Topic: Sports
Back during college, we picked up golf again during the warm Texas summers. Our long drives had not disappeared, but our short game suffered, and we wound up playing like absolute crap most of the time. Of course, consuming a beer a hole really made the 18th a bitch to even get near.
But now a 92-year-old blind man in Florida has smashed our golfing confidence to pieces with his recent hole-in-one, a feat he attempted to downplay. Prick.
Leo Fiyalko nailed a 110-ft par 3 ace at Cove Cay Country Club to become the only blind golfer to ever make a hole in one in the entire country. Actually, we don't have any proof that this hasn't happened before. But if it has, we are certain that all blind golfers should be taken out immediately, because next they're gonna want to drive the carts too.
Fear for your children. Fear for them!