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Saturday, 13 January 2007
Chinese Teenager Kills Self After Horrific Blind Date
Topic: World News

Before we get to the meat and potatoes of this story, we wish to share our worst moment of blind date humiliation.  After meeting a girl via the local college internet messaging program (first clue right there - ed.), we agreed to meet up with a girl who had sent us pictures of a quite attractive girl in a prom dress.  We did just that, and realized that the pictures of said girl in the dress, while certainly our blind date at one point in her life, we probably about five years old and that this particular model of female had gained a minimum of 40 pounds and a healthy variety of scars and various uglification to her facial area.

Being the gentleman that we were back in the day (not now; we would've induced vomiting and kicked that cow to the curb), we continued to go on the date, which involved dinner and a movie.  After a stomach-churning dining experience where half of the eating establishment's patrons looked on in horror, we cashed it in, went home and cried, and never talked to this land tank again.  The girl in the following story must have been worse.


A 17-year-old Chinese boy hung himself after coming home from a truly terrible blind date, during which he meant a girl from the internet who described herself as a "beautiful 19-year-old."  As it turned out, she was a very ugly 26-year-old who was nothing like she had claimed.  The teenager then promptly went home, stopped eating, and killed himself four days later.

While this is a tragedy, we understand why this boy did what he did.  Sometimes there are things you just cannot un-see.  Let this be a lesson to you possible internet daters; surprisingly, not everybody on the internet is who they claim to be.  Seriously.  We're actually a six-foot-tall muskrat with an undying love for Spagetti-O's. 



Posted by James at 4:26 PM CST
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