Topic: Sports
More than a year after they were arrested for the possible rape of a young stripper who showed up to a team party, all charges have been dropped against the three Duke lacrosse players who were the center of the investigation, with the Attorney General of North Carolina cramming his cock down the throat of original case prosecutor Mike Nifong.
"This case shows the enormous consequences of overreaching by a prosecutor," Cooper said.
Boom! That's pretty much the response of everybody who still knows what the hell we're talking about. In fact, we haven't heard anything about this since frickin' January, so we're sure that everyone else in America has already come to their own conclusions too and convicted the three players already in their minds. But check out the Fox Sports story below to ge the whole scoop, since we're momentarily stopping pina colada night at HOD HQ.
Oh yeah, and none of the guys on the team that were charged ever went back to Duke. Way to go Nifong. We hope you're disbarred for incompetency.