mean shit, he already ripped a dude's throat out with his teeth last night.  That's some serious stuff.



Posted by James at 2:39 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 15 January 2007 2:45 PM CST
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