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Sunday, 24 December 2006
Welcome to Christmas, We Are Borked
Topic: Housekeeping

Apparently the Jewish mafia (second in anger level only to the gay mafia - ed.) was angry enough with us to partly kill our site.  Not that we're on here that much, but you know, still...

Anyway, before we die completely, we wish everybody a Merry Christmas, as does Mr. Monkey here to the right.  We've had a pretty odd year all in all, but it's turned out pretty well.  Karma exacted some revenge on us for things we have done, and we whipped her lily ass just a bit and escaped from some things completely unharmed.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Festivus, and Horambie! (Kwanza thing) to you all.  Since we also probably won't make it back on here before New Years, we wish you a very safe and enjoyable 2007.  Be safe in whatever it is you do in the holiday season, and thanks for sticking around with us, even through the complete and total droughts.

We cannot die.  Kind of like Meat Loaf's music career.  Seriously, he just released Bat Out of Hell 3.  Who the hell would have thought that?

Posted by James at 12:50 AM CST
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