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Friday, 17 November 2006
Criminal Mastermind Shoots Self During Attempted Kidnapping... Twice
Topic: Stupidity

There are few things that can bring us out of our self-imposed exile; stupidity and animal attacks.  This next story of criminally inclined retards certainly fits the first criterion.

A 23-year-old kidnapper botched the job when after shoving his pistol into his belt, he accidentally set off the trigger, shooting himself in, wait for it... his left testicle.  As he doubled over in pain, the gun fired again, this time striking him in his left calf muscle.

As his 18 and 20-year-old accomplices took off, Ol' One Nut took off, hobbling his sorry ass to the hospital, where he was promptly arrested after being treated.

This is a lesson to all wannabe kidnappers and armed robbers.  You always, always, shove the gun down into your crotch.  After all, we need to rid the world of the possibility of you numbskulls breeding.



Posted by James at 12:02 AM CST
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